
Moon's Journey Across the Multiverse

Sanja is an ordinary yet special guy and now he received a chance to be a successor of an ancient God. This is my first novel so if there is some mistakes just deal with it and point it out so I can improve it later. I have a shaky start but I got the hang of it as I upload more chapters. Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Mayushiiii · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Prologue 1 (Rewrite)

In a dark and gloomy place a young man can be seen muttering 'im sorry' over and over again as he walked mindlessly. In his eyes only regret and guilt can be seen along with his blank cloaked face. Many years passed before he changed his destination and continued to walk nonstop towards a white grave.

After reaching out the grave he started to say something while sometimes laughing and sometimes crying. He seems to recall all about the memories and things with the person's grave he visited. The young man took out a cup of wine from nothing then he poured it into the tombstone.

Unknown years passed by but the young man is still staring at the same tombstone for countless years now. He seems thinking something deep before light of hope appeared in his blank eyes. The young man said some words he can only understand, followed by the end of his words a pillar of light that covered everything starts to bloom surrounding everywhere.


⁂God's Room⁂

"Where am i? , I thought i am already dead? Is this the 'Afterlife'?"

Looking around the soul can only see a place full of something white that is giving a majestic feeling that attracts his attention. Suddenly a figure covered with blinding light appeared. The light walked towards his direction and stopped in front of him.

Being in a creepy place and the unknown white figure appearing out of nowhere made him panicked. He is trying to make sense what is happening till a rush of memories deeply drilled into him. Many unknown information followed by his former memories rushed into his <core>. Arranging his new memories he now know what situation he is currently in.

"You are finally awake now let's finish our deal" The bright light figure said breaking the soul in his contemplation.

He is breathing heavily before he forcefully calmed himself down. The soul recalled the time he made a wish before he fell into deep 'sleep'.

⁂1 Hour Earlier⁂

'Where am I?. Wait am I dead?? but how??.' He screamed inside his mind as he keep looking around. The soul all could see is an empty white space and a room that have dull white walls. Seeing the empty room he recalled the novels and fictions he read as his hobby before he died by a bright flash of light.

'If I remember this is the part where a 'God' will arrive and tell me that I can choose to reincarnate and stuff right?'

"So you finally arrived we can-

The soul immediately interrupt the light figure in front of him.'Hold it right there shining guy what is happening here' Unafraid of who or what is in front of him right now , he asked to confirm his speculation and tell which direction this 'cliché' reincarnation will be going.

"Well for starters I'm what you called mortals refer to as 'God' and you are in my domain. Now that it's out of the way , the issue is we need to kill you. Before you interrupt me again listen for the reason first alright.

You are affected of a sickness that can kill us 'Gods' but somehow your body resisted it by creating antibodies and improve your body and can live for a long time, as for how long it's till your planet's central star explode , meaning your <Sun>. Your body can give us the answers we need to create the cure we've been working on for almost 3 chaos cycles."

It takes for a few moments before the soul processed the information he received from the 'God'. 'Wwaaaaaaait WHATT YOU KILLED ME???!! AND FOR WHAT TO RESEARCH MY <body> ON TOP OF THAT TO CREATE A FU**ING CURE?!!??.'

After a few minutes of shouting colorful profanities he is now tired but he still unable to calm his anger for such reasoning. He feels unlucky right now. The figure points his fingers at the soul and shoot a green coloured light that quickly calm the soul from having another panick attack.

After a few moments the soul forcefully calmed down but he still continue cursing the 'God' lowly. The God prevent the soul to 'speak' any further as he explains the situation.

"A very rude soul , well it doesn't matter we know that it's unfair but we really need your mortal body as a research material and create a medicine for the illness that can affected us higher being.

Many catastrophic events that may happen if more Gods die. We 'Gods' need to maintain the balance and prevent such events to occur. So as a compensation we will offer you a deal" The God one again points his finger at the soul to enable his ability to 'talk'.

'Wait so let me process this a little bit…

So in a nutshell you killed me and take my body, a <mortal body> at that to create your so called <cure> that can affect even you and other 'Gods', wow just waow that's a lot to take in.

I don't even know if I'm lucky or unlucky in this situation... but as you already killed me i know that i can't go back now right??. So instead of waiting and wasting time let's hear what's this 'DEAL' of yours to me'

"Well i read your memories from your deepest desire , so i will grant you a chance to reincarnate. I estimated your worth and i can give you 4 wishes for your body and another 2 as a peace offering to you. So all in all i will give you 6 wishes in total. There is also no limitation other than having more wishes or directly wishing to be a God of course.

This will also be your trial if you can ascend to the Gods Throne or not."

Thinking that this is too good to be true he know that there is no free lunch in this world so he decided to create precautions and fail safes in his wishes.

"Alright then my first wish is you have to vow your very existence that this 'DEAL' of ours will not be leaked to ANY others and no secrets allowed during our deal"

"There is no need to as this deal is made by the 〔council of Gods〕 to be confidential so there is no need to waste your wish and i have my own pride as a 'God' young soul I will not deceive you."

'Fine then my wish is to have ultimate hiding 〔Skill〕 that can hide my thoughts , memories , power level etc etc from everything of course it includes fate, heaven's will, karma and you 'Gods'. I want it to be engraved in and protect my soul'

Without further delay he immediately wish a concealment technique to hide his thoughts process to the higher being in front of him. This can also help him in his future escapades.

"That's an intresting wish you want there young soul but nonetheless understandable alright then. Every God can conceal themselves from the heavens will so it's not a big deal but as an extra compensation I will ask the other Gods who excel in this department for a better technique."

The figure one again points his fingers at him and give what he wished for but the soul feels unimaginable pain assault him as the ability he wished engraved in his very soul itself. To engrave something it needs focus so it was a slow and tedious process as information after information is forcefully pushed itself to his very soul.

The process takes 17 year but the young soul gritted his teeth as he endure the torturous experience. After 17 years he feel refreshed , he feel that he is free and not bound by any shackles. He calmed down as he try and use his new 〔skill〕 , instinctively he used his new knowledge to try 'his' new ability and indeed it can concealed and hide his thoughts , but it's far from being called a perfect concealment technique.

"There you go this skill is from the Night Goddess she give me the permission to give it to you but you are not allowed to teach it to others or there will be consequences, do you understand?"

'That's understandable but can I improve it if I have the ability to ?'

"Wait for a moment ...

The Night Goddess gives you her permission she even give you a bonus if you can actually do improve it , a chanc of betrothal between you and her daughter hahaha"

After hearing that I can improve it I didn't listen anymore and just think of a wish that can give me maximum benefit to get stronger. 'Let me think for a moment'. Quickly organising and reeling his emotions in check he decided that he wanted to live his live in his past life till the end first before he proceed to start in his new life.

He know it's the opposite of what he planned but he didn't want to be ungrateful to his parents. 'I wish to return to my past self and live in it before wishing more if it's alright with you'

"I can't comply to your request this time because it will take long time, you should remember what I said that the disease will prolong your life span than a normal person right ?, the 〔Time Lords〕 will also retaliate if i did return you"

The figure replied to the young soul amiably.The soul already prepared an alternative solution as he already think that it will be close to impossible to return to his past life so he said

'Is it alright to put me in a dream sort of reality. So that I can live my life in that but with the similar settings as my past life before you killed me? , after that can you create a clone of me in my past world and give my family a blessing so they can live a more luxurious and healthy life if you can'

'I can do everything in this wish as it's just a minor request. Before I put you inside the dream you must remember that our conversation will be sealed until you 'die' again inside your dream , but are you sure that you will waste one wish for this?'

'Yes I am' The soul answered firmly

"Since I can't read your thoughts now can you tell me what's the reason of this wish of yours."

'I want to know what path in life I will take even if it's my own demise. I wish to know what will i do if i didn't get this chance even if it will take one wish then so be it , there's still more anyway. I want to experience what failures i will face so i can prevent it in the future , my memories in that stimulation will give me experience and drive to be better at least that's my plan.'

The figure looked at the soul with interest of a person who seen a precious treasure as he know that the soul can be a genius if wanted to but at the same time extremely lazy and want to do things in the most efficient way to deal with things he wants.

"Alright then years in your dream will be a seconds or minutes in this domain now find a comfortable position I will put you in your wish."

⁂Present Time⁂

The soul finally remembered what he did before he died in his dream and the wishes he still left. He quickly organized his memories to update the current one.

He recalled his name and his family. His father that give him every request he wants and his lovable mother that take 3 - 4 work for both his brother and him to give what they wanted be it clothes , gadgets and many more material things that they wants.

In the end he take it all for granted and live his life full of regrets, he have his so called 'friends' that did nothing but to take advantage of him and the money he received from his mom , some pursue and after his looks as he have quite above average asian face he looked rather attractive.

He don't have any dreams and goals set as he knew that if he want something he will get it through his mother or father . He becomes lazy as the time passed by.But that is until his mother can't comply and work anymore because of her old age. Now he need to work hard just to receive some money.

He who didn't know hardships before needed to be the breadwinner in the family. He also need to pay bills , money for food and other miscellaneous things just to live for a day. Added to this is his leach of a 'friends' and relatives that make it more harder for him for every day life. The pressure is too much for him to handle as he gave up.


The soul wails and cried his heart out as he know all he's short comings and deeply regret many things. Even if it's a dream he know that every decision he made there were all true. His childishness and incompetence lead to many regrets. After unknown time passed he finally decided to move on.

He come to conclusion that if he don't want to be forever known as a failure he need to put his efforts and full attention to achieve his desired goals. Now he firmly believe and decided that he will live his life for himself and his future loved ones. A determined flicker as some light glow and enter inside his soul making it grow more powerful.

'Is that a.. h-how is it that possible!!?, H-H-he obtained a spark of 'his' divinity?!!!?' The Bright Entity thought

The higher beings body is shaking as he mumbled something again and again. Unknown to the soul what is happening as he decided to change for the better he now know the meaning of the saying in his past life. {You will only know it's true value when it's gone.}.

The soul now decides that he will take up to the up coming challenges and will not back down anymore not just for his past family but also for himself. He is glad that he wish his family to be healthy unlike that of what he experienced in the dream even he can't be with them at least he is sure that they live a happy life.

'For my third wish I want my 'OWN' system that is bound to me and my soul alone but also have everything in existence that need to exchange system currency for the items and other things in the shop. I also want to customize and add some features in it myself.'

"It's quite a hard request as the Artifacts like the 〔System〕 is long been banned by the Gods. I will ask first...

The Gods give their individual votes you have 87 Yes and 12 No...

The wish has been approved , you are permitted to have a system. Then so be it "

The higher being fulfill his wish as the veil of light that surrounds him disappear. The wish take heavy consumption of energy but the 'Glowing Figure' still did it. The soul can finally 'see' the one fulfilling his wishes.

The figure is quite tall around 1.8 meters in height a typical grandfatherly visage along with his long white beard that reach his waist and also a long white hair that can be found everywhere in cultivation world, his robe is made of pure soft silk with gold ornaments and gold markings markings. His robe is unique , along with the dragon insignia at the side of the sleeves that gives the aura of calmness and otherworldly elegance.

"Now who are you really young soul?"

The soul is confused of why does the 'God' ask that question but as he does not feel ill intent he replied

'I don't know what are you smoking but i didn't introduce myself before didn't I,

My name is San-'

*Souls POV*

Before I introduced myself I feels another force that shaked my soul. A new set of memories forcibly inject and latch itself into me. After a while the influx of memories settle down completely. I can now see a new figure standing in front of me.

The figure is 190 cm tall handsome guy with silver white colored hair. He have a bright purple eyes that can charm people , and when they stared closely you can see galaxy spinning inside those eyes. The guy have a lean figure it's not too buff but also not scrawny looking.

He is wearing a full dark armor that is made of some sort of shadows?… or it it darkness?… I don't know where it is made of but it's so dark. Unlike what it looks like you can't feel any sinister feeling in it instead you can feel protection.

"Who are you?" As i realized that i can now finally speak i want to celebrate. But because of the unknown armoured guy infront of me i increase my vigilance. I need to be cautious as i don't know what is happening.

Now the figure also looked at me and said in a mesmerising voice ⟦Hello there my past? or my future? well it matters not this is pre recorded anyway so listen carefully…⟧

I feel that this happened already or is it??. As I continue my pondering. The figure no the self proclaimed 'Future me' proceed to speak and caught my attention.

⟦Do not and i mean it DO NOT TRUST JUST ANYONE filter them out to know their personalities before jumping conclusions. I have a trust in yo- no i have a trust in myself in this area. Because i already feel how to be used like that in the past.

Now be careful of betrayals as it is normal to do in some world. Don't lose your self as you travel. Now this box is a gift from me this is the master code for the system i know that this will help you along your journey.⟧

A box like fragment flew in me and sink in my soul a robotic voice sounded in me

⟦Systems Hidden Requirements Fulfilled⟧

Booting Master Code…

⟦Error unable to complete the process⟧

⟦Waiting for the user to initiate system set up⟧

Before I activate and booth my System I finished my future self message first and that last message I got a chill run down in my spine

⟦I know that you need this. AND last but not the least protect our wives and loved ones as there will be more enemies that will use anything to gain advantage over something or someone thats may lead to your downfall some day.⟧

I don't know what to feel after the message should I be scared of betrayal or be scared of my wives. In my previous life i hate spoilers the most and now i give myself a spoiler. '*sigh* How ironic'

"Shit I didn't have much experience in girls and now I learned that I will have more than one it's quite hard to digest this information. Well at least he didn't say who will be my wives but 'HE' said that I will have more than one wife.

Shit this will be a big predicament if I don't manage my harem properly. I already picture myself sleeping somewhere after my wife and i fight over something small but she will still kick me out of our room because of that small issue.

My imagination run wild and comes to worst possible scenario as I imagine myself taking my wives to shopping after i lost a bet against them. My face paled even more. 'Goodbye single life I will miss you'."

I proceed more in my inner monologue the message stops and all I can see is the system settings..

⟦Loading System Default Function…⟧

Well as I expect I can see status,shop,quest and skills function all in all it is the default alright. 'let's see what can we do to change here' Time passed quickly and after sometime I finally finished customizing my system and the result is quite satisfactory if I say so myself.

⟦Please give the System a name⟧

"I will call you the Perfect System"

⟦Affirmative System name changed to Perfect System⟧

"Now list out your functions"

⟦Affirmative Opening Function List…⟧

Status - Hold the Host Information.

Inventory - Unlimited separate storage that can be upgraded using the store function.

Goals - The host can create a self made quest and the system will give appropriate reward according to the difficulty of the said goal.

Can also do the reverse format for creating goal , the user will pick what his desired reward and the system will give the user a quest equivalent to the reward asked.

The user can accept or decline if he didn't want the quest and the system will generate a different mission after the function cooldown.

Shop - The host can buy and sell anything at the cost of systems currency.

Skill - Can allocate skill points to strengthen the skill without training or can simply upgrade it to a higher tier skill. Can also combine skill and upgrade skills at the cost of skill points.

Note: The skill used to combine and create the new skill will be deleted.

Inner World - An inner ever growing world connected to the host soul. The user can customize the world as he wish.

Note: Can be upgraded to have more layers and functions.

A.I - (@£#H@#£$¥#@).⟧