
Monster overlord

If you have read soul pets my is going to be like that in some ways but every monster can evolve but every monster is not going to evolve into the same thing it will be different because every one has different ways of raising the monsters. Every one will have a system but it is just for helping them survive in the wilderness and to show them the evolution paths

Boltbit77 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 1

( this is just a novel about people tameing and evolving the monsters that live in this world. There will not be any body fighting with any weapons just with the monsters thay have tamed.)

In a village surrounded by woods a soul master was teaching all the young kids that are of age to tame there first monster.

The teacher turned around and asked who can tell me all the soul ranks. A kid with glasses stood up and said

Soul Novice

Soul Apprentice

Soul Adept

Soul Expert

Soul Master

Soul Saint

The teacher said very good with a bright smile on his face but when he looked around the room he lost his smile because in the back of the room he saw a kid with red hair not paying attention and looking out the window.

The teacher yelled out Dante will it kill you to listen to what I am teaching for one. Dante because you where not listening to what I was saying you can answer my next question what are all the monster types out there.

Dante gave him a mean look and stood up. There are beast, insect, spirit, dragon, reptile, bird, dark, ghost, rock,.

Some monster can have two or three types at once and other monster and control fire, water etc. When Dante sat back down he opened a book that had all kinds of monster information like there type and what thay can evolve in to. After Dante finished reading the book he heard a ding go off in his head it said that the bookes contents have been saved in his system archito so he can review the information at any time.

All of a sudden he heard the teacher say we are ending class early today because you get to go out in the forest and try to tame a pet and rember when you tame it it will go in to your soul space. That is where all of you monsters go when you tame them. Every time your soul goes up a level you soul space increases so right now you only have one spot in your soul space. But when you level up again you will get two more. So by the time you get to Soul Saint you can have up to Twenty-One monsters in your soul space and remember you can not abandoned a monster once you tame it so treat them will love and respect treat them like thay are your family.

After Dante left the class he had to go and get so materials to help him tame the animal he wants. Dante wants a bear for his first member of his team so he had to get alot of meat for the bear. As Dante was walking to the butcher his red hair was attracting a lot of attention then he heard someone call him by the nickname he hates. He heard so person say look it is the red devil. Dante thought to himself how is it my fault that my house burned down in the middle of the night and I am the only one who survived! Dante looked at that person and just glared at him and walked away he had more important stuff to do he had to get the meat and get containers for his water and get some dry food for him because he doesn't know how long it will take him to find a bear cub and tame it.

After Dante got all of his supplies he went back to the run down cabin he is living in he tryed to go to sleep but he could not so he stared practicing the incantation to summon his monsters out of his soul space. Before he knew it the sun was comeing up so he ran to the edge of the forest this is the meeting place before thay all go into the forest today and as early as Dante thought he was he was still one of the last people to come to the meeting spot.

When all of the people got to the meeting the teacher started talking he said that this forest is filled with young monsters so thay don't have to fear getting attacked by older monsters he continue to say if you get a monster or not is all on you this is the most safe place to tame a young monster.

As Dante was walking in the forest he saw a lot of young monsters he saw some insects birds and a lot of other types. As Dante whent farther into the forest he saw some mountains so he decided to walk to them and see if any types of bears cubs are at the mountain as he got closer he noticed the temperature was going up but to Dante it just got a bit warmer so he continue to walk to the mountain but before he could walk he heard some growling so he decided to find out what it was. When he found at what the growling belong to he saw a beautiful crimson bear cub it was sharpening it's claws off a tree.

As the cub was sharpening it's claws it heard some rustling in the bushes behind it the cub turned around and looked at the cause of the noise it saw a human just staring at it the cub wanted to attack the human but something in the back of her head was telling her not to. As she heard the voice she got curious about this human so she walked closer to Dante and sat down in front of him.

Dante just looked at the cub in disbelief. Dante decided to ask the system this is a flame bear right? The system said yes flame bears are highly territorial and normally attack anything on sight. Dante asked so why is it not attacking me? Because you are blessed by fire. Blessed by fire what does that mean? It means that fire type monsters will not attack you unless thay are ordered two or if you do something to make them mad and you can tame them faster then other people. So Dante looked at the flame cub and asked do you what to come with me out if this forest and help me fight other monsters. The cub just nodded her head. Dante picked up the Flame cub and said first thing first we have to give you a name. Dante asked the cub if it was a man and she shook her head so you are a female so how about dawn. He could see the happiness in dawn's eyes when he said her name and then she started licking his face.