
Moonbeam Academy

A young woman at 17 is starting a new life, in a far away country. Excited to finally leave home and have a chance to make friends. Soon after arriving she finds out that everything she knew was wrong. She learns of a whole new world that she is in. She quickly finds her way in to a love triangle. Unfairly taking advantage of her new found powers to get in the heads of the unexpected boys. Learning about the true nature, and feelings of the young men. She learns her new world isn't as safe as she hoped. Will she make it out with her lift?

Freeze_2b · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Making love

I open my eyes to Devin straddling me. He is wearing pajama pants and a tee shirt.

"I really love how forward you are being with me." Devin said with a smile.

I rub my hands under his shirt. His abs are amazing. I rub my hands around his lower back setting up. He takes his shirt off.

"I really like your body." I rub my hand up his chest to his neck and pull him down.

Kissing him passionately.

His hands run down the sides of my body. He is so large compared to me.

Before I know it our clothes are off and on the floor. He kisses down from my neck. It feels so good my breathing is so heavy. He comes back up his tongue deep in my mouth. When he comes up for air he sticks a finger in. I can feel everypart of it. I pull his face closer for another kiss. I kiss his neck when he sticks I a second finger. The rhythm of his movements control my body. I nibble on his neck and whisper in his ear. "Devin I .... Love... you..."

"Please tell me that once you've calmed down." he kisses me again. I didn't even notice the condom I don't care I'm glad he had one.

"Marie are you sure? ...You want this? ..With me now?" Devin stopped everything. He looked straight into my green eyes.

"Devin. I do want you, this, but only if you want it don't push yourself to do what I want." Having a second to get my breath.

"I'm ready. This might hurt a little. Your so tight and I'm not small..."

"No your not" I smile kissing him and pulling him back over me.

He makes sure everything is lined up. He starts out slow. Going a little deeper each time.

My body experience is bless.

Deeper and Deeper. Untill finally he is in all the way. My moaning and grabbing encouraging his movements. As he gets faster my back arches, my eyes roll back. I want this moment to last forever. I hold him close kissing. I lift my legs wrapping them around his bare naked butt. It's almost like he got bigger when I did. He continues to thrust as sweat drips from our bodies. After what feels like hours I feel a twitch and another. I can feel the condom feel up before he relaxes.

We stay interlocked in the moment. Kissing and holding. My legs still wrapped around him.

" We should ... We should get clean, before sleeping."

As we separated from our embrace I'm body is trembling with delight. I feel like my whole body was doing intense workouts. I try to stand but my legs won't cooperate. I throw myself back laughing.

"Devin I think you broke me." I laugh. "I can't seem to support myself right now."

"don't worry I got you" Devin said calmly as he picked me up and carried me to his shower. He holds me easily as if I weigh nothing. He sets me on the floor of the shower. Turns on the water. We bath together. He washed himself quickly as I washed my hair. Then he gets on his knees and starts to wash my body.

He washes my back, my neck, my chest. He is setting behind me. When I feel his head on my shoulder. His arms are wrapped around me.

"I'm sorry." Devin said.

"Please. Don't be. You are my first love. That was amazing. My body is in shock because of the pleasure. I feel no pain at all right now. Please be happy with me." I rub his head. As he kisses my shoulder.

"I am happy I was just worried I hurt you."

"I'm good. How about I finish washing up here and you get clean sheet. I'm sure those ones are covered in sweat and blood." I smile.

He kisses my lips one more time before leaving the shower. I wash up quickly. I shake my legs as hard as I can and I rub around them. I have enough feeling to stand up. I turn off the water and Devin rushes in.

"I'm fine see I can stand." I smile leaning on the wall just in case.

"well I'm going to carry you just because I can." he covered me in a clean dry towel. picking me up in the same motion. "you know not because I broke my girlfriend having sex or anything like that." he jokes and I laugh. I hold him close as he takes me to the bed. The sheets are new that was fast how many sheets does he have. he placed me gently on the bed kissing me again.

"I could stay like this forever." I sigh.

"Yeah me too." kissing more.

I grab his shoulder and push back a little. "Wait before you get me all worked up again I need to tell you something."

"I believe you are the one who got me all worked up to start with."

"that's true but... Devin I love you. More then making love to you. I love you. I've never been like this before with anyone. I never want to lose you. I want to get to know everything about you."

Devin is blushing, he is smiling.

"I love you too. I'll tell you anything you want to know about me. I'm not sure you'll be interested in everything but I won't hide anything from you."

I laugh

"yeah I don't need to, or want to know about ex's, or gas, or bathroom breaks or any of that stuff." I continue laughing.

"good" he laughs with me.



"so when we go back to school no sex."

Devin said seriously.

"oh.. ok. Why?"

"The campus is to small and I shear a room with that damn wolf that let you almost bleed to death in the woods."

"Good point. But why do you care if they know."

" I'm not going to get upset if people find out I am going to be upset if people look down on you. Realistically most the girls your age have already had sexy with multiple guys. Most the guys with multiple girls. I don't want them thinking your easy or open to them."

"I'm only yours. I don't mind keeping it from people but I'm not going to lie about it. I'm proud to be yours. Apparently great sex is part of the deal. ... but only when we are out of school. I'm good with that."

"I want to spend more time with you. In the open area. I want people to see us together. So they know who's mark this is. He rubs my wrist and forearm."

"I was thinking the exact same thing."

we fall asleep in a dance of kisses and I love you's.