
Moon's Journey Across the Multiverse

Sanja is an ordinary yet special guy and now he received a chance to be a successor of an ancient God. This is my first novel so if there is some mistakes just deal with it and point it out so I can improve it later. I have a shaky start but I got the hang of it as I upload more chapters. Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Mayushiiii · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 12

(A/N : Just sharing: My friends relative recovered from stage 2 cancer but still died at his recovery party because of a heart attack. Like what the fuck??!)

Early in the morning. The sky is clear and the wind gently blows from time to time. The sun is high in the sky shining brightly while the grass in the garden is filled with morning dew. I feel light headed for some reason instead of thinking over it I started to stretch my body to wake myself up fully. I decided to find and talk to my father. Arriving at the stairs pathway towards the dinning room.

I can see my dad waiting for someone. My father see me walking so he called out to me and said "Luna we need to talk , go find me in my study room after breakfast" I raised my eyebrow questioningly but still nodded my head. As I continued to walk towards the dinning area to eat my meal.

After the breakfast as my father requested to me , I go to his study room. The Study Room is just across his and my mom's bedroom. Arriving at the location I find a seat as we begin our talk.

"Luna tell me honestly do you feel different after you kill those assassins??" As I sit down my father asked me directly with a serious expression on his face.

'Oh I guess just like mom he wanted to make sure that my mental health is fine' I thought as I replied

" I don't feel different dad , maybe a slight shock because I didn't expect that giving the plans to your company attracted the attention of some people but other than that there is nothing."

"Are you sure Luna killing is still killing?" Alex said watching Luna like a hawk. Seizing up if his son is just acting strong to not make them worry.

"What do you mean?? What's the connection of your blueprint about the attack?" Seeing my face completely serious he asked me completely forgetting the past topic

"I think the mastermind behind the scene is our competitors. You should know that some companies received high losses as we launched our touchscreen phones along with our other products from before right?" I said trying to point out my guesses. I can see my father thinking deeply before he straighten his back and replied

"Then what are you waiting for let's destroy their lovely place then , I will contact dad so we 3 raid their respective companies." He said excitedly. I facepalmed as I already predicted this outcome.

"Damnit dad be serious! , we can't just waltz in there without evidence. I can also tell from your face that you just want to test your new arm am I right?? don't try do deny it."

He just looked away while whistling. 'I knew it'. *sigh* "Why don't you just pay someone as a rat inside their group then get the evidence before we go at least" I said as my energy decrease every time I talk with my father.

"Sure~ sure nice plan then we will destroy them right? Hey don't ignore me!!" he said nonchalantly then shout as I walked out the room not even looking back.

After that stupid discussion many days passed by. I can feel my body get stronger every day. My soul is adapting to my body quite nice and currently at 98% finished now. In the next 3 days it will be completed if my calculations is right.

It's now night time and I am roaming around the city unlike my usual days. I'm tired to always be inside the mansion so I sneaked outside. As I walked around I feel some presence nearby feeling fear and desperate. The presence is followed by 2 other presence feeling rage , agitation and nervousness. Instead of going to the scene I quickly decided to take the other path.

'I don't want another trouble , I'm sorry ' I thought while I walk away. Finding some secluded spot to trained my space manipulation quirk. After sometime I sit down and looked at the dark sky trying my luck to give me sudden inspiration. I dozed off as I didn't noticed the little girl with a blond hair running in my direction.

The girl bumped upon my back. I feel familiar with her then it clicked in my head , she is the presence I felt trying to run away. 'Damn I already tried to run but trouble seems always find me'. I once again tried to get out of here to not get involved in whatever this is about.

Before I run 2 guys blocked my path. The first guy have a scaled and sharp clawed arm. While the other guy looks normal but is holding a device of some sort that beep every now and then. I quickly deduced the situation 'Damn they want to capture this little girl huh' I can now clearly see the box he is holding and it looks like a tracking device.

"*Sigh* What situation did I get myself into this time." I said out loud feeling numb. 'I just decided to come out late at night then a new trouble appeared in front of me. Am I really a trouble magnet??' I cursed my luck inside

"Alright what's happening here" I said trying to finish this up as quickly as possible.

Scaled Guy : Give us the girl and some of your money .

Normal Looking Guy : That's right comply to our demand and we will let you go.

I grimaced at their monologue 'damn this is really cliché'. "I will not give her to you alright? Just go and annoy someone else" I said dismissively as I run after I grabbed the girl away. But quickly remembering that they have a tracking device I changed my plan. Putting the girl behind my back I now face the 2 guys chasing us.

I want to try fighting with daggers so I created a small dagger construct made out my space energy then charge forward with 〔Soru〕. As they enter my attacking range I quickly reverse my grip in both of the dagger then put my whole weight in my arms as I stab their shoulder. One of them dodge my attack but I got one of them so I leave one of the dagger still embedded in the scaled thugs shoulder who couldn't dodge.

The normal looking guy hide his figure bit I can still feel him. Creating another slightly longer dagger this time I decided to knock the injure enemy first before I chase the other. My fighting experience is almost none as my first time fighting is againt those assassins.

I just relied on my instinct that time so I decided to use this chance to practice. I slashed downward, stab my longer dagger and parried the force of his punch using my little dagger. My movements smoothened at each exchange. I got exited as I see that fighting this mobs leveled up my dagger proficiency.

The normal looking guy is waiting for an opportunity to attack. As he backed far at the side I take the chance to slash the scaled thug at his neck. The scaled guy stepped back a little to dodge my slash then he use that slight chance of mistake to gain momentum in his next attack.


Because of the sudden increase in the enemy's speed my tempo disrupted and received his attack in my stomach. I quickly reacted and used my 〔Armament Haki〕 to reduce the damage. But currently my armament haki is not strong enough as I didn't have much practice to it yet.

After that exchange I distanced myself between us. Now i have a four clawed mark in my stomach. It's not that much deep but it still stings. Seeing me wounded the normal looking guy dashed forward as his arm is now compressed like a spring. The spring armed guy punched my stomach causing it to bleed. 'Damn they are fighting dirty'

His punch added by the spring arms quirk add more force upon impact. Due to the stinging pain I made several mistakes and received more small injuries against them both. The adrenaline rush in my body made my body overdrive and give me more strength , pain resistance and agility along with it. Looking at the situation I know that I can't just knock them out.

I throw my current daggers then create a new one at the spring guys direction. The Scaled thug hold me in my place as he stand his ground in my melee attacks. The spring guy received some damage as one of my dagger pierced his right leg.

Deciding to quickly finishing this up I used my new technique. Taking a deep breath I let go at my daggers returning it to space particles. The duo approached each other and just looked at me with vigilance trying to figure out what I'm doing. While I on the other hand calmed my nerves as I create a small katana fitting my height and take an Iai Stance.

Focusing and concentrating hard till I feel like everything drastically slows down. After I feel it's now time I quickly dashed forward as I draw my blade in my waist. Then I looked at my two target and I cut as fast as I could possibly can. I can see the scaled guy tried to defend but then I channel some of my spiritual energy in my blade to deal extra damage and cut throughout his claws.

*Ziiiiiiingg~* *crack* *crack

Now arriving at the back of the 2 thugs. My self created katana construct cracked then broke down , along with thugs bodies to fall down having a large deep straight cut in their abdomens bleeding out.

*thud* *thud*

I used Soru to reach the little girls location only to see her fainted in the ground. I decided to leave here , before some backup of those guys arrived. I searched her whole body for another tracking device before I picked her up. Making sure everything is fine , I took the little girl home along with me. Carrying her with both of my hand as I walked to the direction of our house.

"Cedric can you put this girl in our guest room. Call and inform me immediately if she woke up." Arriving at the mansion I called our butler to take the little girl. Using the Mind Arts Skill I put small illusion in my appearance to make me look completely fine. Before going upstairs as I go to my own room and eat one Senzu Bean. After recovering from the injuries I changed my clothes then closed my eyes to sleep.

(Next Day)

Waking up around 5:00am , after my usual rituals everyday in the morning. I entered the inner world then read the difference between Wepons Mastery and Sword Mastery. This question is bugging me for a while now since I got low wepons first before the sword mastery.


< Passive >

Weapon Mastery(Low) - Increase the learning speed of anything related to weapons by 500%. Giving the user's mind all the basic stances of the weapons.

Swords Mastery - Increase the learning speed of anything related to sword by 250%. Giving the user all of the best choice of path for entering the Sword Saint stage. Attacks using sword will have 250% bonus damage.

(Grades For Mortal Realm: Apprentice - Sword Practitioner - Swordsman - Master Swordsman - Grandmaster Swordsman - Pseudo Sword Saint - Sword Saint - Sword King).]

"Ohh that's why I can use the improvised dagger I made before. Wait a second , hey Lyra can this two passive stacks with each other?"

"Yep that's right onii-chan~ " She said nodding her head excitedly.

"Hey just to clarify this. Does that mean I have 125,000% learning speed when studying about swords?"

"Hmm? , If that's true then you should already reach the Sword [*****] by now. So nope~ but you have 750% increased speed at least." Lyra said as she expand the horizon

"Maaan~ that a bummer"

"Okay gotta go I need to check the girl I saved also have some breakfast. I'll be back later." I hugged her quick followed by a kiss in her forehead before I return to the real world.

It's just 8:45am so I can take a jog first before eating with my family. "Mom can I go to gramps dojo again? I want to start training my quirk" I said asking her permission as we eat in the dinning table.

"Are you sure you can handle it after your coma? If you can then just be safe and visit us from time to time" She said approving my request

'Wow she immediately accept? I already planned if this failed miserably. Ohh well' I thought. Having more small talks here and there. After breakfast everyone of them quickly separated their ways. But As they leave the dinning area I called them to get their attention.

"Oh yeah I want to say something!!. Mom I also bring a girl yesterday and currently in the guest room right now" I said as I remembered the small girl I saved.

Lily: "Girl?"

Mom/Dad ""Youuu whaaatt!!??""