
More Than They Think I Am

Princess Althea thinks turning 21 means she'll finally be her own woman and earn the love and respect of her mother. What she doesn't know is that her birthday, meeting a strange person will trigger a chain of events that will forever change her life.

I_heart_mhee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


"The alchemists in of my kingdom have found a way to cure the phantom disease that's been plaguing most of our animals. We however will need funds to develop the cure and have it distributed to the affected kingdoms."

Prince Ben stated folding his hands on the very long wooden table before him. Since his father had his stroke last two months, he seemed to have matured. He looked around the table expectantly.

"Seeing as my kingdom is one of the most affected, I'll gladly donate some money to this cause." Queen Elise said.

"So will I." King seconded.

And then more rulers started to pitch in. Prince Ben who had been recording the names of the investors promised to inform them of the latest developments.

"Now that that's all done with, I would like to make a proposal." King Alan who as the host was seated at the head of the table began. "For a new rule that I will adopt in my kingdom and would also like you too to adopt." He paused surveying the room to make sore he had everyone's attention.

"I believe the rise in the number of orphaned and abandoned children is not only in my kingdom?" He recieved murmurs of agreement. "I would like to propose that we claim kill these children." My eyes widened. "They are of no benefit to our kingdoms. Encouraging them would lead to overpopulation which some of our kingdoms are already suffering. They already steal as it is. No one os accountable for them. We can't have such liabilities running about."

"Or we take them in, feed them, clothe them and assign them labour in return for our generosity." volunteered Otis. His uncle gave him a look.

"But that can be done for free. We can take care of them with no cost on their part." Queen Elise said.

"We can do that," Otis said. "But think of the benefits of cutting costs on labour. This will save the money we spend on our workers."

"But they're children." Princess Afra exclaimed.

"A mentality like that is the reason your kingdom is one of the least well-off." Princess Afra sank back in her seat her shoulders sagging in shame at King Alan's remark. "I will adopt this new rule in Aldera. I only brought it forth to seek partners. Please signify by raising your hand if you agree."

Not many people would dare go against the second most powerful ruler in the world. Not when they would most likely need his help one day. I was horrified that most people were raising their hands. My mother was also part of those people. I looked to Otis who caught my gaze and shrugged.

"King Alan, with all due respect, I see no point to this rule." I interrupted. My mother shot me a warning glare. "No one ever complained that about these children. You rule one of the richest kingdoms in the world. You don't need to do that."

King Alan smiled tightly. "Princess Althea, your compassion is admirable." I knew that wasn't what he really wanted to say. "But this is business and it has no room for compassion. Isn't it enough that we won't have to kill the children anymore?"

"They have no choice. They're just going to become your slaves-," My mother's heel came down on my foot with enough force to quiet me. I was surprised I didn't cry out in pain. I smiled tightly. "My apologies, King Alan. Indeed, you've been merciful enough."

He beamed. "Excellent, Princess Althea."

The young rulers looked at me with disappointment. Princess Elise's face was the most disappointed. She looked like she'd expected better from me.

"I believe this brings us to the end of the meeting. Would anyone like to share any announcements?"

"Yes, I would." My mother said picking the glass of water that sat before her. "I would like to announce the engagement of my daughter, Althea to Prince Otis of this kingdom. Their wedding comes up in a month."

No one made a sound. I guessed they were all surprised. This was news to me too. The only people who didn't look surprised were Otis and my mother.

King Alan cleared his throat. "Well, I believe this calls for a celebration. Why don't we go and rest for some hours and come back by 8 o'clock to celebrate this wonderful news.

I felt numb as I found my way back to my room. My mother didn't even look my way. Neither as she made the announcement nor as she received congratulations from well wishers. I had barely managed to escape them myself.

That hellish meeting had only taken one and a half hours and yet it felt like more. I had three hours to prepare to go out and pretend I knew all about this. Pretend that I- not my mother- had accepted whatever proposal had come.

Easy... not