
Moon and Back

How far are you willing to go for the ones you love? And how far are they willing to go for you in return? Is love a delusion, a fairytale or a lie? Let's ask Lisa.

Lorelaii_ii · Urban
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23 Chs


"Lisa, wake up!" Her mother screamed as she saw her daughter being driven away by the paramedics into the emergency room.

She was dead, or better yet, she died depressed. Lonely, sad—oh, and so did Thaddeus.

Her lover.

You know how people say that when you die, your life's pictures flash past you in an endless galore until the very moment you take your last picture at death?

Lisa saw all her pictures, most of them filled with Thaddeus. Goofy Thaddeus.

Was death the only solution? No, it couldn't have been; it never was.

Did it have to end like this? The love story of Thaddeus and Lisa The true moon and back romance Or did it end before?

Who caused all this pain,this jealousy, this deceit,the lies, and most importantly, all these murders?

The story didn't start on a dark day or a dark night with nimbus clouds and a dark atmosphere dark.It all started on a lovely morning with beacon in the morning and french fries on the pan.

Lisa could smell it from her room, but did she know that was her first meal in the gestation of her death? Did she know she was getting into the hands of a murderer?

"Mum, I don't want to do this anymore." Lisa sat sad, playing with her food.

"Do what, darling?" her mother asked, chewing.

"Nothing," Lisa sighed, leaving her mother worried.

"Just take it one breath at a time." Lisa's mother got up and kissed Lisa's forehead.

"You're working late today?" Lisa asked as her mother opened the front door.

"No sweetheart. I'll be home by seven," Lisa's mother smiled.

"I love you, mom." I will always love you," Lisa said.

There was a tone in her voice different from the I love you" she told her mother before. This one came from a deep place, a place of darkness, with a little light shining.

Lisa had had enough of this. All the trials, the tears, the deaths, and the funerals Too many people she loved were in coffins, all because of one choice she made—to love a friendly beast.

"Can you come over to my place?" She texted her lover.

"Sure," he replied.

Then she began writing letters to her two favorite people on the planet, Natasha and her mother. Natasha's letter said:

"Hey Tash! Damn, so much has happened. I'm sure you're wondering why I'm writing letters like we're in Bridgerton, but I thought this would be timeless. I'm going away for some time, and I just wanted to say goodbye to you. I love you, and I'll see you the next time you see me.

Love, Lisa."

Short because Lisa couldn't stop crying as she wrote it, not knowing what exactly to say or what not to say. The next letter for her mother was longer, and more tears fell on it than they had on any of her pillows.

She made her bed, watered her rose, and wore the red dress that her mother gave her that fateful day.

She cleaned her closet, went to the fridge, put whipped cream on some vanilla cupcakes, and ate like it was the end of the world. Lastly, she went through the photo album she had full of high school memories. From Roxy to Thaddeus to Camilla to Christopher Andreas, it was on the last page, right below Michael's picture.

She kissed the book and called him.

"It's time," she said, cutting the call.

He came with a loaded gun and headed upstairs to her room.

Lisa smiled at him.

"Till death do us part," he smiled back and sat on the carpet.

"So, who's going first?" Lisa asked, smiling, probably the last time she would smile.

"Can I kiss you one last time?" he asked, almost crying.

"Sure," Lisa responded, leaning in, and the two let their lips speak for themselves.

"Now we'll be doing that for the rest of our lives," he joked.

"Where we can be together without anyone noticing," Lisa chuckled, brushing her tears away.

"I love you," he declared.

"I love you, too," she said back.

"On the count of three, three, two, one," says the narrator.

And then, just as he completed counting, two gunshots ended this heartbreaking tale of starcrossed lovers who traveled to the moon and back to be together.