
Monster Resource Utilization Organization

A swarm of monsters began to appear at a certain point in the peaceful kingdom of Hyzangel. The Knights Order, which was tasked with fighting monsters, was dying day by day, and the deterioration of the situation was beyond the control of the Grandmaster Dordren. "On the way home from the unreliable royal castle meeting." Doldren meets a mysterious woman at a forest spring. Actually, this woman was transferred from another world, but she couldn't say it. Doldren is getting closer to the mysterious woman he protected, Ian. One day, he accepted her small proposal, and things began to change... A story that begins with the work of transforming the damage and battles of monsters into wealth for the country, mixed with adult affairs, love affairs and solving mysteries.

DaoistQFVZeF · Fantasy
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46 Chs

17. What the Beholder Thinks

11 in the west.

The room was now in a spot state.

Inside are Commander Doldren and a rare guest.

The knights of the western dormitory were stuck in front of the room. There are 6 guys with their ears on the wall. I couldn't paste it any more, so I asked him what was going on as close as possible.

Every time the door was about to open, there were people who ran away all at once (no footsteps were heard at this time) and managed to escape into the room, while there were people who didn't make it to their room in time and just pretended to be walking down the corridor.

"The president eats with a woman"

When someone said something to Doldren who had left the woman in the room and headed for the dining room, a crowd gathered at the spot.

Earlier, Norsh fearlessly broke into the room and ran away from being killed as a result.

"Something seems to have calmed down since I delivered the food," muttered one knight, putting his ear to the door.

Another knight, with one ear glued to the wall next to the door, puts his index finger in his mouth.

"I can't hear you very well." I'm kind, but I don't show a lot of smiles. When I saw you just now, I felt cold." You liked people." "You look like a demon when you fight monsters." "The President never smiled." "

The onlookers whispered and said whatever they wanted behind their backs.

"But that woman, when I greeted her, she seemed like a good person." "But he's been here for a while, right?" "You're about my age, aren't you?" "Even if you're my parent's age, you're still a stranger." "Captain, why are you all alone?" "Where did that woman come from?" "What is it, Ian?" "I might like it"

When the whispering heat of the well began to rise, there was a sudden sound of the key being tapped, and all at once they ran away to the room with all their might (no footsteps were heard).

Doldren opened the door slowly, sighed heavily and held out a tray with empty dishes on it.

"There must be dozens of idle guys, so please put this down."

A few knights quietly popped their faces out of the room and approached as if nothing had happened, and took the tray.