
Little brother

Sky drags him out, she gives him a hard glare.

"You wanted to know why I was here, didn't you?" he smirks at her.


"Shameless? It's fine, just for you." He shrugs.

"Shut up. I still don't like you. You are a spy, that is what I know you for, and you are a danger. I am done here, you can leave." She crosses her arms.

"It is fine if you don't like me, I can make that happen, but I am not a danger, I promise. I was only doing what I was told to do, I am not bad."


"Fine, let me see Aunt Becky and Jazz before I go."

"That won't be necessary."

"Please, I promise I will leave once I say bye to them." He pleads.

"Whatever, I don't care what you do, all I know is you should leave at once." She leaves.

Alex smiles as he follows her.


In the dark room,

"How can this be happening, the ascendant, I don't have it. And that traitor is not back." Melinda laments.

At first she wanted to leave it after she found out that Sky destroyed it, but on second thought the dark magic that came out of her was extremely strong.

How can she leave a power like that? It would be a waste. Betty's own is okay to also use, but there is a difference between the person that is doing the spell and someone who counters it.

"That traitor should make it snappy, he is wasting too much of my time."

Then someone appears.

"My lady." The person bows.

"How is the coven doing?" Melinda asked.

"The east wing witches are still after the blood suckers. The head Gemini witches will be heading to Mystic Quest on Monday as you have instructed. We are still searching for the latest Gemini witches that are heretics, they can be very dangerous." The person informs.

"Do those heretics siphon?" Melinda asked.

"Yes, my lady."

Siphoning is when a witch who does not have a power of his or her own draws magic from another witch to perform a spell or a ritual. They are known to be one of the strongest.

The Samuels family, the silver queen, the siphon witches, the tribrid, the heretics, and the Gemini are termed to be the strongest of all witches. The tribrids are still unknown.

Now the witches discovered Gemini's that are heretics and siphon at the same time, which means they can be very dangerous.

"Interesting," she smirks, but one can't see her, because no one has ever seen her face, except Alex. "What else?"

"The witches are curious to know what you look like, ever since you became the queen we don't know what our queen looks like. Which has everyone thinking, what you look like and they are being curious." The person said but some of the words were omitted.

"Hmm, I see. Noted. Anything else?" she asked again.

"Nothing my lady." The person bows and disappears.

Melinda frowns, "why are they being curious? That traitor still has not shown himself here." She can't access anything that has to do with the sky again, except when he leaves that place. And it is really frustrating.


Damon has been thinking about what his witch told him the other time after the incident happened, he still could not understand.

Purity is very good at talking in parables, though her words earlier were clear, but she didn't give any full detail, making it look hard to solve.

He decided to let the sky know, he freshened up and drove off to Jazz's house.

He arrives at her place, the securities are already aware of who he is to their young lady, so without saying much, he is allowed in.

He enters the sitting room, only to see another guy, a silver hair guy, who is currently backing him. Jazz noticed him and smiled.

'Why does this guy look like Alex?'

"Hey, you came. You didn't let me know you were coming." She hugs him.

Immediately Alex turns to see who Jazz is talking to, it is really surprising. He smiles at Damon, while the latter gives him a hard glare.

"What a small world, isn't it?" he had a smug smile.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked him.

The others look at these two, looking very confused.

"That's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot." The smug smile not leaving his face.

"Do you guys know each other?" Jazz asked.

"My lovely baby brother." Alex smiles and walks up to Damon and hugs him, while the other doesn't move, "I have missed you so much. Didn't you miss me?"

"I see. I didn't."

"You are hurting my feelings." He fakes a cry. "How is my precious Purity, send my regards to her, ill treat her nicer next time, I am not bad."

"Quit bluffing." Damon rolls his eyes.

"So can someone tell me what is happening here?" Sky asked, looking impatient with these two.

"He is my little brother like I said the last of us." Alex answered.

"What is that supposed to mean? You are a witch and he is a werewolf, can you explain?" Sky asked.

"Some things are better to not be known, I'll be leaving, bye Aunt Becky, bye sister in-law." Alex smirks.

Jazz scoffs, 'sister in law? Already?'

"Bye love *referring to sky* Bye little brother.* he disappears.

"Love my ass." Sky mumbles.

"Guys, I will be heading to the airport, my flight is in the next twenty minutes." Aunt Becky informs.

"Okay let us see you off." Jazz said.

"No it's fine, I will have the chauffeur drive me. See you guys, have a nice time and avoid troubles please." She smiles at them.

"Sure." Jazz hugs her.

"This is our secret aunt, mom must not know." Sky hugs her.

"Sure dear, trust me." Then she leaves.

"He is my elder brother and…" Damon tries to explain the situation that just happened.

"You don't have to say it, if it is personal. Say it anytime you are ready." Jazz stops him.

But Sky is not buying that at all, she is so curious to know how a witch and a werewolf are related. At first she was just curious about Alex, but now she is curious about his whole family and she will get to the bottom of this.


Ella finally came up with an annoying idea, she moves closer to them, while the other two are so engrossed in their tour.

"Hey, I think I left my phone in the car, could you get it for me." She whispers to Emily, to avoid Raymond from hearing, "you don't have to tell him, he won't agree and I really want to use it, please." She adds in, knowing full well that she was about to tell him.

"I like this place, but I was not treated nice."

"Are we still on that topic? I punished him for what he did." Raymond turns to her, by then Emily has gone already.

"It's been long since I came here." She smile

"You came here only once, stop acting like you frequently visit." He scoffs, "besides you caused a wreck and I had to clean up the mess you caused."

"How dare you?" she fumes, making Raymond laugh.

"Have you ever thought of being a vampire before?" he suddenly asked.

"Yes, before I came here and I threw that idea away after what happened." Her face darkens.

"Oh I see, so what was the reason you wanted to be one?" he asked curiously.

"Mask? I guess you and I. Mask taught me a lot and he made me see that you guys are not always bad and it made me desire to be one and you taught me how to be a crazy bitch after I lost him." She smiled painfully.

Raymond smiled at her, "it is okay, let's forget about it." He looks around, "where is Emily?"

His fear was coming true, those annoying vampires should better not touch her.

Ella looks around too, then she smiles inwardly, she already has the idea of where she is and what is happening over there, now she will take action on her own.

"I will look for her this way, you should also look for her the other way." She suggested as she pointed another direction to Raymond, where he would be far away from them.

She doesn't mean any harm to Emily, all she wants is revenge, that's all. She walks straight to that place.

Raymond looks at her, "something is quite off with the way she is behaving, what is she up to." He has lived with her for years now, so he knows when she is acting out.


"So what brings you?" Sky asked, sounding displeased at everything that is happening, even though she is trying to cover up.

Damon noticed the change, but it is not her fault, so there is no need to pick an offense.

"Purity called..."

Sky cuts in, "you mean the one your brother just talked about?"

"Yes. She is a witch and there was something she told me, so I don't know if you have any idea about it, as the witch that you are." He explains to them what she told him.

Sky frowns immediately. "What is this all about?" she asked, looking unhappy.

"What is wrong with Sky? Is something bad going to happen?" Jazz asked out of curiosity.

"Something bigger than that. How did she know?" she asked him.

"I don't know, but she is a witch." Damon scratches his head.

"I will have to ask Aunt Becky."

"Please Sky I hope nobody will get hurt, I am scared." She hugs Damon, while the latter caresses her hair.

"I hope so too." Sky mumbles. 'I will have to practice more magic, this is going to be very interesting, my top priority now is Jazlyn.'