
Bab 9

Shitty face, wrinkled school uniform, and half his shirt not put in his pants, far from tidy.

Ali is who we've known since we first walked into this school. Ali does look normal. But the electric eel thing, that's a serious offense.

"Miss selena forbade us to talk about it until she got back. You know exactly what his message is," I finally whispered in despair. That culprit, why even assume that the incident in the classroom with Mr. Gun was ordinary.

"Yeah, you're right. Miss curly forbade us.

Well, what's the result? It's been almost six months, she stays

Not back. I don't know where. What if he

Not back for years? You gonna keep acting normal? Disappearing into thin air. Cells that shoot lightning. And I, the most primitive of the four parallel worlds could turn into a giant bear. How about during basketball, when someone punches me in the stomach, I get mad and suddenly I go

More bears?" Ali answered casually.