

I looked over at ali, like I couldn't believe it.

And other friends.

Ali had just answered in a typical style of origin


"Can you elaborate on that, ali?" Gun Sir


"It is easy to explain. Eight-fifths of eel's body is its tail. On the tail are small batteries of small, horizontal and vertical plates. It was huge, over five thousand pieces. Each battery has a small electric voltage, but if all batteries are tied in line or series, electricity will be found at up to 600 volts. In the formation of a tiny battery, eels emit electricity. Electric eels clearly have a mechanism not to be stung by their own electricity in the water. Explain the matter more easily, like a lightning rod on a house." Ali answered, randomly relaxing his broken hair,

Even the cells that used to laugh at all are anga open now. The class returned to quiet, leaving a drizzling sound outside


Spain_Screators' thoughts