
Moors and the Pillars of Salt

Many great sacrifices were made to bring these two beings into existence. Souls destroyed, and the very laws of the universe were broken. But that's just how desperate and humiliated they were. Witches created Vampires. Druids created Werewolves and Buddhist Summoned Dragons. What about the Voodoist? (Witch Doctors). On the brink of Extinction, they’ve finally created supernatural beings to protect them. What will the rest of the Supernatural community do in response? Adonis and Natasha Garvey were the definitions of a future power couple. Adonis became a well-known lawyer at the age of 23, and Natasha became a famous surgeon at 24. On their honeymoon to New Orleans, they would get kidnapped, which would change their life forever.

A_lucid_Dreamer · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 6:Meeting

Raven and The Shadowman appear in a tourist shop with a loft above it.

Currently, in the loft, the Shadowman Sits down on the couch and turns on "Rick and Borty"

Raven looks at him with an annoyed expression

"What are you doing?" She asks

"Watching this amazing cartoon on The Adult Swim. It's hilarious, oh and have you heard of something called Anime? The moving pictures you have on this box are truly amazing and entertaining." The Shadowman says as he kicks his feet up.

"I see that, and of course anime is amazing, but that's not what I'm talking about, Master," Raven says

"We just completed the transfer that took decades of work. We now have champions and guardians to protect us. Shouldn't we start making our moves within the Supernatural community? I thought you said you could control them once they have awakened. Raven said, pacing back and forth in the loft.

"Calm down, my child. Once those smelly dogs knew of my return, they were already at bay, which gave us time to enact our true plan. The beings we have recreated are the oldest of the old. They can't simply be controlled but Manipulated." The Shadowman says.

"With all due respect, Master, the two candidates we have chosen are as sharp as a blade; they will not be manipulated easily. Now they inhabit the bodies of the first-ever supernatural beings. Are you still that confident in manipulating them?" Raven asked with a worried expression as she drank a glass of water.

"Ahh yes, the Decayed. I can not believe my descendants, and I have recreated them. Our ancestors would be proud. But to the topic at hand, yes, I still believe I can. They have entered a world they have no knowledge of, and it is in their nature to help people. Let's just hope that the body swap didn't change the core of their nature. Although, that would be more interesting." The Shadowman laughed.

Raven shakes her head as she pulls out her cell phone.

"Brother, it's done. Call a meeting. It's time to discuss the future of The Valley of the Shadow of Death.


Later that night at a Disclosed Location

"Thank you all for attending this emergency meeting. The subjects have synchronized faster than we could have protected." Raven said at the table that surrounded four others.

The table was round, with everyone facing each other. Three men and one other woman sat at the table. A man spoke up among them; he was in his late 30s with dark brown skin and a well-maintained beard.

"Great, where are they? Are they still back at the factory?" the Bearded man asked.

Raven looks to her right at the Shadowman sitting in the corner of the room.

"To put it simply, they have synchronized too well and too fast. They have complete control over their bodies and minds, and given what we just did to them, it is no surprise that they tried to kill us the moment they got the chance. Raven said.

The room fell silent.

The other women at the table started to speak up. She had a curly afro with chocolate brown skin. She was in her early 20s.

"What?! This is unacceptable, Raven! As the Mistress and Master of this organization, we expected you to have this under control far.

"Sister Zoey, I understand your frustration, but this may be better than we first realized. With their full consciousness intact, they will be better champions and guardians instead of just a regular Chimera summon." Raven argued.

"That is not the point, Child." An Elder man said at the table.

Raven tries not to make eye contact with the older man.

"Hundreds of our brothers and sisters were sacristies to see this plan through. Even the slightest error is a disgrace to their sacrifice." The Elder man said.

"Moses, be easy on your granddaughter. Everything in life cannot be calculated." The Shadowman said.

Moses, the Elder man, signed.

"Me passing the Master Position to you at such a young age could be a fault of my own. Do not let these other Elders or me down. Get this situation under control. Moses said

"I will, grandpa, I mean Elder Moses. Let's keep in mind some of the key factors in all of this. These two individuals are very intelligent in their own right. It will not take them long to seek us out for the information we know. Meanwhile, let's watch them from afar and try to convince them they are not our enemies.

"Even with the presence of the Shadowman, The Platinum wolves are still making advances on us. It is only a matter of time before they try to take away our territory completely." the other man at the table said.

"Then it's time to take our stance with them. They have pushed us around for far too long. They have forgotten the fear The Valley of the Shadow of Death brings. Let us go remind them." Raven says as she concludes the meeting