
Monster: Online

Monster Online, a game designed by the outer gods to invade earth, Noah Frost one of the highest-ranking players to ever play the game died and was sent back in time, back to even before the game was released, he will use this opportunity to save the world and to become the strongest player to ever exist.

Washuru · Games
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12 Chs

Chapter 11: Dungeon Boss

The 6th, then the 7th, then the 8th, and then the 9th floor all got cleared with frightening efficiency, Noah cut through the monsters quickly and advanced floor by floor, the scenery slowly changed and the world became darker and darker.

The lush trees disappeared replaced by dried out husks of their previous majestic selves, the grass disappeared and the earth cracked completely dehydrated, it was as if war had hit the place, the sun had disappeared, in its place was a dark red star making the surroundings glow an eerie red light.

Noah stared at the giant beast that stood in front of him.

[Giant Wolf King, lvl: 20 Elite]

The wolf king was the final boss of the dungeon and one of the hardest opponents to fight against in the tutorial zone, the only being stronger than it was called the king of the mountain, the wolf was a fearsome opponent, usually it was recommended to have a party of level 10's fight it, a level 20 opponent was unbeatable for a single person, most parties that fought it consisted of at least 10 people and only the best parties would be able to beat it.

The elite version was even worse, the elite giant wolf king would gain skills to use against its opponents, it could use mana to enhance its claws making any defense useless against it.

The wolf growled and howled at the red star, Noah immediately noticed one of its skills take effect.

[You have been affected with fear, all your stats have been reduced by 10% for 5 minutes.]

A ten percent decrease in stats would throw almost all parties off, Noah included, he would need a few seconds to get used to the decrease in speed, luckily he had fought far worse opponents than the wolf king.

Noah dashed at the wolf king, it was best to use attacks that needed mana after the debuff wore off, otherwise, he'd just be wasting mana.

The wolf was incredibly fast, Noah's speed was just barely enough to dodge its attacks and fight back, Noah had to predict where to wolf would land and attack in relation, nothing he hadn't done before.

Noah ducked under one of the various mana-enhanced claws of the wolf king and stabbed his sword into the stomach of the wolf king, the wolf king growled in pain but attacked Noah ruthlessly, uncaring for its wounds.

5 minutes had passed.

Noah grinned and immediately cast vital cut and heavy slash in conjunction, his hands transformed and dark fur covered his limbs, the wolf immediately noticed the changes and backed off.

Noah didn't allow the wolf to run though, he swung his sword and as a final measure enhanced both skills with mana control.

Noah's sword impaled the wolf who roared in pain as over 1000 damage was instantly done to it, it barely had any health left and Noah did not plan on letting it survive much longer.

Noah chugged a mana potion and jumped at the wolf, the two of them attacked each other fiercely and fought for another 3 minutes before Noah committed a small mistake.

Noah over-committed, and he paid for it, the wolf king immediately took the opportunity and swung its claws at Noah, in a last-ditch effort Noah put his sword in front of the claws but it didn't help much.

[-500 hp!]

A single attack and Noah lost over half his hp, 'It seems like I've become too lax, I need to pay more attention.' Noah thought to himself.

Noah was flung over 10 meters away as the claws impacted his side, his side was bleeding badly and the armor was completely ruined.

"Well looks like I'll need to get a new set of armor." Noah sighed as he stood back up.

"Now, you've pissed me off, I won't allow another one of those to hit me," Noah said as he charged at the wolf.

Noah attacked a few more times using the previous combination, an elite dungeon boss was truly something else, it had taken 9000 damage already, and it looked like it could take a bit more.

Noah drank another potion and felt his mana replenish itself, one more attack is all it would take to finish the wolf off.

The wolf seemed to know this too as its eyes started glowing dark red, the dark star in the sky seemed to glow a bit more brightly than before as the wolf howled one last time.

Its claws glowed dark red and its fur became darker than before, it had used its final skill, berserk, under the influence of the dark red star monsters gained a skill that made them twice as strong as before, the consequence being them losing health every second.

The wolf didn't have much longer left but it had just become much more dangerous, Noah doubted he would be able to keep up with it so he needed to end this quickly.

Noah's sword started glowing a dark blue, this was the color of Noah's mana, mana control wasn't at a high enough level to be able to infuse weapons with mana but using his experience Noah could push the skill past its limits and use it at a higher level.

Noah's eyes glowed an eerie blue color as he looked at the approaching wolf king, Noah breathed in deeply and closed his eyes.

The chaotic surroundings completely disappeared, Noah's mind was like a calm lake, the wolf merely a small drop trying to disturb it.

Noah simply slashed his sword.

[You have killed the Elite Giant Wolf King!]

The notification rang through Noah's mind loudly.

Noah breathed out.

He had killed it.

[You have gained 10,000 Exp, 1 gold coin, and 1 skill book.]

And the rewards were more than worth the trouble.

"A skill book?" Noah questioned out loud.

A brown book appeared in his hands, a D-rank skill book.

"Learn Skill." Noah said.

[You have learned a new skill!]

[Wolf's fury

Description: Unleash a flurry of slashes at your opponent's dealing wide AOE damage.

Requires 200 mana per use.]

Noah grinned, he had gained the most useful skill that the boss could give you, while it was quite disappointing that he hadn't gotten a monster part but a skill was still a great reward.

[You have cleared the dungeon!]

[You are the first person to clear a dungeon, your accomplishment will be broadcasted globally, do you wish to keep your name anonymous?]

'No.' Noah thought.

[Player {Noah} is the first to ever clear a dungeon! the tutorial zone's dungeon will now be accessible to all players!]

The message was repeated three more times and the players around the world all wondered who this 'Noah' was, in the more eastern servers a few young masters spat blood as their glory was once again stolen.

[Since you are the first to clear the dungeon you will receive a special reward.]

[You have received 5 gold coins, 1 C rank adventurers kit, and 100 reputation with all factions in the next zone.]

Noah's eyes were wide in shock, 100 reputation with all factions was incredibly hard to gain, gaining reputation needed extreme luck and skill, reputation was a system that would be introduced to players when they reached the next zone, and reputation was needed to do almost everything in the next zone, from creating a guild to managing a kingdom, the more reputation you had the more influential you was.

So Noah gaining a 100 was extremely shocking to him, especially the fact that it was with all factions, not just the Adventures guild.