
1, Part Two - Sign of Foreboding Danger

Her delicate fingers took off the black veil letting her golden blond hair sprang free. People from high society literally gaped in amazement as her face became clear in view. The demoiselle looked down at them from the grand staircase then her thin lips curved into an enchanting smile. A smile so angelic, she should have wings!

"WHOA!'' A collective gasped from the crowd.

Heart shaped face. Angled, full black eyebrows and thick, long eyelashes. High, thin and pointed nose. Natural rosy cheeks. Velvety honey skin. And most importantly, her charmer asset, pair of amber eyes.

Approximately less than a million of the world population possess such a rare color of eyes. It just happens, Care is one of the blessed few. She possesses a beauty unrivaled, too. How perfect can she be!

People pushed and pulled against each other competing to give her their good graces.

"Truly, diamond of the first water." Skylar complimented, taking her hand to kiss it.

The gentleman is a Rivas, an heir to their mining and construction businesses.

Another intercepted, "Your jewelry paled in comparison to your beauty, Milady."

It is no other than Alder, belonging from the old rich clan of Legazpi. Their haciendas are rumored to be as big as a whole city! But, indeed, there lies truth in his words. The low neckline of her dress flaunted her ruby heirloom yet it failed to catch eyes. Its value diminished against the beautiful beholder Caress Aragon.

This is what I deserved: the world is mine to claim, she thought while she entertained more and more admirers.

She smiled here and there ignoring the glares or even apparent snickers of girls her age. It does not at all bother her. She thrives in their envy because through their gossip, her name spreads like wildfire. What a way to benefit!

In her peripheral vision, she caught the familiar man serving a group of girls their wine glasses. Her blood boiled upon witnessing how one of them puts up a cute face, caressing his arm right after. Everything blurred in sight except for the harlot's act of blatant groping.

"The heck!" she almost hissed, unaware of herself marching to their place.

The group turned their attention towards her changing the mood real quick. They lost their flirty smiles. Care tried her best to beam at them but it still appeared as a scowl.

"Eli." She called.

His impassive dark eyes landed on her matched with nonchalant expression. She smiled, anyway. Eliseo Manaloto is the sole man who repels away from her, always. Never bewitched by her beauty, never talked to her, never showed his kind eyes!

"Can I have a glass of water, please!" She appealed in sweet pitch.

"The lady needs water." He announced this loud and clear.

Gentlemen rushed everywhere as if Eli suddenly hosted a 'Bring me Game'. Suppressing her irritation, she fisted her knuckles causing them to turn white. In less than a minute, Lark was first to comply. As much as she wanted to roll her eyes, many were watching her like hawks.

"We'd like to implore Lady Caress to lead the first dance. Choose your companion and make him the luckiest lad tonight!" The mistress of the ceremony called for her.

"El---" she paused because the man she intended to dance with was far from reach now, busy entertaining yet another group of girls!

"How dare that pauper... !" she cussed.

Her pride could only bear so much rejection for a day, hence she surveyed other respectable bachelors around. A lot were too mature or old. Seems like the remaining best prospects were Skylar and Alder. However, going with Skylar means she must certainly entertain him as what recent rumors hinted. On the other hand, if she chooses Alder, she must endure the touchy maniac. At the last second, she realized she forgot another candidate!

She glanced up at Lark, her safest bet, "Lead the way."

Her bold declaration stoned Lark on his stance. When she offered her hand to him, he felt close to fainting. To make things worse, his face flushed super red. He thinks he could die out of embarrassment but will live a thousand times for this moment.

"Lead the way." She nudged.

Heaving a deep sigh, his hand touched hers until their fingers clasped together. Care inhaled sharply, feeling his ice-cold skin.

How cute!

Lark Salvador. Mayor's son. Sort of a wallflower. NGSB. Because of these reasons, he fitted the role as her partner. Choosing him as dance partner signifies her benevolence. It probably would choke her haters to utmost envy. Ha-ha!

Rather than merely focusing on eligible men, she gave equal attention to a shy boy. The unprejudiced Caress Aragon who possesses no delicate standards to men sounds good to her ears. She inwardly celebrated.

"Lark's such a darling, I'll give him that." She voiced in her mind while trying to catch his timid eyes.

She felt everyone's gaze followed every move, spin and turn they did on the dancefloor. Surely after, Lark shall be praised for taking the most beautiful maiden to the dance... but it was the least of the things she should dread.There was no 'after' for her! She remained on the dancefloor, passed like a baton stick to one person then another. It seems that she will only finish if she dances with the entire number of bachelor attendees tonight.

"May I cut in?"

Her ears itched upon hearing the same phrase repeated over and over again. She even feared they'd bleed.

"May I cut in?" an oddly familiar voice spoke once more.

She jumped to the arms of the asking bastard, never minding if the guy holding her thinks it is rude. She does not even remember his name for crying out loud!

"Is your beauty a blessing... or a curse?" his present partner probed right next to her ear that sent thousands of shivers to her whole being.

For unexplainable reasons, she felt haunted that it took a while for her to turn. Too late, though. Another stranger is definitely approaching but nowhere was the man who whispered. He was gone before she could know who he was.

In case you didn't know, NGSB is acronym for No Girlfriend Since Birth.

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