
Tyrant Takedown

On a marine cruise ship everything was calm as it usually was as they'd avoided the whirlpool earlier and things were continuing as normal. Three unfortunate marines were stuck outside on watch duty, until they spotted a large barrel floating in the ocean.

"Hey look it's a barrel, maybe i got set adrift after that storm, let's fish it out and see if it's full of booze." Grabbing the attention of his partner they tried numerous times until they were finally able to bring it up on deck.

"Incoming, warn the captain we've got pirates!" The lookout suddenly yells as he spots a ship sailing a sideways Jolly Roger with a heart.

On said pirate ship the crew were getting riled up, itching for a battle. "Men who's the most fairest in all the sea?"

"You Lady Alvida!" The pirates yell the clearly rehearsed/enforced speech as their whale of a captain turns towards them, iron mace in hand.

"I want you to go to that ship and steal all the treasure."

"It's been awhile since we've plundered anything, should be a good haul." All the other pirates yell in agreement with one white haired boy in particular cowering in the corner trying not to be noticed.

As they drew closer to the marine ship they threw lines and planks and boarded the ship and began their raid. Alvida smirked smugly watching the chaos begin, then unfortunately for everyone's favorite cabin boy she noticed he was still on board.

"What're you still doing here boy? Get moving." She yells at the unfortunate boy as she kicks him and sends him crashing into the ship. Disoriented from his fall he quickly rolls out of the way as his captain almost falls right on top of him. most likely on purpose.

"Is anyone in here?" Shu wandered the ship hoping not to run into someone but at least find something so as to not get punished by Alvida for doing nothing during a raid again.

"Huhm that's an unusually large barrle. I should take it back to the ship." Just as he was about to try to roll it out the door three stereotype pirates walked through the door.

"Watcha doing there Shu?"

"Not trying to miss out on the battle again are ya?"

"No of course not. I found this barrel and was planning to take it back to the ship."

"Hold on there shrimpy. We should give it a taste first." Shoving him out of the way the approached the barrel.

"What are you thinking? Lady Alvida will kill you if she finds out."

"Then it's a good thing she won't find out, won't she." Completely intimidated he stutters out a yes.

The largest of them walks towards the barrel and is about to crack it open when a man bursts out of the barrel, breaking it and knocking him unconscious. "What a nap! Why's that guy sleeping on the floor, he's gonna catch a cold like that?"

"YOU'RE HE ONE WHO PUT HIM THERE!" Shu and the other two still conscioius pirates yell out loud with shark teeth.

"You're gonna pay for that." The two draw their weapons and charge at him.

Shu shut his eyes, not wanting to watch the carnage. He opened them again when instead of the sound of pierced flesh and screams he hears two thuds. He opens his eyes and see the broken swords stuck in the ceiling.

Panicking the two pirates grab their unconscious friend and run away.

"Hey kid you know where I can find some food I'm starving."

After searching the storage room and remembering to go back for his sister, Lance, Shu, and the apprently named Luna, were sitting in the storage room going through a crate of apples.

"Who exactly are you two? You beat those guys like they were nothing?"

"I'm Moon D. Lance, future Pirate King. This is my first mate and younger twin sister Luna."

"Hello." Luna says polite but bluntly.

"The Pirate King? Then that means you're pirates." Shu said dumbly, not understanding how these two nice people he just met could be pirates since they're all awful. Too busy in his rant to notice their simultaneous nods he continues. "And it also means you're going after the One Piece, the legendary treasure every pirate in the world's going after. It's impossible, the two of you can't, ow, why'd you hit me?" He was cut short by the two siblings punching him in the head.

"Felt like it. Anways it doesn't matter how dangerous it is, if we die for our dreams then we die, as long as we fight for what we believe in then nothing else matters." Lance takes his hat off his head and holding it to his heart reminisces about his promise.

"Thenn do you think it's possible for me to accomplish my dream too?"

"Depends on what it is."

"For two years I've been kept prisoner by Alvida and forced to work on her ship to survive. I wandered onto her ship by accident as I mistook the boat they were using during a raid as a fishing boat and I've been unable to escape ever since."

"Pathetic." They deadpanned but Shu pretended not to hear them.

"I wanna escape here and join the marines so I can catch bad guys like Alvida."

"Exactly who are you gonna catch Shu?!" The last part was more yelled than asked as a fat whale crashed through the ceiling causing Shu to go into a panic as the dust cleared to reveal his jailor."

"Shu who is the fairest on the sea?"

"Who's the fat hag?" Both siblings say while picking their noses as they do. Everyone within earshot's jaws dropped to the sea. Recovering faster than her men she turns to the still shell shocked Shu and asks him the usual question once again. "Shu I'll give you one last chance. Who is the fairest on the sea?"

"It's, 'If we die for our dreams then we die,' It's anyone except you, you fat old sea hag." This caused those who've gotten over their shock to collapse to the floor. Laughing at the hilariousness of the situation we grab Shu before they could recover and jump through the hole to the deck of the ship and were instantly surrounded by about thirty or so pirates.

Not wasting a beat they drew their swords and charge at the trio "I got this bro." Luna said, stopping Lance from drawing his sword. Suddenly steam started to radiate from her body and it took on a pink tint. All the pirates stopped their charge and stare in utter confusion. "Jet Gattling." Using the momentary confusion Luna attacked them with her rapid punch attack, knocking them unconscious and overboard.

"What just happened." Shu said voicing both his and Alvida, who had finally gotten out of her hole, were thinking.

"I ate the Gum Gum Fruit and now I'm made of rubber." She emphasized this by stretching her cheeks to inhuman lengths.

It took another five minutes for Alvida to gain her non existent wits, again. "I'm gonna make you brats pay for what you did." She charges at them heading straight fo rthe mutinous Shu and right as she was about to strike him down I used Shave to get between them in an instant and grabbed her club, effortlessly stopping her attack with one hand.

"Impossible, how'd you stop my attack so easily. And why can't I move."

"Mystery powers." That caused everoyne, Luna included to sweat drop at that statement as he reels back his fist and punches her right in the gut so hard it sent her flying away to become a twinkle in the sky.

All this was way to omcuh for Shu to process at once and he fainted from shock. Luna caught him as the ship suddenly started to shake from cannonballs being shot at it.

"Uh oh, the marines are here we need to get out of here quickly. We'll take Shu with us to the next town adn drop him off at the marine base and we can meet up with the rest of the crew there as well." Quickly heading over to where the lifeboats were Luna gently placed Shu on the deck of the small dinghy as Lance dreew his sword and cut the ropes holding it.