
Moonbeam Academy

A young woman at 17 is starting a new life, in a far away country. Excited to finally leave home and have a chance to make friends. Soon after arriving she finds out that everything she knew was wrong. She learns of a whole new world that she is in. She quickly finds her way in to a love triangle. Unfairly taking advantage of her new found powers to get in the heads of the unexpected boys. Learning about the true nature, and feelings of the young men. She learns her new world isn't as safe as she hoped. Will she make it out with her lift?

Freeze_2b · Fantasy
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40 Chs


It was morning and I was getting ready for school. This week I get to pick an after school club. I put some makeup on my neck. My new uniforms fit much better. I wear a cute choker, and some necklaces to draw attention away from the mark. I threw away my tights, and washed everything with blood. I didn't tell Tara about the trip. She asked if I enjoyed myself which was a yes... focusing on only the positive. I wear some spiky bracelets to match the choker. I was excited and ready to go to class, I was looking forward to running in to Alex and hoping Aaron didn't show up. I'm kind of mad at him for leaving me alone, and punching Alex. Part of me also thought that he would notice the mark, and he would be mad. I don't know if he really likes me or if he just doesn't want me around Alex. I know now staying away from Alex isn't going to happen. Aaron is going to have to deal with it.

The week goes as expected, all my classes are super easy. The classes I share with Alex are mostly uneventful. We just keep looking at each other and smiling. So childish I know.

Aaron's been watching me. I've noticed him waiting after lunch but when I leave with Alex he doesn't fallow. He is waiting for me to be alone I know it. I've been wearing my necklace on my wrist during lunch, so it quieter. I can tell by the look he wants to talk to me. I've been talking to Devin more everyday it gets easier to talk to him. He makes me smile no matter how stressed I get.

Mrs. Butt is my Witches group leader. she explained that every witch has different kinds of power, natural, defensive, and subconscious. Some only have one kind others have all 3 but they come based on the individuals desire. I asked her about the liking the people's smells, she didn't seem to understand. She suggested that I ask my parents by writing them a letter. That a lot of traits are past down from parents, so they may understand more.

After a couple of days I wrote a letter for Aaron and handed it to him as I walked by.

The letter read.

Dear Aaron,

Hi. I've missed talking to you. I know you don't like Alex but he is part of my life. I wish you would be too but you are keeping your distance. I'm mad that you took off while I was shopping.

I need to talk to you about what happened. I need you to understand why I'm upset. I also need you to understand my trust in Alex.

I'm not wanting to upset you. I want to hug you and I want to be friends.

Meet me at the Courtyard after school Thursday so I can talk to you alone please.

Please let me explain.

I miss your smile.

your friend,


I signed it with a heart I hope he comes.

After I gave Aaron. the note he didn't show up during lunch. Hopefully he showed up at the courtyard.

Thursday afternoon came quickly, I went straight to the courtyard after the last class.

I waited, and waited. I laid in the grass under the tree were I kissed Alex. I smiled remembering.

"So I'm here." Aaron said I couldn't tell if he was annoyed or sad.

"before we start, I want to tell you I won't be reading your mind while we talk"

"ok, so why are you all over Alex in front of me?"

"I'm starting since I asked you here. Why did you leave me while I was shopping?"

"Alex made me mad, he wouldn't shut up about how delicious you smelled, so I punched him in the nose. Then I look over and see you looking at human collars all smiley like you think I'm your pet dog, walking you and your boyfriend around. so I left."

"I was thinking about you when I looked at it. I thought it would look silly and imagined a bondage seen in my mind. That made me smile. Then I thought you would get mad about so I started looking for something better. I thought about the fun day we had been having and the night we shared here in the courtyard. I found some things more meaningful. After I checked out you was both gone. Know what I did?"

"Ran in to Alex and acted like I was never there?"

" I searched for you and him. I didn't find either of you and went back to the store and waited. when a man tricked me into a trap, I was tied up gagged and the five of them was going to rape me taking turns then when they was done they was going to kill me and cut me up leaving my body around the forest for the animals to eat. I was so alone! You left me alone. surrounded by the most dangerous evil things alive, mankind."

"I'm sorry, I didn't.."

I cut him off because I had to finish. "Alex saved me alone. He found me when I started bleeding, he saved me. I owe Alex my life."

"This is my fault." he held me tight. rubbing my head. It felt good. He smelled good too like cologne or body spray not sweet like Alex.

"I'm so sorry, Please forgive me Maire."

"Of course I do. I want you to be my friend. I have liked you from the first time you spoke to me but Alex is not what I need protection from." ...

He didn't say anything.

"can you stand by my side with Alex there?"

"yes, I can be your friend, knowing he is also you friend."

"thank you." I smiled and handed him the cresent moon necklace I got him. " this is one of 3 they are friendship charms."

"that's what you ended up getting. Thanks, the moon is much better the bondage gear."

I giggled a little. "So why did you get so mad about him liking my smell?"

"it's hard to explain"

"can you try because I love the way he smells, he so sweet, like fresh baked goods. Then you your smell is unique. It's not like anything I smelled before, is attractive, I feel like it pulls me closer to you. like an intoxicating aroma. Making it hard to stay away from you." I say this hugging him. My face on his chest.

"it because I want you. My body products pheromones for mating. Most women can't smell it, you are something special. Knowing that makes me want you more."

As he talks the intoxicating smell over powers me, I feel like a puppet on his string.

A happy helpless puppet.

He pulls me up to kiss him. The kiss is sloppy, it's hard to control my movements at all. He smiled a satisfied smile.

"come with me" he said making my lips move because we were so close. He took my hand and led me to a dorm room.

second Thursday

Freeze_2bcreators' thoughts