
MORGENTAA (English Version)

After a decade of vanishing from the public eye, Morgentaa reappeared. Her former title, the Purple Crystal Witch, had now changed to the Demon Witch. The title change had complex reasons, one of which stemmed from a bloody tragedy in the Tuli-Tuli Mountains of Murch, the territory controlled by the Hawk Clan. Morgentaa became the sole sorceress to survive unscathed from among the 345 best sorcerers. Amid the longstanding dark rumors and the people who had once been close to her, Morgentaa chose a different path for her reappearance: to uncover the mastermind behind the tragedies of her past. However, to achieve this goal, Morgentaa faced intricate obstacles after discovering the involvement of influential figures who were difficult to reach. ---%--- The cover is sourced from Pixels and edited by Dhie Kaviar.

Dhie_Kaviar · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Shamash's name is known as the leader of the Hawk clan, with a biological son and an adopted daughter, Erhillmen and Morgentaa. However, there's a fact unknown to the public, but not by chance - Morgentaa knew. Although Eleuther appeared puzzled as if accused, instead of being surprised at being caught, Morgentaa wasn't naïve about Eleuther's skillful play of expressions.

"I am truly Shurabh's child, not Shamash's," Eleuther said so calmly.

Morgentaa clearly remembered that Chairman Shamash had indeed instructed Eleuther to address him as father. People didn't question Chairman Shamash's decision because they had their suspicions about the reasons. So when young Eleuther, Erhillmen, and Morgentaa felt like siblings because they all called Chairman Shamash father.

"Shamash's elder son fled from home and married a common woman. He became a wanderer due to his desires. He had an accident in a horse-drawn carriage with his heavily pregnant wife," Morgentaa said, "even though they had promised Chairman Shamash and Grandfather Syamanta to return to the Hawk clan one week later."

Eleuther continued, "Due to concern, Father Shamash searched for Father Shurabh. But it was too late. Father had already passed away, and Mother had suffered severe bleeding and injuries."

"Chairman Shamash helped with the birthing process and brought you back to the Hawk clan one week earlier. Alone. An orphan since birth," Morgentaa added.

"That's correct," said Eleuther.

Morgentaa stood up, approached, and looked into Eleuther's eyes. "Wrong. Uncle Shurabh, his wife, and the unborn child died on the spot because that accident is referred to as a bloody tragedy at the beginning of the year 5055 NE."

Eleuther reacted with a silent laugh. "That's just your opinion. Do you know my nickname? The Miracle Child. A nickname I've had since birth for surviving that terrible accident."

Morgentaa clapped her hands in front of Eleuther's face - just once. This made Eleuther blink once too. "I told you, only you understand my meaning," Morgentaa said.

Eleuther smiled. "But I don't understand your meaning."

Morgentaa jeered, "How about if Kak Erhillmen finds out about this?"

"He won't think much of it because it's not the truth," Eleuther replied, sitting down after Morgentaa had.

"Alright, if my words were wrong. Even though I know the identity of the mistress," Morgentaa stared at Eleuther and smiled victoriously upon seeing the trembling fingers of the dark-skinned man.

Silence reigned for a few moments. Then, Eleuther took a deep breath. "What do you want?"

Morgentaa was satisfied to see tears welling up in Eleuther's eyes. She approached and wiped away the tears still in the corners of his eyes with her thumb, then licked her thumb. "Simple. Be a supporter while I'm in the Hawk clan."

Eleuther closed his eyes for a few moments, took a breath, gripped Morgentaa's hand, and narrowed the gap between them until their noses almost touched. "I thought you were just pretending to remember how graceful you were before, but it seems your lack of manners is real now. So, I don't need to pretend either, right?" Eleuther's hand ventured toward Morgentaa's thumb and licked it right where Morgentaa had licked before.

It would be a lie to say that Morgentaa wasn't surprised. Eleuther's behavior was like that of a person with a split personality. His expressions, gazes, and aura were so different, as if he were a different person. It was quite terrifying and thrilling.

Morgentaa's other hand released its grip on Eleuther slowly while returning his gaze without blinking. "I knew this would be a complicated adventure."

"Yes, very complicated," Eleuther conveyed his hunch. After all, he had the sensitivity to gauge the situation and read circumstances. And if this was the game Morgentaa wanted to play, then he wouldn't lose. From the beginning, even before the news of Morgentaa's arrival spread like feathers in the wind, Eleuther had been suspecting the purpose of the sudden return.

Based on these uncertain suspicions, he wanted a meeting with Morgentaa, just the two of them, in a situation that required open conversation. As Morgentaa had abandoned her claim to the Hawk clan's leadership succession, she must have a personal reason for reappearing so suddenly after her departure - which was also sudden.

However, he hadn't expected that Morgentaa would interrogate him first. So Eleuther chose to step back one pace to follow the course Morgentaa desired.

Morgentaa said, "A personal investigation into the tragedy from ten years ago. That's what I want."

"I thought you wouldn't be so forthright. Good thing I can sleep soundly." Eleuther lay down, using the soft cushioned seating as a pillow.

"Don't tell me you brought me here just to—"

"Yes! To ask for the reason behind your public spectacle and your visit here." Eleuther lay on his side, supporting his head with one hand.

Absurd according to Morgentaa. Eleuther's curiosity wasn't just about that. Her adoptive brother was wilder than the calm he presented to the public.

Eleuther closed one of his eyes. "Consider the information you've given me as payment for my curiosity."

Morgentaa had to take note of this. The man was unpredictable, rightly considered the most fearsome specter in the Hawk clan. Of course, that assumption didn't apply to everyone. Eleuther didn't have a bad reputation. His perfect disguise!

Alright, let's forget about that. She had already decided that Eleuther had to support her.

"Take it," Morgentaa tossed a small scroll that she had taken from her storage pocket—a dimensional pocket with storage space a hundred times larger than its original size.

Eleuther sat back up, opened the scroll, and displayed an expression of relief and happiness. "Thank you."

As far as Morgentaa knew, Eleuther had no knowledge of his biological mother's identity. It had been hidden so well from birth, so he only knew what had been permitted, and he had no ability to search further.

Chairman Shamash has determined Eleuther's identity as his nephew - for who knows how long.

Morgentaa is unsure as well. The death of Uncle Shurabh's family and Eleuther's sudden arrival are too coincidental. Perhaps, Ketua Shamash was the mastermind behind that horrifying accident at the beginning of the year, so Eleuther could enter as a clan member and essential family without tarnishing the clan's reputation or his own.

But ... doesn't Eleuther consider that possibility?

Morgentaa's gaze probes deeper. There is belief as well as doubt in his heart, making him increasingly uneasy. No matter, he thinks to himself with a long exhale.

Eleuther rolls up his paper. "Tell me, what should I do?"

"I think you will soon meet your mother."

"Not yet. Besides, her residence is far from Murch, and I need to investigate further to confirm the accuracy of this data," Eleuther says, "but I don't like delaying work. I will start fulfilling your needs now. If this data is wrong, I will stop unilaterally."

Morgentaa chuckles. "Go ahead, I don't mind because deception isn't to my taste."

Eleuther lies back down. "Hey, you're the one who asked me out, right? Usually, people who go on a date hold hands with their partners. Since we're not going anywhere, how about you sleep next to me?"

"If someone heard what you just said, they would likely rub their ears multiple times to make sure their hearing is still functioning," Morgentaa says, standing up to leave the reading room as his business is considered complete. "Moreover, I'm not in the mood for you."

"Oh, how cruel. I haven't satisfied my curiosity yet," Eleuther says.

"Do I have to satisfy your curiosity?"

Eleuther tilts his head slightly as Morgentaa approaches the door. "Hey, my Adopted Sibling, the famous sorcerer from the demon region, Dark Morgentaa, are you really still a sorcerer?"