

Bungalow 13 where the rebellious and the loud had been housed due to a lack of space in his originally chosen dorm. Of the most prominent rebels in the school, The most infamous of the offenders in terms of rebellion and loudness, Conri F. Rollins, or "Conway" as everyone called him, unfortunately for Porter, they are forced to become bunkmates and he finds out the hard way what moonlight does to a high profile college wrestling jock.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 10: The Lure Of Attraction

The Entrance Hall, Bungalow 13, Timber Creek School Of Fine Arts, Wakefield, U.S.A...

  The end of classes for the evening had been a welcome thing to note as Porter Fulton made his way back to his living quarters. He'd had something of an eventful day, following gym class and his discovery about his school and himself not being as normal as he previously believed. He had not the slightest clue what a "Gamma Werewolf" had been, but he was glad it was something that didn't make him completely the odd man out when it came to his lodgings. He briefly recalled that Conway Rollins had been an enormous werewolf when he shifted a dazzling creature of massive muscles and lovely dark brown fur much like the locks that dangled from his shoulders when he'd been in his human form and those oceanic blue eyes of his only seemed to get all the more hypnotic once the beast had been out and about.

Porter couldn't get over the familiar and intoxicating scent that lingered off the hulking brute nor the images of his perfectly chiseled naked form and massive cock as it pulsed against his inner thigh when Conway had him pinned to the blue mat in gym class. As he entered the entrance hall of the bungalow, Porter once more noted the distinctive scent of urine, only this time he'd been able to properly identify it as being a scent of one marking their territory.

The strong pungent odor had been familiar in its overpowering fragrance and Porter found himself casually noting that it had belonged to Conway. He'd been the big wolf on campus so to speak and the registered Alpha of the pack that had been housed in Bungalow 13.

Porter had not known how his mind had computed all of that wolf knowledge in so few seconds, but he'd been more aware of things now that he knew that he'd been one of them, as if his instincts kicked in just in time upon acknowledgment. Then he took a moment to venture toward his door, the scent of Conway heavy as he stood outside in the dimly lit hallway surrounded by hideous displays of dark brown carpeting and wall painting.


The Interior, Porter And Conway's Quarters, Bungalow 13, Timber Creek School Of Fine Arts, Wakefield, U.S.A...

After an unceremonious and frantic search for the right key, Porter entered the living quarters that he'd shared with his roommate Conway Rollins. The moment he opened the door, Porter found himself getting a rather pungent whiff of sex, sweat, and something else he couldn't quite describe as he stepped inside their apartment-like quarters confused by the sight of clothes discarded along the front room floor as he closed and locked the heavy oak door behind him. The sound of continuous playing of loud rock music had filled the young werewolf's keen ears and he found himself trying to place the reason for it.

His bedroom door had been closed and untouched since he'd left earlier that morning and headed off to class. His nostrils flared as he caught the scent of Conway and his own scent before another scent that had been familiar inside this place had registered to him. It was the scent of another werewolf, one of a weaker grade, heavily under the effects of heat and giving off thick waves of a need for sex.

The sound of a thick wooden headboard beating against the bedroom wall coming from Conway's room in tune with the rapid squeaking of his mattress had given Porter every indication of what he needed to know. There was also the fact that his roommate's bedroom had been left ajar and the distinctive visual of the naked hulking brute's powerful hips pumping against the upturned shapely bare naked pale arse that jiggled in the wake of his forceful thrusts and frequent slaps of his firm right hand had given Porter a means of pause.

He had been unable to help himself as he casually strolled over and peeked inside Conway's bedroom noting the flexing of the massive brute's chiseled body and the power in his rapid thrusts as he rammed his massive cock in and out of the slick orifice of the moaning recipient, which Porter had made out to have been a smaller blond haired male with a short pixie cut and a thin pale frame, who had been faced down and with his pale arse up as Conway gripped his hips with his rather large and strong hands as he unceremoniously jolted them along his large red sheet covered mattress.

The moans from the blond had echoed louder and louder despite the intention of the music to attempt to drown them out, possibly due to Porter standing at the door and peeking inside. He had never seen anything like it, the sheer force of the brute's strength and raging lust as he pummeled the slick sex of his chosen bedmate.

The mysterious blond arched his pale arse higher and higher craving more of the massive cock belonging to the hulking brute Conway as both were drenched in sweat and their bodies given to heat unmatched in the wake of their mutual fog of lust. His long dark brown locks swayed against his massive broad shoulders with each movement as he gritted his shifting teeth grunting and growling in the wake of his increased libido getting the better of him.

Porter watched in awe as Conway moved one hand down to the blond's neck squeezing it as he leaned his forehead down against the moaning younger werewolf's arched spine as he sought to drive his pale arse further along the massive cock that drilled him for who knew how many hours. Conway sniffed the sweat-blasted skin of the moaning blond while pumping into him faster and harder.

Unable to take his eyes off them, Porter continued to watch slack-jawed as he noted the intensity of their frantic coupling.


His Beast mind had told him, at least able to explain what he'd all too often hidden away from himself while living in denial.

Conway was an Alpha werewolf given to the whims of the infamous Rut, and from the scent of the blond beneath him and its pungent state, he'd been quite a small-looking Omega driven almost purely by heat. The scent filled Porter's flaring nostrils and he found his own cock had been like steel as he continued to watch them, never once noticing how his right hand snaked down into his jeans and released the agonized bulge within.

The wolf that dell within him had been growing all the more desperate and needy as the scent of the Omega continued to fill the rather entranced younger werewolf's flaring nostrils. Never before had young Porter ever felt such an intense pull against his will and he knew not how to stop it, nor did he even want to.