
More Than one 40 short stories

more than one is a set of 40 short stories with five categories, and a few have their own sets of mysterious tales. romance, royal, horror ( crime/mystery, death/hauntings), fan fiction, and the supernatural world( vampires, witches, angels/demons, and fairies)

LegendsLostStories · Fantasy
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40 Chs

the secret witness


Homicide unit- Detective Lilith Marshalls office

What felt like a normal day was becoming slow. None of us in this unit can crack this case. Im starting to have more dead ends than clues. That was until she came in. I heard a bit of commotion when I heard, " Please, I need to speak with Detective Marshall. I know who was there that night."

I got up from my desk and rushed over there, " Excuse me ma'am my name is Detective Marshall. You wanted to speak with me?" She pleaded, " Yes please, I know who may have killed amethyst." I was in shock, I thought we got everyone's statements, but maybe she was scared to come forth. " Alright, ma'am please follow me to my office."

Once we got back to my office, " Okay, ma'am im going to need to ask you a few questions, can I get you anything to drink before we start?" She shook her head no, " No thank you, detective." I sat down behind my desk and grabbed a form, I asked, " Alright ma'am I'm going to need your name, age date of birth, and where you were the night of what happened." And so she did,


AGE: 86

D.O.B: FEBUARY 24.1937

" Alright, Ms. Stafford. Can you best describe to me what happened or what you saw?" she nodded, " It was the night of Halloween. Eight days before she died."


Journees pov

I wore a witch costume that night and passed out candy to all the trick-or-treaters on the block. The kids were so adorable and innocent. Having the time of their lives on all hallows night. But when the night ended and every jack-o-lantern and porch light went out, things took a turn for the worse. I heard pattering footsteps and giggles next door, but I heard a horrific scream afterward, I was terrified to call the police because of what was left on my door the next morning. I grabbed my cleaning gloves and a Ziploc bag and grabbed them off the door.

Present day: homicide unit-Detective Lilith Marshall's office

Lilith's pov

" I have it with me, detective," She handed it to me and it was a horrific note with what looked like dried blood, " Alright thank you Ms. Stafford. I'll give this to forensics. You did a good thing coming forward, and no one will know about this for your safety alright? We are doing our best to catch the killer. Thank you for giving this information." She nodded, " Please catch this killer Detective. We don't need more innocent lives taken."

I sighed, "I know, that's why I joined the police. To try and do my best to help keep the community safe. I wish you the best of safety, Ms. Stafford." 

AUTHORS NOTE- Remember this is all fiction- not real. Anything dealing with outside events is pure coincidence. I barely keep up with the news anymore anyways. Please please keep that in mind.