

Bungalow 13 where the rebellious and the loud had been housed due to a lack of space in his originally chosen dorm. Of the most prominent rebels in the school, The most infamous of the offenders in terms of rebellion and loudness, Conri F. Rollins, or "Conway" as everyone called him, unfortunately for Porter, they are forced to become bunkmates and he finds out the hard way what moonlight does to a high profile college wrestling jock.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 5: A Whole School Of Freaks

Outside The Main Building, Timber Creek School Of Fine Arts, Wakefield, U.S.A...

  Porter could not believe what he'd been told let alone what he'd witnessed when he'd been in gym class. Conway Rollins, his roommate had been a rather large and brutal werewolf and easily slammed and tossed about the other large and powerful muscled brutes that happened also to be werewolves. The hairs stood up on the back of his neck as he attempted to make his way toward the heavy double doors only to be pounced upon by a rather giddy Conway Rollins who had reverted from his werewolf form to wrestle the smaller pale nerd amid the blue mattresses. Porter had been caught completely off guard by how easily Conway had lifted him off the ground and slammed him onto his back before pinning him to the mattress. While it was softer than the floor, it was still a hard mattress and smelled like old gym socks which caused Porter to bite back a gag.

Conway had been so strong, stronger than anyone Porter had ever known as his rough hands moved inadvertently along the younger lad's hips and waist, the onset of the overstimulation making Porter's average-sized cock swell in the confines of his basketball shorts much too his embarrassment, as he struggled against the more enormous brute's hold.

It was fortunate for Porter that most of the gym rats had cleared off, the coach included as he found himself alone with his current roommate who had been more than a bit reluctant to let him out of his grasp. Porter seemed quite unnerved by the way his roommate Conway easily pinned him down against the mat. Porter Fulton had not been very big in his own right, but he wasn't so small that he'd be easily lifted off the ground and slammed by normal standards. He'd been something of a scrapper given his upbringing and held his own more often than not but when it came to Conway, a hulking brute who happened to be a werewolf he'd been no match for him.

Conway growled as he pressed his massive chest against Porter's his nostrils flaring as he sniffed him taking in the sweaty younger lad's scent and seemingly finding himself overwhelmed by it. Porter's eyes widened and he groaned feeling the larger handsome young man's body crush into his, the unmistakable sensation of a rather hard bulge against his belly as Conway continued to pin him.

Porter couldn't help but whimper at the sensation as his breath hitched and he found himself slowly jolted along the mat as Conway's body pressed heavily against him. The close encounter had not been ideal for Porter as he felt himself becoming aroused in the wake of the sudden friction against his own rapidly noticeable bulge but he'd been much smaller compared to the brute that towered above him.

Conway's eyes shifted as Porter looked up at him fearful and confused as to why his roommate had been so brazen with pinning him noting he'd been born of beast blood and it seemed to confuse even Conway as he found himself near on dry humping Porter's crumpled body against the mat. The scent of sweat and something else, something thick and heavily intoxicating had made Porter feel more than a bit light-headed for a few moments before Conway grunted and pressed his nose into the exposed flesh of the younger confused lad's neck.

Porter whimpered unable to help himself as Conway's teeth nibbled at the side of his neck breaking the sweat-slick flesh and he grunted pumping his body into the lesser lad's several times before pulling back and getting a hold of himself. He took a breath, his long locks slick with sweat and dangling at his cheeks as he stared down into a rather confused and frightened Porter's eyes.

"S-Sorry...I guess I lost control," he said in a sheepish tone before pulling back rather slowly and getting to his knees as he looked down at Porter, his eyes shifting back to their natural blue. "Beast blood am I right?"

Porter simply nodded absently as Conway reached down and helped him up as if he had not been biting his neck and dry-humping his body following his victory in pinning him with ease onto the blue mat. Conway sighed as he slicked back his wet locks and looked around having at last come to his senses.

"How fucking long was I out of it?" he asked confused and then embarrassed about the whole ordeal. "Sorry about all that Port, I was gone there for a minute, beast blood seemed to be getting the better of me since that shifting session in class."

"N-No problem," said Porter absently as the reality of him having his living arrangements be with werewolves set in.

He'd been bunking with a werewolf!

A real live werewolf!"

Conway treated him to a smirk and headed back toward the showers.

"See you at home," he said before leaving Porter in a confused state.

Porter Fulton rushed out of the gym the moment Conway had gone into the showers, his heart beating about a mile per minute as he tried his best to come to terms with the reality of his situation. He'd been given a free scholarship to come to a school full of freaks. Conway his roommate had been a werewolf as had most of those that inhabited Bungalow 13 and then there was the girl from before with the blue hair.

{"Was she a fairy or a witch?"} asked Porter to himself as he attempted to make sense of all that had transpired since he left his hometown and traveled all the way to this strange school in the middle of nowhere. {"Bloodsuckers, didn't the coach mention bloodsuckers being here...That wasn't a euphemism it was a fact....there were vampires here too, real live bloodsuckers!"}

The hair on the back of Porter Fulton's neck stood up and he found himself given to rapid breaths and weak legs. He felt the world get smaller and the place spin around him as his mind continued to remind him of what he'd truly gotten himself into, he was in a school littered with supernatural beings, a whole school full of freaks and he seemed to be the only man out.