
Moonbeam Academy

A young woman at 17 is starting a new life, in a far away country. Excited to finally leave home and have a chance to make friends. Soon after arriving she finds out that everything she knew was wrong. She learns of a whole new world that she is in. She quickly finds her way in to a love triangle. Unfairly taking advantage of her new found powers to get in the heads of the unexpected boys. Learning about the true nature, and feelings of the young men. She learns her new world isn't as safe as she hoped. Will she make it out with her lift?

Freeze_2b · Fantasy
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40 Chs


I stopped eating lunch and just went straight to the classroom to draw.

Devin would join me every day for a few PG moments of alone time every day. I didn't see Aaron anymore it's like he dissapered. As for Alex he hasn't said a word to me in class. He stairs at me like he hates me.

It's been a couple weeks since the break ended and this appears to be the new normal.

I should be happy right.

I have Devin who I get to see every morning, afternoon, and evening. He is perfectly wonderful. When I am with him I feel so happy.

However... When I wonder were Aaron is it stings. The last thing I said to him was mean that's not like me. That was true, I was mad yes but not directly at him. I shouldn't have been so harsh.

Then when Alex glares at me I can't tell if he hates me or if he is just sad. I do know avoiding him at lunch doesn't feel right.

I tell Devin about how I feel and what I've been thinking one night in the lounging area.

Surprisingly we have done very good avoiding public displays of affection, and keeping a relationship PG / PG-13, even in private.

The two of us come up with a plan. Devin is reluctant at first. he still believes I should give up on trying to be friends with the both of them. He understands how important friendship is for me. He can also understand me wanting to be friends with Alex still since after all he did save my life. As long as from now on he respects my boundaries and personal space. He did make it clear that he would not be okay with Alex offering his blood to me ever again unless it was life or death, and that he (Devin) better be my first pick for blood.

Aaron on the other hand. He really can't understand why care about him. I don't really understand either. I feel bad for the way we left things. Although I know you never intended for me to get hurt he didn't make it to where I was In harm's way, and I don't feel safe with him.

No matter what physical attraction may have been there to start out with there will definitely never be a relationship between me and Aaron. Not only because I'm totally in love with Devin, and want to spend the rest of my life with him. I don't think I've been so blunt with him saying it like that maybe I should.

As long as they both see that I can be friends with both of them.

This will be my last attempt to reconnect with them.

Devin has the hard job a finding out Aaron's number or some sort of contact information and messaging him to figure out where he is and why he hasn't been in school.

Since we don't have our personal phones while school is in session he has to find some other way to get the message to him.

Then I have asked Devin to refill to Alex at least his vampire power and to meet Alex. So maybe then he'll stop being weird. He agree to that one surprisingly quick. Seeing how no one in the school knows of his powers. after he showed up to school with the mark on him and I had mine people seeing us together I know he has some sort of power but they don't know what it is. Most people assume that I'm just a witch so he must also be a witch because that would be the path with the least resistance for most people.

We make all the preparations.

The time has come the moment of truth.

I go to lunch as I would have normally before all this. I don't get any food however I just sit and wait for Alex to show up. Once he does I passed them a note and I stand up and walk away. I don't look back to see if he reads it I don't look back at all. To be honest my heart is pounding. I'm so nervous that he just hates me and then I'll never be able to be friends with him again. It's been so long since I've seen him smile and it felt so good to see him happy.

After school I wait on the roof.

I wait alone. Devin said he'd be along a little later then planned but he would for sure be there for me. I'm too nervous to draw I just paced back and forth. I don't even know if he's going to just show up. It is sunset.

Alex opens the door... He came... I want to run and hug him but it wouldn't be appropriate right now.

"Look, Alex I'm sorry." sigh "I'm sorry for affording you since we got into a little argument. Sorry for getting so angry with you over you sharing your blood. Although you knew I couldn't control myself it wasn't your fault that I couldn't." sigh " I'm sorry I hurt you. It was never my intention to hurt you. I didn't try to fall in love with someone else. I'm sorry if we can no longer be friends. " ... "I know to you it felt like I just left you for some other vampire. but we were never dating to start out with. I told you that I didn't know what I wanted yet. and you said you would be okay with him for my decision... so I'm really sorry that it hurt you." ... he isn't saying anything. " I was hoping maybe if you met my boyfriend that things would be different... that maybe we could be friends. you would be the only person other than me is that knows that he's a vampire."

right on cue Devin shows up. Also not in the way that I have planned. He didn't come walking through the door like hey whats up. he flew in. topless exposed muscles black hair and big beautiful black wings. With the blood red eyes of a vampire. He lands right beside me his wings vanishing and his hair turning white.

"hello Alex I am Devin. I am Marie's boyfriends. I got to say it honestly does not feel too good to meet the man my girlfriend won't stop talking about. Although I do need to thank you for saving her life. For that you have my gratitude."

"Devin, .... hmm.. I don't really know what to say." Alex responses. "it's nice to put a name and a face to the one who took the woman I wanted. I'm glad your both happy. "... "I'm not mad at you or anything for falling in love or finding someone to be with it just hurts that it wasn't me. it might be hard to get used to, but you're my first real friend and I don't want to lose you." he says to me... I get all teary eye.

"Can we hug now?"

"yeah" he smiled.

I ran up and squeezed him tightly I'm glad I at least got one friend back. Devin just stands there very muscular like.

"I'm glad that we got this taken care of." Devin laughed. "now she can stop tell me about how much she misses you." Devin puts on the shirt that was in his back pocket. "if you don't mind please keep my powers to yourself. I don't know if you know this or not but my roommate totally hates vampires. I think you've met him Aaron... yeah..." Devin seats be joking around getting along well with Alex it makes me very happy.

"Aaron you say... hmmm.... I don't know I think I might have met him before. Is he Moody aggressive and hits like a girl?" We all laughed.

"oh that reminds me. Devin did you find him? Aaron?" I ask

"just an address close to were you were bleeding out. I sent a letter with our messages. "

"What Aaron's missing I thought I just got lucky about not seeing him.." Alex

" yeah he kind of stopped coming to school after I told him I hated him... more or less." Marie

"What did you say you found her bleeding out?" Alex cought that part.

"yeah well she actually messaged me an sos, before Aaron's family attacked her but it took me awhile to get to her even with my ability to fly. By the time I found her she practically had no pulse.." Devin

"he attacked her?!?" Alex

"No it was a group of girls from his family, and he doesn't even believe me." Marie to Alex.

"That doesn't surprise me, I'm glad you got to her in time." Alex

"Me too." Devin.

"Anyways if you sent a letter it will take awhile to get a response from him." Me trying to change the subject back.

"What does Aaron know your dating a vampire ish?" Alex

"Yes" Marie

"But he doesn't know that it's you?" he said pointing to Devin.

"Right" Devin responded "He actually thinks I have no useable powers"

"Wow. this will be fun to watch. " Alex smiled. " no offense Marie I know you want to be friends with him. but there is no way he doesn't loss it after this. as much as you hate it I'm going to enjoy it." Alex

"How can you say that?" Marie

"Because he made my life Hell as a kid. I told you before that I hated that wolf."