

"Because I even know, it's not only the eels that can emit significant electricity. Humans can also shoot lightning."

"Humans? No human shall generate electricity, ali. The human body is not designed like an eel's tail." Mr. Gun shook his head.

"Can. As long as she inherits the genetic code to do that, so long as she has plates of supertiny batteries of millions in her hand structure, fused with the blood cells, sequenced. More than eel batteries. Let alone significant electricity, she could even release millions of volts of lightning. It was easy to explain," ali answered flatly.

"No way, ali. Humans don't have that kind of evolutionary line. You would make the entire biological sciences of the world obsolete if you could give me that evidence." Mr. Gun smiled, once again shaking his head.

Well, I sat some table from ali

Getting anxious. The seli also took my arm, whispering worried. Why is ali being so serious right now?

"I have proof." Ali stood there with his face uncaring, grinning, then pointing at our table.