
Moonbeam Academy

A young woman at 17 is starting a new life, in a far away country. Excited to finally leave home and have a chance to make friends. Soon after arriving she finds out that everything she knew was wrong. She learns of a whole new world that she is in. She quickly finds her way in to a love triangle. Unfairly taking advantage of her new found powers to get in the heads of the unexpected boys. Learning about the true nature, and feelings of the young men. She learns her new world isn't as safe as she hoped. Will she make it out with her lift?

Freeze_2b · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Girl talk

We both laughed.

" I think you broke me, this time." he laughed laying on side holding me. "we might be stuck like this forever." he jokes.

"mmmm.... I think I might like that... " I kiss his neck.

... after a long day enjoying each other's company...

We finally leave his house as sunset.

He flys straight to the school dropping me off on the roof above the girls dorms.

We shear a quick kiss before saying goodbye. I find it fascinating that his hair turns black when he has black wings. maybe if I pick a red animal from my shape-shifting I'll be able to keep red hair?

I walk back to my dorm with my head in the clouds.

As soon as I open the door Tara runs and hugs me.

"aww I missed you too Tara. How was your break?"

"Great family stayed at our vacation house at the beach and I went swimming every day! What about you? "

"well ... there was good bad and really good! where should I start?"

we both sit up on our beds in full girl time mode.

"so start with the bat and then work up some really good and don't leave out any of the details. after all you spend your break with a boy!"

"so the bad Aaron's family tried to murder me. however they didn't expect that I am what I am.

I kind of avoided telling you till I knew I could control it. so I'm one quarter witch vampire werewolf and shapeshifter. I've learned to use each power at the same time. although I haven't picked the animal for shape-shifting.

anyways when his family tried to murder me in the woods I scared the hell out of them but not before losing a ton of blood. ... "

Tara looks so shocked.

"anyways that leads me to this the good news"

I show Tara my temporary markings on my wrist and forearm from my boyfriend.

Tara speaks up.

" I know you didn't go and get a marking with a boy whose family tried to kill you!?!"

"no but with the man that saved me"

"oh.. who is your white knight? "


"Awww you to are so cute together.... wait what's his power??? I didn't think he had any that he could control."

"Girl I wish I could tell you but it's not my place. He wants it to be a secret. I willtell you that he is very powerful and very much so in control of it."

"so bad new you almost died.

Good news Devin saved you.

Really good news you to are dating?

I totally knew you had a thing for him. you are always drawing him."

"well the really really good news has to do with the last 24 hours I spent with Devin. I don't want to be the kiss and tell type but it was just wow!!"

"oh my gosh... you had sex!!?!!"

I just smile and nod.

"so how was it? Was he any good?"

"He is amazing. Mind blown amazing!"

"So that's why you didn't respond to my text. I was thinking that I would have to report to the head master that you didn't return." she laughed.

"oh no that's not why my phone was destroyed by blood." I show her my phone from my bag that's when she noticed the blood all over the bag and my art. My phone was covered in crusty dried blood.

"Oh my gosh is that all your blood?"

"yeah I for real almost died. if Devin wouldn't have found me and gave me his blood when he did I would have died for real. Like The End. I'm so mad at Aaron for letting me be in that much danger. "

"well thank the Goddess that Devin found you and that you got away from those scary wolfs."

"yeah" I sigh laying back.

"oh, sorry if that offend you. it's going to take me awhile to get used to the fact that you're part wolf and part vampire. I've just been looking at you as a witch this whole time I didn't realize that my opinions of the other species could upset you. I'm sorry you still my BFF."

"most of school don't know that I'm only a quarter witch. I'd really like to keep it that way for now. since all the powers derived from which has to start out with that's why I just considered myself a witch."

"that makes since. Can I see it's still hard to believe. "

"alright... "

I like showing off the red hair and red eyes pointy teeth and pointy ears. I can show her my long sharp fingers like the Wolf ladies had too.

"oh my gosh that's seriously scary."

I turn back to normal.

"yeah that's how I got away from the wolf girls they were like what the fuck are you?"

"I see why. I'm glad you got away. "

"me too. I really missed you. I'm so lucky to have you as a dorm sister. I love you "

"awww... I love you too girl "

just then the headmistress knocked on the door.

"I'm here to collect your phones again."

we happily open the door and pass over our phones. closing them in the boxes but they were in to start out with before handing them over.

"make sure you girls get some sleep for class in the morning"

"of course" we both respond giggling.

"so Tara how are you and yours doing?"

"wow it's been too long since we had girl talk?"

"yeah it has"

"see me like I was dating the one guy that you saw outside the bus for a while right?"


"oh he's totally was cheating on me with some other girl. She's like 2 years below us. ew right?"

"yeah I mean he was older then us wasn't he?"

"Yeah like 2 years. 4 years wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't a minor."

"right, so you dumped him right?"

"yeah, not long after that somebody asked me out. I wasn't so sure at first cuz I just broken up with him but the person was really cute."

"so who was it??"

"his name is Tyler and he is so cute. he's a year older, but treats me like a queen."

"aww. that's so cute. Devin's older then me but I'm not sure how much."

"you didn't ask and you slept with him?"

"I don't care. I mean I'm not a minor. so it doesn't really matter. He is super hot and I am super attracted to him. I'm in love" I sigh laying down.

"love is so cute" she giggled "you could all blushy every time you talk about him."

" I can't help it"

we had girl talk for hours before we went to sleep.