
Monster Reborn

What will you do if you are in endless cycle of reincarnation. But the reincarnation only works on monster. Now you are a Rat next time you are a lion. Death and life continues, you experienced every monster there in the myths and lore. This is a story about a person who was stuck in endless reincarnation of monsters. Life and death separated by thin line, Just want to live a better and longer life hoping to become a human again.

Book_Monster · Fantasy
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3 Chs


For the first week after unlocking his Trait, Lycan lived in isolation like a mental patient.

It was totally understandable as, his bad memories were eating him inside out and he was imitating same as the monsters.

The bosses at his part time jobs sent him various messages and phone calls, but they all entered in one ear and left through the other without really registering in his brain.

Two of them showed concern, but the other one threw verbal abuse like there's no tomorrow. But then again, it was understandable where they were coming from.

The only thing Lycan couldn't get a grip on, was the absurdity of his current situation.

And after another week passed by, the small, meticulously-kept room which he took great pride in, became a messy , more like a dump yard.

He was imitating the monsters ,unlocked in his trait. Sometimes he imitated a goblin sometime a wolf or like rat chewing on anything , like snake sitting in a corner waiting for prey to come.

Like this, where a living couldn't really be called a living anymore, another 4 days went by.

Only then, did Lycan finally come to accept his predicament. He now somehow control his desires and suppress them.

He found it difficult to accept this initially for obvious reasons. And after finally coming to terms with it, he then realized that wasn't the end of his troubles, no. Now, he had to madly formulate plans to "safely live." His desires to continue breathing was a lot stronger than he expected. At least there was the cushion of 3500 dimensional coins in his bank account, which he was definitely thankful for.

Another week passed away. But he still could not suppress all of the desire and emotions. Slowly but surely he was controlling them. Time passed quickly the end of the month was nearing. While he was still rational he would go up to nearest store to buy food and supplies.

But the biggest issue still had to be solved: living expenses.

Without paying the monthly rent, he was surely living on a borrowed time here. There was also another problem money for orphanage. He was orphan.

He became an orphan very early in his life. He didn't know when he joined the orphanage but one thing was sure he was still infant at that time.

You can say that the orphanage's director was an Angel. She took all the fiancé problem to basic. She didn't treated children like dirt or use them in any ways. She never thought for herself. Only took care of children's ,But the orphanage was dying due to lack of funds.

Wanting to help such an orphanage as soon as possible, he found a job and started working right after graduating from the Elementary School. While resembling a very thin stick, thanks to his tall-for-his-age height, convincingly lying about how old he actually was proved to be rather easy. Of course, on that one occasion his lies were exposed, he got chased away from the workplace without receiving a pay cheque, but well, that was to be expected.

Regardless, he continued to work tirelessly during the night and slept in the Middle School during the daytime; and this was how he lived his early life.

Around this time, he stopped utilizing the bed in the orphanage as well. Honestly, he found it more comfortable to sleep in the school's infirmary, or among the wary gazes of the homeless occupying the subway station. But he still sent money time to time in orphanage enough for him to last a month for basic supply.

He couldn't be sure, but maybe the reason for his height remaining the same from 6th grade in Elementary School probably had something to do with this unhealthy lifestyle.

Whatever the case may have been, through all the rough and tumble, he succeeded in becoming completely independent upon turning 16.

3 years of back-breaking labor after that netted a total of 8750 dimensional coins which sort of enabled him to rent out a single room for himself.

Other people might have found this space a seriously tight fit, but for him, it was the safest and most comfortable place to put his feet up and take it easy.

And within this comfortable environment, his own home, he allowed himself to have a dream of a better future.

If it was under any other "normal" circumstances, he would've surely achieved that idyllic life he had dreamt of in the near future.

….That was until this f*cking Trait ambushed him out of nowhere.