
The Echidna who Flirts in a Walpurgis

"Yahoo Guy! Velzard! Long time no see!" The moment Ramiris entered the portal, she immediately flew over to the Red Primordial, then looked behind him, at the Frost Dragon, completely ignoring the other seated individuals.

"It's good to see you too, Ramiris. It seems like you brought some interesting individuals too." Guy smiled slightly, gazing at Aria and Elaine who made their way behind Ramiris' seat that was next to Guy.

Ramiris who heard Guy's words puffed her non-existent chest out, laughing boisterously as she stated, "But of course! Echidna and Elaine are MY protégés after all!"

"What?!" The silver haired man who had been sleeping with his head on the table, stood up in shock, his eyes alternating between Aria and Elaine, and Ramiris, "How can YOU have protégés Ramiris! Such strong one's at that too? Did you perhaps threaten them? Hey you two, tell me if she threatened you, I'll help you out."

"What?! Just because you're a loner Dino, it doesn't mean I am too." Ramiris retorted, turning her gaze to Aria, "Echidna! Elaine! Tell him that I didn't kidnap you."

Aria who had been admiring Frey and Luminous with her [Magic Sense], while doing her best to ignore Guy's gaze, turned her eyes to Ramiris, before shifting it Dino.

With a smile on her beautiful face she said, "I appreciate the gesture, but I went to Ramiris' place out of my own free will, to further my knowledge."

Elaine kept quite, but nodded along with Aria's words.

The casual way in which she addressed Ramiris raised a few eyebrows, but other than that, no one made a real fuss.

"Well, if you say so." Shrugging, Dino went back to sleep.

"I AM HERE!" A shout came from the portal, gaining everyone'a attention was the Destroyer; Milim Nava.

'With that, everyone's here.' Aria thought, assessing at each of the Demon Lords.

'Clayman, that dude obviously doesn't like a human being here, and what's worse is that he looks like his anime counterpart, just for that he deserves to die.'

{Mother, can I kill that worm?} Fenrir who had seen the contempt in Clayman's eyes when he glanced at Aria was furious. How dare he! That ant doesn't even deserve to breath the same air as his mother!

{Relax, Fenrir. His time will come.} Aria commented, she barely even registered the dude in the first place.

{…As you wish, Mother.}

The next moment, Aria's gaze crossed with Guy's, the Lord of Darkness gave her a smirk and winked at her. 'Did he just flirt with me?' He did, yet it didn't repulse Aria, maybe it was because she finally started liking men? Who was she kidding? It was of course because Guy could easily change into woman.

"Woah! You two are strong, especially you!" A childish which obviously belonged to Milim snapped Aria out of her thoughts, what greeted her was a starry eyed Dragonoid walking circles around Elaine.

"A High Elf? It's been so long since I've seen one." Milim muttered, her words a surprising revelation to the younger Demon Lords who couldn't see through Elaine's strength.

Aria noted Clayman's expression specifically, his nation was after all the an ancient civilisation where elves thrived, at least until that conceited prick possessed the king, Kagali's father.

"And you!" Milim then appeared before Aria, the former's eyes squinting suspiciously as she looked at the latter, "You are strong for a human…have we met before?"

Aria maintained her composure, responding to Milim's question with a playful smile, "Maybe? Maybe not? But if we had met before, I'm sure you would remember. I'm not one to be easily forgotten."


Silence. The Demon Lords, whether old or new, were all left speechless. Even Guy couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, while Velzard standing behind him narrowed her eyes at Aria.

Milim, who didn't expect such a bold and flirty response blinked in surprise, before bursting in laughter, "Haha, you're a funny one! I like you already!" She then proceeded to give Aria an enthusiastic pat on the back, smiling broadly when the Echidna didn't even flinch from her 'normal' pat.

"Take a seat, Milim." Guy commented, long regaining his bearings from the surprise.

"Alright…" Milim, although reluctant, took a seat as Guy suggested. The other Demon Lords exchanged glances, still processing the unexpected turn of events.

Why wouldn't they? A human just casually flirted with The Destroyer!

Guy, ever the peacemaker, decided to shift the atmosphere. "Well, now that everyone's here, shall we get down to business?" Seeing that he had everyone's attention, the Lord of Darkness stated, "A week ago, two large scale events took place."

"Two? Was it not one?" Frey, the Harpy Queen, asked with a raised eyebrow, glancing at Milim who started whistling the moment she asked the question.

"Yeah! Wasn't it only one Guy? Were Milim fired a Drago Nova!" Ramiris chimed in from the side.

Guy didn't mind their questions as this was a serious matter, so he calmly replied, "It isn't surprising that the newer Demon Lords save for Leon didn't sense it, after all, the being responsible should be comparable to a True Dragon."


That revelation sent waves of shock and surprise to the Demon Lords, the former reaction from the newer generation; Frey, Carrion and Clayman, with the Platinum Saber, Leon Cromwell only frowning at the turn of events. He wondered if the woman who easily got rid off Milim's attack could help him find his dear Chloe.

The latter was from older ones; Dagruel for one had his own problems to deal with in his country, as long as the new player didn't antagonise him, he will just ignore them.

Dino was being Dino, meaning he was sleeping.

Roy Valentin, well, the dude isn't even the real Demon Lord, so Aria focused her attention on Luminous, the Vampire Queen who seemed annoyed at the mention of a True Dragon. Clearly her mind was occupied by the 'Evil Dragon' Veldora.

Feeling mischievous, Aria used [Thought Communication] to tease Luminous, {Even your angry face looks cute, dear Vampire Queen.}

The Queen of Nightmares snapped out of her thoughts, glancing at Aria in momentary surprise, she didn't expect her identity to get revealed so suddenly. But then again, she could sense that Aria had Divinity, and would be a troublesome opponent. {Echidna was it? I have to say, for a human you are rather bold. To not only flirt with the Destroyer so openly, but the True Ruler of Vampires too?}

{Well, if you can't handle a little boldness, maybe you're not cut out to be the True Ruler of Vampires. Or perhaps it's just that you've never encountered someone as captivating as me before.} Aria responded cheekily.

{Confidence or audacity, Echidna? Maybe a bit of both.}Luminous said, raising an eyebrow at Aria's brazen words. A faint smile couldn't help but make its way to her lips. It wasn't everyday she could talk to someone as an equal.

At this point Aria spoke with her ovaries instead of her brain, {Well, if the Queen of Nightmares finds herself intrigued, maybe we should explore each other's depths.}

{…What?} Luminous was left speechless by Aria's forwardness. It was the first time experiencing a courtship, that too in such a straightforward manner.

{Well, all you need to know is that I'll visit you in that mountain of yours, so prepare a big enough bed for us.} Saying so, Aria disconnected the [Thought Communication] before Luminous could give a reply.

"—The first event was an analysis. Aria used the skill [Analytical Appraisal] on a global scale." Aria's talk with Luminous was under a [Thought Acceleration], so she didn't miss anything, rather she was in time to hear Guy mentioning her feats!

"I see, my instincts weren't wrong after all, I did feel like someone gazed at me a week ago." The Beast Master, Carrion remarked with a look of realisation.

"Oh? You sensed that? Impressive." Guy gave him an impressed look.

Carrion scratched his head, smiling wryly as he said, "I wouldn't say I really sensed, it's just that something felt off."

Guy just nodded at him before looking at Frey, who took that moment to speak, "What exactly does [Analytical Appraisal] do? And is this Aria also the one who stopped Milim's attack too?"

Milim immediately perked up at the question, this was her time to shine and talk about her new friend! "It's like my [Milim Eye]! It lets me see someone's skills, magicules and magic. And Aria is my new friend! She's really strong and promised to fight me in the future!"

"It's as Milim says, though she forgot to mention that it also allows the user to know if someone has a Unique Skill. As for your second question Frey, yes." Guy answered.

"If she is as strong as you say, why would she need to discreetly analyse us?" The pompous clown Clayman questioned, his words making the other Demon Lords also wonder the same. "She's obviously a coward who got lucky in destroying Milim's attack." He added, oblivious to the disdainful stares he got from more or less all the Demon Lords.

{Lady Echidna, can I kill this fool?} This time it was Elaine's turn to ask Aria.

{Leave it. It's actually amusing to watch him make a fool of himself in front of everyone.} Even though Aria said that to Elaine, it didn't mean she would take it lying down.


"Red Primordial." Aria cut off Clayman, directly calling out to Guy Crimson.


A/ N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. What do you think will happen next? Aria dared to call out to Guy without even addressing him respectfully. Find out next time on…MMM.

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