
Moon Flowers Realm [ BL]

While seeking the path to immortality young and stubborn Xiao Yi gets entangled with a mysterious and cunning Xuan Lu(Hong Lu) but their relationship is almost destroyed when Xuan Lu's real identity is unravelled.

xiaohuli455 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter One.

Since ancient times, immortals have always believed and followed the Natural Law which strictly justifies the existence of only Three realms;the Immortal Realm,the Mortal Realm and the Void/Demon Realm. Some believe that the existence of the Void Realm is a result of human greed and selfishness therefore it's regarded as a forbidden realm.A thousand years ago during the great battle between the Immortal Realm and the Void Realm,the Demon Race was subdued and the Kongbai Portal was sealed by The Lord of Pureness, Immortal Xiu Zhen and the Demon Race was sealed in the Void Realm forever. The Void Emperor Hong Ruo and some of his henchmen ended up losing their lives in the battle. Ever since demons have never caused a ruckus in the other two realms and it's believed the world will be peaceful forever.

Not long after the battle Immortal Xiu Zhen also died after having been poisoned during the battle. Ever since, the Immortal Realm has never had an outstanding and invincible immortal like him. They believe he might have reincarnated somewhere in the mortal realm so every year they recruit outstanding young boys from the mortal realm with hope of finding his reincarnation. But throughout the years they haven't been able to find him , gradually losing hope that he may not have reincarnated at all.

Menghua lake is located in Fenghua County ,in the western region of the Qian State in the Mortal Realm. Menghua lake is known for having the cleanest water and it's usually safe for even children to fetch water from there. Most people usually appear there at dawn or in the evening when the water is coolest therefore favourable for drinking. The afternoon sunshine is now at its peak with the rays striking the water surface directly and the surrounding grassland.

On the surrounding grassland near the lake a young man is lying on his back with his arms pillowing his head and his eyes closed. He's only wearing black inner robe pants while the upper part of his body is bare. Some of the parts on his back are making contact with the grass but he doesn't seem bothered by it. Instead he's enjoying his sunbathing session since it's afternoon and he's sure no one will come to the lake at such a time. People in Fenghua County don't bear the responsibility of being clean so most of them disregard body cleaning measures such as bathing. Otherwise most people would have been at the lake scrambling for the afternoon warm water from the lake to cleanse themselves. Most people prefer carrying fragrance sachets to get rid of their own body odour.

The young man's outer robes have been neatly laid on the grass waiting for the sunshine to accomplish it's duty of drying them. After a while of sunbathing,the young man hears some footsteps which get clearer after a while. The footsteps sound light like that of a woman. Though he's curious he still doesn't open his eyes to examine the approaching stranger. The stranger is also a young man of about sixteen years old carrying a wooden pail. He's obviously here to fetch water. He gently places his bucket at the rocks at the shore of the lake. He suddenly becomes curious of the lying man's identity so he walks towards him.

The sixteen year old boy stops when he reaches where he can clearly see the lying man from all angles. The lying young man has a very beautiful flawless face that it doesn't seem real. His chest and the rest of his body parts aren't that much masculine and they look flawless as well.The sixteen year old boy stoops and extends his hand in a slow yet approaching manner trying to touch the other man's face to feel if it's real. The lying young man can clearly feel and trace the boy's every movement. Before the boy's hand reaches his face,he grabs it and rubs it against his cheeks surprisingly fulfilling the boy's wish in the process.

"You want to feel if it's real or not,"the lying young man smiles gently while his eyes remain closed.

"How do you know I want to feel if it's real or not?"the sixteen year old boy asks still surprised by the other man's actions.I mean who would allow a stranger they are barely acquainted with to touch their face ?

"You're not the first person to try doing that,"the lying young man replies gently still smiling gently as well.

Before he opens his eyes, the sixteen year old boy takes a chance to stare at the rest of the lying young man's body parts. He can say he has been struck by the man's beauty.

"Little brother why are you staring at me like that? Have you never seen anyone else naked apart from yourself?"

"No I haven't. Even if I had seen I'm sure they aren't as beautiful as you."

The lying young man chuckles softly amused by the boy's compliment,"Even if I'm beautiful I can't compare to you little brother."

"How do you know I'm beautiful when you haven't even opened your eyes to look at me?"

"I can recognize beauties even with my eyes closed."

The boy is taken aback by the lying man's words that he touches his face with his other hand to compare the texture of his skin to the lying man's. Where the boy lived even the surrounding areas he was considered the most beautiful one but no one has ever tried to say it to him face to face let alone he himself he has never told anyone how beautiful they are.

"No need to be shy we're all boys. I was just complimenting you casually,"the lying man speaks in assurance to make the boy more comfortable with him. He then remembered he was still holding the boy's hand so he caresses it feeling its texture in the process.

"Your hands don't have calluses you must be from a well-off family but then why would a well-off family allow their beautiful son to fetch water by himself?What's your exact identity?"the lying man asks curiously as he opens his eyes only to look directly into the boy's innocent eyes.

"My name is Xiao Yi. I'm a refugee who happens to reside at Lotus Temple so I barely carry out hard tasks that's why my hands are still in good shape for you to admire,"Xiao Yi speaks humbly seeing how cold look the other man bears when he's not smiling. He can't deny he's a little afraid of what the young man might do to him now that he shows interest in him.

"Considering how those monks treat you so well,have you considered entering monkhood?"

"No, I haven't. I'm planning to go to the Immortal Village to cultivate immortality,"Xiao Yi answers honestly.

"Why does everyone want to cultivate immortality? What's so good about immortality? Or because you want to live a longer life?"The young man snorts letting go of Xiao Yi's hand and getting up in the process.