
Monster Symbiosis!

Genetically modified beast linking, with a fusion system.

RagingArtPunk · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Harvard High

Education had always been important, and it was even more so in this new world. The minds of children were the most pure and also the most easily led astray. Childhood was the most crucial period for one's thoughts and ideas to be shaped and changed.

In the peaceful times of the past, a troublemaking child would probably grow up to become a troublemaking adult, and at most cause some minor trouble in society. In the new world, however, it was almost impossible to tell what a person might amount to in the future. Should a troublemaker manage to link with a high-level monster, even the most minor trouble could result in major damage.

Ezra studied at Harvard High School, located in the suburbs next to the city's police headquarters just at the city.

Outside the cities, were primeval jungles filled with hidden dangers and multiple unknown beings.

But of course that only applied to the jungles which are deep.

The government had already cleared about five kilometers around the Havard City

Dangerous monsters were practically nonexistent and, even if they appeared, the top Demon Fighters in Hebadan citywould quickly eliminate them.

Military troops were also stationed along the edges of the city totally preventing dangerous monsters from escaping the jungle.

Only a few low-leveled, non-threatening monsters occasionally wandered in from the outside to the outskirts of the city.

But this just allowed senior students from big schools and the various demon fighters in the City a chance to practice their skills.

Parked before the classes was a row of school buses. Each bus was black and red in color with a sturdy metal ring secured around the chassis.

The metal ring even had sharp spikes surrounding it. The exterior of each bus was triple-plated with metal boards, each the thickness of a thumb.

The wheels of the bus were made with a special material that was obtained from mutated rubber trees after the cataclysm.

Wheels made from this new form of rubber were tougher and more resilient, even withstanding gunshots from small caliber rounds.

Ezra could not help but look at the buses a few more times. I guess any beast below Epic grade and below shouldn't pose a threat to these buses.

"12th grade students please gather here!" shouted a voice from a teaching hall.

In front of one of the buses was a red-haired female, roughly five feet six inches tall, wearing a black leather jacket and bell-bottomed jeans. She was holding up a wooden sign that read "12th grade."

"Good morning, Ms. Lorraine," Ezra walked over and greeted her.

Lorraine smiled and nodded her head. She replied in a gentle voice, "Ezra, you've finally gotten your own sleeve, congrats. You can go to the class first. I will come ones were all there."

Although she tried her beast to smile, the grace of pity in her eyes still flowed when she spotted the black sheep following Ezra from behind.

She was well aware of his family situation but she couldn't help as it was way too expensive to purchase a good genetically modified beast.

Students that were well-liked by teachers usually fell into two categories: those that scored good grades and mischievous students.

Ezra was naturally the former. After all, his results were at the top of the class and the fourth in the grade.

He was also the quiet student that did not cause trouble, which set his teachers' minds at ease.

Going in to the building, he went up the elevator which stopes at the 12th floor.

In the class, Ezra could could see that some students had already arrived.

Ezra typically didn't get along with any of class mates and was categorized as a loner through and through.

Because he was a year older than the others and two, because he didn't own a single sleeve even at the age of 17, this alienated him from the rest of his class mates.

Right now, Ezra walked down the rather large class, straight to the back, at this moment, the Abyssal Bloodhoof Wrathram also followed from behind.

It was then his classmates noticed that Ezra had finally beast-linked.

The purely black sheep capturing the attention of many classmates.

"Uhn... Isn't that just a black sheep!"

"Don't tell me Bane was right, Ezra actually linked with a black sheep!"

"Haha! This is too funny!"

"Who knew he would actually link with his daddy farm animal!"

The classmate's murmur turned into a violent fit of muffled laughter.

They couldn't believe what their eyes was witnessing.

This was the first time they were seeing someone wasting their first neural cells to link with a farm animal! No one would ever do that.

The laughter continued and the chatter never ceased as the students found a new topic to gossip about.

It was beyond their wildest comprehension what their eyes just witnessed.

Ezra ignored the laughter of his classmates and sat at his regular seat, just at the edge of the class.

He couldn't help sneering coldly in his mind. His sheep was an actual epic grade beast that had reached the limit of its evolution. But they actually laughed at it.

'Ignorant fools.' Ezra proceeded to ignore them. Closing his eyes, he activated the beast link and began familiarizing himself with his sleeve.

The raw and brutal energy emanating from the beast was too feral that it threatened to overwhelm him the first time which is why he was wished to get used to its body.

The sheep body didn't change and remained as a sheep but only Ezra could feel the beastly wave of strength rampaging through him.

Other students also had their beast sleeves with them. Different assortment of bio-engineered that had never been seen or named on earth and modified beasts with tentacles or four arms filled the class but didn't make the class room feel stuffy as it was large enough to contain everyone.

Apart from Ezra's sheep, the most eye-grabbing beast in the class room was a three-meters tall exotic beast.

The exotic beast had four hands, with scales covering its body like a set of armor. It stood in its two legs like a human but its fierce beastly face was intimidating and its armoured mouth revealing three rows of teeth with spikes all over its joints and its body.

It was like the fusion between a scaled-python, a Hulk-panda, an Armoured-rhino, and a Quad-limbed bear.

The Four-armed Jugarnaut!

This sort of beast cannot really be bought even if you have the money, not unless possess deep connections.