
Moon's Revenge

Being married because of beauty, the ending is betrayal.

MoonLighttt · Urban
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24 Chs

8: Dealing with little issues

Luna's POV

Lewis is attending school and Lucas is mostly at work so I am pretty bored in this house so I mostly spend my time at the garden reading some books.

I am planning to go to my mom since the that woman who sent me here said that my mother would be alive but I still haven't figured out any way I could do to go to her without being suspicious.

"Mrs.Ashford" someone called out.

I almost jumped out of my seat because I was startled. Luckily my reflexes are fast enough to act normal. I saw a woman younger than me. probably between 20-23

"Can I help you?" I asked with a smile.

"I am your personal maid. I went here with you, Young miss. I've been accompanying you for 20 years." The girl said and kneeled in front of me.

I hurriedly stood up and help her get up.

I just can't get use to someone kneeling to me.

"I'm very sorry to have forgotten you. I am still trying to remember everything." I said and let her sat beside me.

"If you would like, I can tell you your life since I have been with you for 20 years. We are mostly together." She said with a lightly bitter smile.

My eyes sparkled and waited for her to tell the story of Luna

"Young Miss, You grew up in the Varzant Mansion. I have been always there for you. You whole family loves you. You have an older brother and older sister. Ezekiel Zeke Varzant is your elder brother. He is the eldest and most successful person in your family. Next is Zayne Freyj Varzant. She is influential and has a successful bussiness as well.

"You are the family's greatest treasure. That is why they were sad when they knew you are going to get married to Mr.Lucas." She said with a trace of disappointment with her voice.

"Is it a bad thing to be married with him?" I asked confusely

She immediately answered after that question

"Ofcourse! Ever since you came here the young master did not give you any attention. And the most embarrassing is when he always took the side of others instead of you so the others turned you into a laughingstock. Mr.Lucas always have that girl Gizel following him. That Gizel always hated you because she liked Mr.Ashford it even gotten into the point where she had plotted against you. She hurt Ms.Lisa's daughter. Miss Lisa is Mr.Ashford's cousin, they only know that you are vicious and can hurt your own son so they easily believed that you hurt Lilly (Ms.Lisa's daughter) And after that incident you went home and had a fight with Mr.Ashford, You lost conciousness but regained it again. After that, Miss Gizel came here and provoked you which made you lose conciousness again. But you asked me not to tell to Master Lucas." She said while crying. I pat her head trying to make her stop but she continued crying and crying

"Young Miss, How can you be so stupid!!" She cried and hugged me tight..

I couldn't do anything so I just froze and let her hug me

"Pardon my rudeness *Sob* *sob*" -The girl

"uhh, Can you tell me your name?" I asked awkwardly

"I am Kindred. I am happy for your recovery Young Miss." She said while looking down.

"Kindred.. It is such a nice name." I said with a smile

"Ofcourse It is!! You gave me my name young miss." She said and smiled naughtily

It looks like everything here is not that simple as well. It is not too different from my last life as Selene. The only difference is that I'm no longer the version of myself I was before.

Since Luna gave me this chance to live again. I might as well not waste it.

I promise. I will change everything here and protect your son Luna. Trust me.

"Young miss, are you alright? You are pacing." Kindred said and waved her hand into my face.

"I'm alright, maybe I am just a little sleepy." I said and fixed myself

"Young miss, just tell me if you need anything. I'll try my best to get it for you." Kindred said and left me in the garden.

since Kindred left I can peacefully think now.

Based on Kindred's story There is this woman named Gizel who hated me so much. Jealous women are really scary. I should somehow think of a way to avoid falling in her dirty tricks.

As for Lucas's family it seems like they do not hate me. It is only that Gizel is continuously framing me that is why they are getting angry at me.

Anger is okay, but it could somehow turn to hatred so I should do something about it before it gets out of my hand.

"Mrs.Ashford, you have a guest." one of the unfamiliar maid said and brought someone to me.

"Greetings, Mrs.Ashford." The graceful young lady greeted me.

"Uhh, You are?" -Me

"I am Vexana Gray, I am here to accompany you Mrs.Ashford." She greeted with a smile.

She has a perfect body and a beautiful face I'm sure lots of men would kill for her.

"Accompany me?" I asked again as I am confused by her godlike presence.

"Well, I would like to know if Mrs.Ashford is still interested with our unfinished conversation." She said with a seductive smile.

I am admiring her a lot. She is oozing with appeal T^T

"Please give us a moment." I said and asked the maid who escorted her to leave

"Lulu! You really lost your memory!" The graceful girl (Vexana) cried and hugged me tightly.

"I cannot believe you even forgotten your favorite sister-in-law!" She cried and wiped her tears like a kid.

Where did the oozing appeal go?

"Your brother sent me here to check on you, I cannot believe that what he said was true. You really lost your memories!! My poor Lulu" She cried again and hugged me.

"Sorry for not recognizing you sister, I still haven't recovered my memory yet." I just said awkwardly

"It was all because of that Lucas fault!! I will make sure to let him pay!! Don't worry Lulu! I will make sure to avenge you! I will tear down the Ashfords for you!" She cried and hugged me even tighter while continuously crying out my name

"Lulu!! My poor Lulu!" She cried.

"Sister, You misunderstood." I said and fixed myself.

She was shocked and stopped hugging me, instead she just looked at me with her face full of confusion.

"I was wrong?" She asked again

"Then who should I tear down?"She asked confusedly

"I am very happy seeing you concerned about me, but I know for a fact that it wasn't Lucas who harmed me. It was some jealous girl." I said with a smile, trying to comfort her

"A jealous girl?" She asked again

" Lin Family's Gizel Lin." I answered with an evil smile.

"Such a small family dared to bully the Miss of the Varzant Family?! Don't worry! I'll make sure she will pay the price she needs to pay!" Vexana said and took our her phone.

Ofcourse, I immediately stopped her.

"Sister, I want to do it my own. Afterall, she messed with me. How can I let her go?" I said with a sarcastic smile.

"You're really my little sister-in-law" She said with a seductive smile. Her Appeal is back.

"If you ever need anything from me. Don't hesitate to ask. I'll do everything for you." She added and hugged me and slowly patted my head.

"Thank you sister!" I said and hugged her back.

"Since you are alright now, I will go back to my husband now. If you need anything, Just tell me." She said with a kind eyes and fixed herself as she get up

"If you don't ask for my help. Then I'll do the work myself." She warned and waved her hand as she go away.

I looked behind her and suddenly I remembered something in my head.

Something about her reminded me of the woman I saw in my dream who claimed to be a deity.

could it be her?

"Mommy what are you thinking?" Lewis interrupted. I went back to my senses and lifted Lewis.

"Did you have fun at school?" I asked with a bright smile.

"School is never fun. but who is that lady that came here just now? Did she come to bully you? Should we tell daddy?" Lewis worried asked

"No, That is your aunt." I said with a smile and pinched her cheeks.

"Aunt? She looks young to be my aunt." Lewis said the confusion is all over his face

"It is because your Aunt is so pretty."I said with a smile and walked inside the mansion

"I guess mommy you'll look better than her if you grow up." Lewis said with a wide smile

Damn this kid is a sweet talker

"Well, Time will tell that." I said with an awkward smile and proceeded to the living room.