

The stinger. The fisherman fell to the surface.

The other fishermen rushed to his aid.

"Imagine being stung by an electric wire with 600 volts of electricity in a matter of seconds. that

"A lightning strike issued by eel" That is also

The best defense for an electric eel. Many creatures have their own mechanism for surviving in the wild. Some like it makes no sense not to see it for themselves. Some were able to do mimicry, blend into the surrounding colors, like a chameleon, as if lost. Some of them can breathe on land and in water. These eels give off lightning.

Only the electrophorus electricus eel group could generate significant electricity." Mr. Gun paused the video, went back to the class.

"How do eels emit electricity in water, Sir? What if the electricity electrocuted his own body?" One of the students raised a finger, asking, couldn't wait to see when Mr. Gun continued his explanation

"What a question." Mr. Gun smiled. "Can anyone explain it?"


Spain_Screators' thoughts