

Moonwalker is the story of an extremely powerfully skilled lady in the land of Bloodrock named Rona of Ti'gen, trained to kill and utilize a special feminine life force within. With her skills and abilities, she finds herself caught up in the saga of a furious war between the 10 kingdoms of Bloodrock, and a prophecy of a great calamity that befalls the land, one which a sentinel would surface and redeem Bloodrock from. In a land as gruesome as Bloodrock, the famous and infamous Moonwalker must be more than just an unstoppable weapon to perhaps liberate her land, or die trying.

SpectreTheWriter · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Back in the cave, during our war and strategy lessons, Onelo would tell us that with every action comes consequences. She would say that it's all about domination and supression. She would also say that the mistakes of most kingdoms made during battle is underestimating the weaker ones, that's the greatest mistake you could ever make. Never underestimate anyone who agrees to battle with you. Kalakala is a weaker kingdom, nothing compared to the might of Arida, and they know that, it's like a cat and a lion. But when the cat decides to go against the lion being very much aware of what it is going up against, then, the lion has to be more vigilant.

The elders and generals of Kalakala are all gathered at the King's palace, waiting for King Lanso to step out of his chambers. Eventually, he comes to them and takes his seat. He begins the meeting,

"Arida has declared war in Bloodrock, and three kingdoms have joined his agenda. Kalakala will not kneel to them. We will stand and fight. "

"My king, our forces are not enough to withstand the might of Arida forces, "

Says one of his generals as the King speaks,

"Then, what will you have us do General? "

"We send message to other kingdoms that did not bow to Arida. We make them understand that none of us can win this war alone. We form a counter force stronger than ever with our forces allied and battle the enemy. "

"I will not stoop so low to seek help from other kingdoms. Fall back to our history, when we were the smallest population in the land. We defeated an army of a thousand Barbarians with two hundred warriors. We had no champion, no powerful weapons, no moonwalkers or sunseekers. We can be that great again. How are our garrisons? "

Another general replies,

"We have strengthened our garrisons. We've deployed all warriors to the battle ground, and started recruiting more warriors. We've also called in our hunters, and anyone with artery and combat skills. "

"Summon our sorcerers. They march with us to the garrison tomorrow by noon. Arida forces are already all over our land. We flush them out of the locations they've taken over. We advance to Arida if we have to, and we take down those abominations. "

A maid comes in and speaks to the king,

"My king, the doctor is here to dress your wound. "

(referring to his tongue)

The king speaks,

"Very well then, this meeting has been dismissed. "

Everyone exits, heading home. Gbenga, Yunu's father is walking away with another chief, Zimo, discussing with him. Zimo speaks,

"The king wants to doom us all. We all know we cannot defeat Arida alone. "

"Of a truth, but the tongue-less bastard will not realize this until everyone is dead. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to hurry to Esini. "

"What? You know very well that the village has been taken over. "

Gbenga grabs the chief by his clothe and speaks in rage and frustration,

"I haven't seen my family in two days since my village was attacked. What would you do as a father? What would you do to save your wife and kids? "

"I would act irrationally as a father, because of my emotions. That's why it's better if this decision is made not as a father, but as a wise man. "

Royal guards suddenly surface in front of them, scaring them as their leader, Akin speaks,

"I heard you call the King tongue-less bastard, my King. That's some courage. "

Yakoza is searching for Yunu and Kiri, after escaping Arida mafias. He encounters a group of Kalakala warriors on the way who stop him.

"Hey, Yaki, where are you going? You're bleeding from your arm, "

Says one of the warriors as Yakoza replies,

"I was attacked by Arida mafias that passed through Esini. "

Another warrior speaks,

"I don't know if you hit your head so hard but this route leads directly to Esini, the main route as a matter of fact. Why are you going back? "

"That's none of your business. What are you all doing here? "

"The military deployed thirty warriors here to block this route from Arida forces. We've lost sixteen of our brothers already. We've just received words to fall back to the nearest garrison. You're following us. Our journey to the bad lands will be sooner than we expected. You're coming with us. "

"Yeah, I know, but I have to..."

"Yakoza, you're coming with us. You stay here, you're dead, and we're not giving you an option. "

Yunu and Kiri arrive at Esini, after sneaking past several military forces of both Arida and Kalakala. They meet a lot of dead bodies there and get more terrified as they start calling out for their mom, Egliti. They suddenly here a scary groan and quickly keep silent and vigilant.

"What was that? "

Yunu asks as Kiri replies,

"I don't know, maybe a wolf, but I think we have to get out of here right now. "

Suddenly, they here footsteps and turn back, only to see scary humanoids with no eyes and long sharp teeth.

"What the hell! "

Yunu exclaims as Kiri speaks,

"Man eaters! Ruuuuuunnnnn! "

The both of them take to their heels as the man eaters chase after them through the village. Meanwhile, Rona is standing over a bleeding mafia, surrounded by the dead bodies of his friends. He begs for his life as he crawls back,

"Please! Don't kill me! Please! "

Rona grins shortly, enjoying this and comes closer to him, picking up an axe and striking his head as blood and guts spill on her face. She cleans her sword on his body and takes out a red piece of clothe, cleaning her face. And then, she hears a distress cry close by and heads towards the place to know what's going on.

While on the run, Kiri falls to the ground, hitting his head on a stone and bruising it. Yunu turns back and stops running as she sees man eaters approaching her brother to devour him.

"Kiri! "

She calls out in worry as two of the man eaters capture him and are about to start feeding on him. Suddenly, a sword pierces through the stomach of one of them, pouring its guts into Kiri's mouth. The sword is pulled backwards as the man eater falls on Kiri's body, covering him, and revealing Rona who's with her sword, ready to slaughter the man eaters. This surprises Yunu who blurts out,

"A moonwalker! "

"It's a moonwalker, "

Says one of the ugly man eaters with their oddly pitched and ear-bleeding voices. Another replies,

"A fair one. "

"And here I thought man eaters cannot see, "

Rona says as the man eaters charge after her, to get even just a bite from her amazing skin. Rona resumes her kill mode, fighting through the man eaters. Moonwalkers would use their chaos on only two conditions, when they feel the conflict is beyond them, or when they feel afraid. Not for once is she even tempted to summon her chaos, for she isn't frightened, and these are nothing but devilish, scary, blood socking man eaters.

Rona starts slicing through the man eaters, chopping off heads, severing hands, legs, ears, that's if they have any, body parts, you name it all. She cuts down the last one and is covered in man eater blood, a dark greenish fluid, so repulsive to behold. And then, Kiri rolls off the dead body on him and sees Rona. He is marveled as he speaks,

"You're...a moonwalker! "


Galguntan, the priest of Arida is in his shrine, in the middle of incantations, praying to their god, Gudi. His eyes suddenly open as he sees something very interesting, turning his eyes into a temporary light yellow glow. He laughs wickedly, continuously, over and over again as he speaks out the name,

"Rona of Ti'gen, a great tale is about to be told in Bloodrock."