
More than blue

Romance takes place as a twenty four years old popular singer falls in love at first encounter with a thirty four years old divorcee with cancer. Will they be able to overcome all obstacles and rumors?

Antonia_kosi · Realistic
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14 Chs

Chapter six

"you're going to go through tough times_that's life. But I say,"Nothing happens to you, it happens for you" see the positive in negative events" _ Joel osteen


Can't believe it's been clearly a month since I met my Cara Mia, but it feel just like yesterday. We've gotten quite close though. I just can't get her off my mind. I noticed that what the woman who sold groceries beside Ash had said was true. I kept on wandering if she just goes for checkups or she is really sick. I would do anything just to get close to Ash...my Ash. I'd lost my Dad as a child to a plane crash and had been brought up by my mum who was my pillar, She taught me all I needed to know, and determination was one of them and I'm determined to make Ash to love me at any cost. I laid down on my bed, checked my phone and it was ten pm, I wondered if calling Ash would sound improper, I was badly missing her cause we haven't spoken since this morning. After much thinking, I decided to dare the devil and call. I was feeling so uneasy so I wanted to hear her voice. I dialed the number but she didn't pick, so I decided to call for a second time. Once again, I dialed the number and just when it was about to end, she picked it.

"Hello" She called faintly over the phone which made me worried

"What's wrong your voice sounds faint" I asked and she coughed slightly which made me worry the more.

"I'm..I'm..fine ,just a slight fever" she replied but not minding if it was severe or not, I need to go see her in order for me to sleep well this night. I know it's already late but nevertheless I will go see her. I made a call to my family doctor but he didn't answer, so I had to go find a pharmacist that was open by that time. I searched for long until I saw one that was and bought some fever drugs. I headed towards Ashley's house and made a stop. I came down from my car and entered the compound. I got to her door and knocked, but no answer. I got worried, "What if she fainted?" went through my mind, and just as I was about to enter, I noticed the doorknob twist and the door opened. And there she stood, with her body covered thoroughly with heavy blankets, her skin looked pale and my heart skipped a beat.

"What are you doing here?" she asked slightly..."I'm fine, so you can go ba....". I cut in before she could complete the statement.

"No", I said firmly and made my way into the house

"I didn't ask you to enter" She said faintly while holding onto the blanket

"Well I am already in" I said. Ash closed the door and Sat down on sofa as she shivered a little. I stood up from the chair I sat down on and checked her body temperature and it was extremely high. I quickly brought out the drugs I had bought for her, made my way to the kitchen and brought a bottled water from the fridge. I gave them to her and she drank without hesitation."Do you ever cook? your kitchen looks neat and you have lots of provisions" I asked

"i cook most times....Thanks for the drugs" She thanked me

"no need" I said. She laid down on the sofa looking very sick, so I had to soak a towel into a cool water to place on her forehead and it helped to stop the fever. Some minutes later, she fell asleep. I carried her to her room and placed her on the bed gently, and covered her with the duvet and Sat down on the floor while holding her hand. How cute she looked while sleeping....gosh this woman will be the death of me, I can't wait for her to accept me into her heart. I can't just take my eyes off her, looking so ethereal. I watched her as she went deep into her sleep. I didn't know when I fell asleep too.

I was woken up by the sound of plates, I opened my eyes and noticed Ashley wasn't on bed anymore. I quickly got up to look for her and found her making breakfast.

"You should have woken me up if you were hungry" I said

"You were sound asleep so I decided to make breakfast for us" she replied with a smile as she dished the food_ Two plates of pancakes with tea. " I wanted to wake you up when the food was ready"

"How can you make breakfast when you are sick? You should have woken me up, I don't want you to stress yourself" I said worriedly

"I'm okay now thanks to you" she said as we took a seat at the dining to eat. I looked around as I didn't last light because it was late. I saw a picture of her and a man that stood at the table. it looked dusty so I observed she doesn't clean it. I became jealous of her standing so close to a man as I imagined what they did. I felt the urge to ask her who the man was.

"Is he your boyfriend?" I asked making an eye signal to the frame. I noticed her mood changed as she dropped her spoon. Damn! I choose a timing for this question.

"My ex husband". She replied looking at the picture closely. She is divorced! ....I thought of it before but I didn't want to believe it to be true. How can a man leave such a Damsel.

"We got separated five years ago that would be when I was twenty nine" she said. Wait! a ten years age gap? OMG! she looks so young.

"I think he's blind.... he married an Angel but didn't appreciate it" I said as I sipped the tea in front of me. I'm kinda happy cause at least she isn't married so I don't have to worry about any man.

"we were married for three years then suddenly the love, the affection, care and everything ceased. I noticed he started keeping his distance from me and I later discovered about his affair with a female co_woker, I filed for a divorce. We were so in love before, or should I rephrase it ,I loved him so dearly, I gave up my chance of being a top writer for him but it ended up in vain, consequently, all I do now is just to focus on my novels and my work at the library then house. I don't do anything more than this"

"Then you are living a boring life" I said "I wish I were the lucky man to get married to you....an Angel"

"Well that's all in the past now, I don't want to think about him" she said as we continued eating in silence.

I kept on wondering how a man can leave someone like Ashley. At this point, I wish I'd been born earlier so I'd have met her. I noticed her house was in order, she looks like the neat freak type. The interior design looked dull though, but the house was okay. When I went through her house the other night, I saw some packet of drugs but I didn't bother to check the drugs out because she was sick. I saw some old pictures of hers when she was much younger, I must admit she looked much more beautiful. She must have gotten her beauty from her mum.

I got home that day and relaxed on my bed, I cancelled my days activities just to look after her. Ashley had gone to the library, we debated for a long time on her going to the library, I was against it but unfortunately, she won the argument and I accepted. I laid on my bed as I gazed at the ceiling, when I got a call from a jewellery shop that had wanted me to advertise for them. I answered the call and we talked on the date for the advertisement, and ended the call. Just immediately, I got a call from my mum

" Hello" I called

"You totally forgot about me...You don't care to call to ask how I'm faring" she complained

"C'mon mum, you know I can't forget you for an reason, I just have a lot at hand recently so I didn't get an ..." I was interrupted by my mum before I could complete my statement.

" you're always busy...by the way, I met an old friend of mine the other day, and she has a daughter, a very beautiful girl, I want you to meet her" she said with a childish voice to compel into doing her request.

" mummy....I'm busy, I don't have time for all that" I said rejecting the offer in a nice tone.

"She's very educated and sensible than all those whores you bring home all the time, I noticed you haven't brought any girl home recently after your last breakup so I thought you wanted to settle down one and stick to one woman"

"I've changed mum, I don't want to around those girls anymore, I've someone I like already so I can't go on blind dates or she'll be angry" I lied

"stop this...You think you can fool me?... I'm not a child anymore, so those lies ain't for me. Just do me this little favor and go on this one blind date only, if you don't like the girl then you can decline it, I just want what's best for you as a mother" she said pitifully. My mum had always been like that, the kind, caring, stubborn type. I know she wants what best for me but I have to declin the offer. I don't feel comfortable being around other girls nowadays unlike before but now , I only want to be around my Cara Mia, being around other women makes me uncomfortable. My Cara Mia is the only woman on my mind right now and the only woman that I want to think of and to be around with and not others who wants my money or fame and gives fake love. Even if they offer me true love, I'd still decline it cause my mind has already been made up.

"Mum just stop trying to coerce me into going on the bling date cause I won't" I rejected firmly

"just trust me, she really is a good and loveable girl, I bet you'd like her" she kept on insisting on me going to the blind date and I finally accepted because I didn't want her to keep on pestering me about it.

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