
The Echidna Who Uknowingly Defeated The Vampire Queen

[ Ice Continent, Frost Palace ]

After informing each of the Demon Lords to prepare for the Walpurgis in a week, Guy Crimson thought nothing significant would happen for a while, other than Milim destroying a couple of mountains, so his surprise was understandable when he felt an absurd amount darkness getting ready to collide with Milims Drago Nova.

[ Moments Before Aria Destroyed the Drago Nova ]

"It seems like my niece is frustrated this time around, Guy." The Frost Dragon commented, as she saw a numerous Drago Buster's flying into the air.

(A/N: The Drago Busters are from her spar with Middray, not the other that ended reaching Aria)

"As long as she doesn't destroy the planet, it's fine." Guy calmly said, having known Milim for thousands of years, he was aware of her personality.

"She—!!!" Velzard paused her words, sensing a disturbance in the forc—*Cough!* sudden surge of darkness energy in the sky, along with Milim's Drago Nova, heading right to it.

"Place a barrier around the planet." Without wasting any moment, Guy ordered Velzard, as he himself did the same, while at the same time contacting Dagruel hold the earth together.

"The amount of darkness energy radiating up there is quite absurd," Velzard raised an eyebrow, glancing at Guy, as if to say: You're a Primordial, you should know who that is, right?

Guy 'watched' with his [Magic Sense] as a slash of darkness cut through Milim's Drago Nova like a hot knife through butter. For a moment, he thought of Noire, the Black Primordial, before shaking his head, "I don't know her, but she's pretty strong, we can ask Milim who's already there."

Velzard narrowed her eyes when she noticed the interest and slight respect in Guys' eyes when he saw the silver haired Daemon(?) or Majin easily destroy Milim's attack. 'That bitch.'

For a moment, the Frost Dragon's eyes turned dark, as she imagined numerous ways in which she would kill Aria, for trying to take away HER Guy.

Guy wasn't oblivious to her sudden change, but he still pretended to be unaware, he didn't want to step on on a land mine that could blow at a moments notice.

"Let's go, Velzard." He said, bringing her out of her reverie.

{Then see ya later, Milim!} Milim watched as her new friend vanished, before turning North, waving her hand excitedly.

"Hey~! Guy! Aunt Velzard! Did you see Aria's cool attack too?!"

Stopping before Milim, Guy raised an eyebrow at the unfamiliar name, "Aria, Eh?"

"Milim, can you tell us more about this bit—I mean Aria." Velzard asked with a 'gentle' smile, that made a shiver run down Milim's spine for some reason.

"Uhm…Aria is my new friend!" Milim honestly answered.

"Friend?" Velzard's eye twitched, not only was Aria stealing Guy's attention, she also deceived her niece! 'Truly this woman is a snake.' She thought, unknowingly guessing Aria's race.

On the other hand, Guy wasn't too surprised, and asked something that's bugging him, "Milim, were you able to tell what her race was?"

"A Daemon?" With a finger on her chin, she tilted her head in confusion, "I could tell that Aria had Divinity, but my [Milim Eye] couldn't tell her race…"

Guy frowned, as he was sure that no Daemon like Aria existed, and the thought of a new Primordial was absurd, as it also meant that a new Angel of Origin was born. Something impossible, as only Veldanava can create them.

"There's something you want to add, right, niece?" Velzard gave her a close eyed smile, as she noticed the glances Milim kept giving her.

Scratching the back of her head, Milim averted her gaze as she added, "Apart from her magicules that surpasses even Veldora, she reminds me of you and Aunt Velgrynd."

Now that, alarmed both Velzard and Guy, it didn't automatically make them think that Aria was a True Dragon, but rather, an Ultimate Existence.

It was what made a True Dragon the pinnacle of species as, their nature as the Ultimate Existence meant they had no need for Ultimate Skills, as the powers they innately possess are already "Ultimate" in nature.

Even Guy knew that fighting someone like Velzard in a half-hearted way would do no damage to her.

{I don't think she's from this Universe.} Velzard gave her own two cents telepathically to Guy.

Guy nodded, {That's what I thought too…Aria might be like Ivarage.}

{But with a strong ego and sentience, making her more dangerous than Ivarage.} Velzard couldn't help but comment negatively about Aria.

{Indeed it will make the game with Rudra more difficult if she causes problems like she did today…}

Velzard nodded with an elegant smile, it seemed that she may be able to persuade Guy to get rid of Aria.

"What are you guys talking about without me!" Milim pouted, and with her arms crossed, added, "It shouldn't be anything bad about my new friend, otherwise I wouldn't be able to fight her!"

"Did she promise to fight you?" Guy asked, wondering if Milim was deceived into allowing a potential enemy to escape.

"Of course! She said we will fight in the future!" Milim gave them a smug grin, finally there was someone who will fight her! And they're strong too!

Guy and Velzard glanced at each other, and had a tacit understanding; Milim had been tricked.

The Ice Dragon then asked something that had been on her mind, "Milim, how were you able to sense the aura of that woman? She's the one who more than likely launched the previous analysis."

"Ah? About that…" Milim twiddled her fingers and gave them a sheepish smile, "It was a coincidence."

Guy's eye twitched in annoyance as he focused on the important part, "So it's your fault that collision happened in the first place?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"W-what?! Of course not! Aria could have easily dodged that attack!" Milim retorted, throwing her new friend under the bus.

"Although that may be the case, it still doesn't change the fact that you threw out a Drago Nova." Velzard added with a kind smile that made even Guy inwardly grimace.

[ Holy Empire Ruberios, Sacred Mountain ]

"I guess I see why Guy had decided to call the Walpurgis, while making sure no one can miss it." Those were the words of Luminous Valentine, one of the oldest Demon Lords and True Ruler of the Holy Empire as she, like Guy, watched Aria through her [Magic Sense].


However, unlike Guy, her focus was not limited to Aria's attack, but rather her bod—*Cough!* physique. Indeed she was only going to check her physique, to see if there's any openings she might be able to take advantage of, if Aria was to ever become their enemy.

So after reminding herself that she was doing this for the safety of her country and fellow Demon Lordss, Luminous' eyes started to roam from Aria's bare feet, to her thic—*Ahem* toned thighs, and—!

Her eyes quickly snapped towards Aria's upper body, and she didn't forget to activate [Thought Acceleration] so she could admir—analyse what she was seeing thoroughly.

The Queen of Nightmares squinted her eyes as she watched the gravity defying objects jiggle, as Aria slashed at the Milim's Drago Nova. 'Is she a double D or E…ugh! I can't tell properly!' She couldn't feel annoyed, her [Analytical Appraisal] failed to even get her three s—she meant it failed to her skills.

Soon a bright light engulfed the skies, blocking sight of Aria, however with her [Magic Sense], Luminous had no problem seeing even in complete darkness, not that she would need it at night since she was a Vampire.

Enough of that though, right now, she was seeing an image that she was burning into her mind, black lace panties covering the most perfect butt she had ever seen.

The shockwave from Aria's attack and Milim's Drago Nova had caused the former's dress to be blown by the wind, allowing the ancestor of the Vampires to see paradise, and suffering a defeat against the Echidna without the latter even raising a finger.

[ Ulgrassia, Ulg Nature Park ]

"Why do I feel like I've just been sexually harassed." Aria who had just teleported to the location of the Dwelling of Spirits frowned, "I did sense a few people watching me and also trying to analyse me, but that shouldn't make me feel like this."

However she was snapped out her thoughts by her cute High Elf and Fenrir who tackled her to the ground.

""My Lady / Mother!""


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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