
Monster Resource Utilization Organization

A swarm of monsters began to appear at a certain point in the peaceful kingdom of Hyzangel. The Knights Order, which was tasked with fighting monsters, was dying day by day, and the deterioration of the situation was beyond the control of the Grandmaster Dordren. "On the way home from the unreliable royal castle meeting." Doldren meets a mysterious woman at a forest spring. Actually, this woman was transferred from another world, but she couldn't say it. Doldren is getting closer to the mysterious woman he protected, Ian. One day, he accepted her small proposal, and things began to change... A story that begins with the work of transforming the damage and battles of monsters into wealth for the country, mixed with adult affairs, love affairs and solving mysteries.

DaoistQFVZeF · Fantasy
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46 Chs

2. The Beginning of Things ~The Incident at the West Wall

It was winter two years ago that a problem arose in the Kingdom of Hyzangel. It came suddenly.

The mountain range of Li Yankai located in the western part of the country, which firmly separates the Kingdom of Hyzangel from its neighboring country. One day, a hole suddenly opened in the "West Wall". The hole drew a clean line, as if someone had carved it out with a knife, and it was so clear that it could be seen even from a distance.

The first person to notice Li Yankai's hole was a villager who was raising livestock in the mountains some distance before Li Yankai. It was winter at the time, and it was not the time to bring livestock to the mountains, so they spent the winter in a village down the mountain.

"That winter." For some reason, the blizzard raged without stopping for days. Although the area gets a lot of snow, the topography surrounding the village meant there was no need to worry about strong winds, and the snow was not blizzard. However, that year alone, the blizzard continued for several days, and they were unable to go outside. The snow stopped suddenly the next day after preparing for rescue tomorrow.

And then, on a cloudy morning, we managed to remove enough snow to cover half of the house, and began to check on the safety of our neighbors. Standing in the snow-covered street, the villagers saw a strangely conspicuous, ominous hole in the middle of the snow-covered Li Yankai Mountains.

The villagers immediately discussed the strangeness of the hole, called those who were preparing to help the blizzard, and sent a messenger to the nearest branch of the Knights Order. The mountain range and the village are quite far apart, but the existence of the hole did not calm the hearts of the villagers. Even from a distance, the hole seemed to be quite large. Only there was dark, and it looked like a painting painted in black.

"What should I do if something comes up?" As the voices of anxiety increased, the fearful imagination grew that it might be a hole opened by an invading enemy, and the small village was wrapped in anxiety and fear day and night.

"Two days after I sent an errand." The rumored fear that gripped the villagers has turned into a visible form.

"Two more days later." The villager and the two scouts who returned from the messenger stared blankly at the small village that had been destroyed to the point of nowhere to be seen. Perhaps the villagers had evacuated, but the remaining few people were lying on the stone pavement without speaking again.

The errand villagers and the reconnaissance team were desperately trying to sort out the situation, but they stopped moving when they heard a small wave-like sound from afar and turned their nervous faces towards the direction of the sound. The sound of small waves changed the smell of the air, accompanied it with vibrations, and was reflected in my eyes. I could see many small grains popping out of the holes in the Li Yankai Mountains.

Without even being able to mourn for the bodies of the fallen villagers, they yelled out, "Run away!"

After confirming the monster with their own eyes, the three of them ran their horses day and night, fearing that they would turn around, and arrived at the gate of the knights' order. The horse sat down in exhaustion, and the two scouts rolled off their backs and rushed to the door of the building. After a delay, the villagers were exhausted and entered the door, and the heavy, thick door closed.

The knights listened carefully to the terrifying reality spilling out of the mouths of the three of them, and split into two groups: those who started asking questions in the latter half of the story, and those who silently prepared their equipment. The knights, who were steadily putting on their equipment, hammered into their heads every single answer they heard from the three who were shivering with fear.

"Leaving for the West Wall"

Fully armed with his sword slung at his waist, the tall man drowned out all the sounds in the area with a low, resounding voice.

The man's armor is decorated with scales and vines all over his limbs and body, made of petrified leather that shines in the ultramarine blue of the night sky. is easy. There is not a single person in the Knights Order who does not know the appearance of this man in armor that shines with ultramarine and black. A beautiful, strong, and brave knight known as the Evening Star. Doldren Davato with black hair.

The last equipment is to wear a mask instead of a helmet, and while holding the mask in his left hand, he carries a shield on his back, lowers his sword to his waist, and shakes his head to brush away the black hair that hangs from his eyes. Please," he said briefly in front of the door.

"Granted. Doldren, go and check."

The white-haired, white-bearded man who had been silent until then ordered. "Come back in a few days," he added.

Dordren nodded and opened the door, with knights following him one after the other, fully equipped for him. The battle with monsters began on this day two years ago. No one could have predicted the unending battle.