
Moonbeam Academy

A young woman at 17 is starting a new life, in a far away country. Excited to finally leave home and have a chance to make friends. Soon after arriving she finds out that everything she knew was wrong. She learns of a whole new world that she is in. She quickly finds her way in to a love triangle. Unfairly taking advantage of her new found powers to get in the heads of the unexpected boys. Learning about the true nature, and feelings of the young men. She learns her new world isn't as safe as she hoped. Will she make it out with her lift?

Freeze_2b · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The meeting

After a long fun day. Devin invited me to meet some of his friends outside of the school.

Latter that night he flew me to a secret location. It was very mysterious and fun to get out....

We entered into a large room for of people.

"Thank you everyone for coming tonight. I'm aware this is my first official communication as a member of the royal family. This meeting was called for two reasons. First I have chosen my future wife. This is her. Maire Knight. Unfortunately someone from the wolf clan has threatened both Maire and my self. As such I'm asking that you help protect my future wife as she learns to fully use her new found power. Is there any questions?"

"Is she even a vampire?" Someone from the crowd.


"can you prove it. No offense but you choose to remain hidden untill you need help, how.. do we know your a vampire at all. We all know what kind of man your father ..." the mans voice suddenly stopped as Devin spoke. The whole room fell silent.

"What are you asking? For me to prove myself? Or are you asking for my bride to do the same? Because it sounds like you are questioning the King himself, making accusations without him present to defend himself ... I have better things to do then deal with insubordinates."


"regardless I can tell many of you share this concern. Therefore we will prove our selfs."

He looks at me.

'can you show them your beautiful wings and red eyes?' he thinks

'yeah I can' I think back.

When he nods to me I do as he said.

As his eyes also turn red.

"now to prove myself I have to prove more then that I am a vampire correct? " his eyes burn bright red.

"kneel down!" he said in a commanding voice. From front to back they kneel.

"You kneel now before your future king. Had I wished to control you I could have demanded you to protect her. However I chose to come to you and ask in a respectful way. Yet you choose to question my very birth right?"

"My deepest apologies your highness." the man from before.

"you are all dismissed, except for you Matthew!" the man who spoke up before looked terrified. I have never seen anything like this. He is so strong. This is cool. Everyone diapered quickly. Except the kneeling man he called Mathew.

In a flash he appeared at his side.

"Matthew don't be afraid, I am not mad at you. Many people here today had the same concerns as you. However they were not brave enough to speak out in fear of what might happen. So thank you for allowing me to address the concerns of the group. Now stand. "

"Thank you Sir. I'm sorry I doubted you. May I ask how did you know my name."

"As you said you knew the kind of man my father was with women. "

" I never finished the sentence. but yes. so our future king has multiple power sources?"

"Just as my father wanted. Although I will not condone any conversation that looks down on my father. I like that you speak your mind. That being said I will give you the job of looking for trader's within out ranks. If any do oppose me they will be more likely to open up to you after your outburst. I can tell if you lie so there will be no problems between us. Understand your orders? "

"Yes Sir, thank you for your kindness. "

"good your dismissed."

"thank you..." the man left quickly.

In a flash Devin was back at my side. And we were off into the night sky.

We flew side by side.

"would you like to stay the night in my room tonight?" he asked

"yes" I reply as we head back to the school.

It's hard for me to talk while flying.

"I have a surprise for you when we get back."

" ok"

*****WRITER'S NOTE*******

Hi reader.

sorry very busy with pandemic and schooling and taking care of my health physically and mentally. #MOMLIFE

Also trying to learn how to make digital art work.

sorry it's taking longer between updates.

I'm working on 6 storylines and they are all a bit different.

Thanks for reading... hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave your thoughts. Good or bad.

End note*******