
Moonbeam Academy

A young woman at 17 is starting a new life, in a far away country. Excited to finally leave home and have a chance to make friends. Soon after arriving she finds out that everything she knew was wrong. She learns of a whole new world that she is in. She quickly finds her way in to a love triangle. Unfairly taking advantage of her new found powers to get in the heads of the unexpected boys. Learning about the true nature, and feelings of the young men. She learns her new world isn't as safe as she hoped. Will she make it out with her lift?

Freeze_2b · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


"don't worry about the blood" Devin said.

He grabbed so bandage and a warm wash rag.

"Alright let me see. Does it still hurt?"

"when I lay still i can barely feel it. To be honest it doesn't hurt much at all now. Thanks to you."

He wipes down my arms first. Then my back.

"How does that feel?" he said as he slowly wipe down my back. The warm water stops the sting.

"Relaxing." A little embarrassing in a romantic way. I shouldn't be enjoying his touch this as much as I am it makes me feel guilty.

"I need a minute." He stops and stands up.

"Are you okay?"

"yes... no... your still bleeding. Although it's not much at all it's still... so... tempting." He stands up and turns away.

"Devin I'm sorry to tempt you." although I really wouldn't mind if he did what ever he was thinking about. Since the blood is tempting he probably gave me to much blood. He is probably needing blood.

"Marie I' am sorry I'm afraid I might hurt you."

"oh you could never hurt me.. .." I stand up behind him holding the cover around my body as I held him.

he's not talking now I can feel his heart racing.

"if it's ok I can shower to get the blood off"


"will you show me where is your restroom?" I say as I let go.

"the ... the closest one is right here."

His room is large so is his restroom.

Even lager then my room back home.

"are your sure you can stand?" Devin ask trying not to look at me. I can see the bright red in his eyes.

"I will set if I feel dizzy"

"ok are you sure your fine"

"if you are worried you can check on me I'll leave the door open. "

"um... ok, I'll get you some clothes."

"I had clothing in the bag but I don't know if they got bloody or not. Feel free to go though my stuff" I say turning the shower on.

I have so much bloody water around my feet, my body looks like I had bathed in blood there is so much. How was I still alive?.... I feel like I was scratched by kitty cats. I've never healed this quickly.

I feel his blood in me. I... see his body... I set down in the shower... My legs are weak... but I'm not dizzy. I see his amazingly hot body... I want to hold him.... I want too see more of him. I can't do this to him I've got to control myself...

But more than anything I want him to hold me and tell me that it's ok. I want to know I'll be safe for the night.

I want to cry. Everytime I meet someone outside of school I almost die.

I can see why my parents kept me locked up like a little princess. I wish they would have spent that time teaching me to protect myself.

The water is clear there is no more blood in it. My body is numb to the water that's ran cold. I'm crying, I almost died again. Again. Will I ever live a normal life? I keep seeing the looks of the people that have hurt me. Those women, their words, their thoughts, their intention to murder me without knowing anything about me. The men how wanted to have their way with my body, the look in their eyes. Alex trying to possess me throw blood lust. Just to push in the face of Aaron. Aaron forcing me into Alex's bed, then allowing me to be taken by those women. Always leaving me when I need him. Why do I try to be friends with them? Will they ever see me as more then an item to take? A trophy for show? Do they even care that I have feelings, thoughts and emotions? I blame myself for this. I've let people walk all over me. I've been so hungry for friendship, I just wanted to make them happy. This is the thanks I get.

What is Devin exactly? Shifter? Witch? Vampire?

"Marie, are you okay?"

"no I'm not" I can't stop crying. I'm setting hugging my knees. Devin turns off the water and puts a robe over me. He carries me back to the bed. Laying me down. The sheets have been changed. There is also a clean blinked. He covers me up and turns to wake away.

"Please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone" I begged him clinging to his clean shirt, with some tears still in my eyes.

"I understand." he said. "do you still hurt anywhere? I could give you more blood if that helps."

"my only pain right now is emotional, Thanks to you my body is healed. "

he sat on the bed next to me. "if I could help with that too I would. If there is anything I can do to help let me know."

"sleep with me, please, just hold me for the night so I feel safe. " here come the tears again. I must look pathetic.

"I will stay the night with you." he said laying next to me. "I will hold you all night" he said pulling me close. "I will keep you safe as long as you let me. It's going to be okay."

"thank you, thank you for everything. I'm sorry for all the trouble "

"it's ok"


"I'm sorry if this is weird for you, you know being in bed with me. I'm afraid the girl you like might get the wrong message."

"That's impossible, just get some rest now. I will still be here when you wake up. I wont

leave. so save your questions for morning. "

"goodnight Devin."

I can't see Devin's face, but I can feel his body all over me as he embraced me from behind. I can feel his body from head to toe. His warm arms, and body like a blinked. His heartbeat like a lullaby.

You are my comfort, in an otherwise crazy world. Devin I'm so In love with you.

Thank you for being someone I can trust.

Thank you for only holding me, when I'm weak like this.

All my thoughts on him as I fall asleep.

His smile. His warm words. How he always makes me feel better on hard days. How he has always been there when I needed him. I'm done crying, I'm safe.

I fall asleep smiling and holding his arm close to me.