
First day of monster in school

It was a sunny day, Dream head up to the school by greeting her mom"Bye mom, see you at evening".Jane her best friend was waiting for her , besides the stree . " Hi Dream " she waved her hand to her . " Hi Jane " she replied. " Let's go now , other wise will be late ", yeah "let's go ..." .

"Hi girl's, How are you", It was Riji top student of there class and there best friend . "Hi Riji ","Hi there ", they replied. "We are fine Riji, but what's wrong with the class ? Seems like everyone is talking about a same thing". Considering that, he said "They are talking about the new student ,who is supposed to join us today ." Jane was looking excited, "Hmmm, what does he looks like, maybe handsome..,Oh I can't stop thinking about him..." .

Class Monitor: "Stop talking everyone and take our seats ,Miss . Mia is coming".

Everyone took there seat's, atmosphere was filled with total excitement. "Good morning class", as usual Miss.Mia greeted them with a lovely smile. " Good morning mam", by greeting miss. Mia everyone took there seats . "Ok class ! I know that,you all know that today new student is going to join us ","Sky come in "she said. The boy named sky who was supposed to be there now classmate entered in the class."Hello everyone! My name is Sky ".He introduced himself, with the big smile on the face. All the girls sitting in the class looked very happy, but it was not so with the boys, it seemed that they were not happy at all. " Ok Sky , take the seat behind the Dream", Miss.Mia said . He shook his head and walked towards his seat . For the first time I was in spotlight, but with hatred, girls in the class seems to be upset as well as angry on me , expect Jane." Dream your so lucky , he is sitting behind you . See I was right about him,he is really handsome ....such a prine...he he ", Jane said excitedly. " Yeah , not atleast my Prince . But yours " I wasn't happy not because of Sky, but because of the situation in where all girls were angry on me. Hi there ... , he said gently . But I didn't react on it , I was feeling embarrassed to talk with him . He bowed down his neck, he was saddened by my reaction .

" Hey ,why didn't you reply ? " ,Jane asked me with anger , " what happened girl, u look sad " she asked her . Dream was feeling sad for him , she answered Jane with a low voice , " The thing is that all girls hate me now , and I feel sad for Sky ". She took a beep breath ," look , all girls are gone mad after Sky and Miss.Mia asked him to seat behind you not with them . Don't be sad , go talk to Sky if you feel guilty for our reaction". " Should I ? " She asked Jane with more intense voice. " Yes girl , He tried to talk with you , but your reaction was total lame " , she said it intensely . Dream was horribly scared to talk with him , this time it wasn't because of girls from my class . The reason was she never talked with any boy in her class , leaving Riji . " Hey there , .s...s..Sky ". She was so nervous that she wasn't able to take his name property . He turned his back and gave a smile to her , " Oh , hi " , she got froze . " You sit in front of me right . I tried to talk with you at morning but I think you didn't hear me ". " Sorry , I'm really very sorry ". She apologise to him . " Hey don't do this , I didn't blame you for that . Maybe my voice is not that great ". He was so gentle . " Hi I'm Jane her friend" Jane said to Sky pointing me . " And I'm Riji , good meet you ". " Hey what's your name, now I know your friends name but not yours ", He asked . " My name is Dream... Dream Waalfort ". Nice name he replied .

At lunch time : " I'm hungry let's go to eat something " Sky said . Jane holding her stomach , " It feels like hamsters are playing cricket inthere". What did she said " hmmm , I have heard about the rat's in stomach ,but not about hamsters !!!! ". Suddenly Riji and Sky started laughing " You r so cute Dream and Jane nice creation ", Riji said laughingly . " Yeah , Dream can I ask you something ? " Sky ask , " Your expression, you have the same face in every situation, you did not laugh in this laughing position ". That's something made Jane and Riji sad " Dream , let's go " Jane tried to Chenge the topic , " Dream what you wanna eat at lunch " Riji asked her in intense voice .They totally changed the subject . Dream knew that her expression is the reason that no one wants to be with her, expect Jane and Riji , three of them where friends from 1st standard .

Maybe , Sky don't want to be my friend ,She thought . " Dream what are you thinking let's go , I'm hungry ", Sky said in a hungry voice , Dream thought that he don't wanna be her friend. " Hey girl , hurry up , my hamsters are going to be crazy ", Jane said to her in funny way ." Yeah I'm coming" , she said and they rushed towards canteen . We talk a lot while having a lunch OR they talked a lot .

" Look he is there , Sky ". School beauty Fiya , she is always in spotlight . " Hey Sky that's our school beauty , Fiya Or should I say Devil queen".Jane whispered in Sky ears. That was kind of bad thinking, " Jane you should not say like that, Fiya is a good girl" , Dream tried to explain her . " Dream , hey how are you" Fiya asked ," I'm good Fiya and you ? ". " I'm always good sweetie , now move I wanna talk to Sky " , Hmm that was not good but hmm , she moved to another seat besides jane . " Sky ! I'm Fiya , School Beauty 'Fiya ' " , " there she goes again " Jane whispered . " Hey will u shift here I want to set beside Dream ". What did he said Dream was totally shooked , about what he said . " What..... I'm leaving . See you". Fiya left with anger ,she was really very angry after hearing what Sky said ." Dream come here now, she is gone" Sky said , Dream was really embarrassed " Sky ! why did you said that ". Sky was little shooked but then " Dream don't worry , It's ok ".

P.E class ,which they hate most . " Hey Dream , don't you wanna go . Hurry up you know what will happen if we reached there late " , Jane was getting ready ,but she was thinking something that she so looked so serious . " Jane are you ok , is there something bothering you ". Dream asked her ," I was thinking about Mrs. Ace " her answer made her sad . Ace Wicke , there P.E Teacher . One of the mysterious person she ever meet . " Guy's let's go , we 5 min left " Riji said , " What 5 min ,hurry up" , " Shit let's move fast" Jane said . " Thank goodness , we are on time " , she felt relief . " Why you guy's was scared back there in class " Sky asked ," You will find it soon " Riji answered ". Loud Whistle , just like someone is trying wake them up . That whistle sound was coming from Mrs.Ace . " Everyone first warm up , then you can have your time" that was something no one expected from her . " I have some work to do so you guy's have sometime after warm up" . " Miss. Waalfort come at staff room after warm up " that's what she said and leaved . " Hey girl did you do something " Jane asked , " No , I don't know" . " You know what she is gone mad don't think about him " she said , but Dream couldn't stop thinking about what mrs .Ace said . " Dream , I'll go with you there " sky said . Ok that's what she said but she was still scared . After warm up they went to see mrs . Ace , but she wasn't there, at staff room . " Hey Dream ! what you think now ? It's hard to know about you"." hmm....." What's with that sound " he freaked me out " Why you have this face , even when no one is here " he totally screwed it up ," What do you want me to do " , she asked him with anger . " I'm here with you and you not even talking to me , how I supposed to know you more " what the heck did he say . " Hey don't be like that , I'll turn into monster then " , she wasn't getting what he was trying to say . " Why you doing this to me , can't you shut your mouth down " , she was very angry that she said him like this , " Why you ignored me at morning , you such a mean " ,"...."she was confused " What did you say ,I'm mean then what about you ,MONSTER ". You dare to call me Monster , You...." . Suddenly mrs. Ace entered ," Hey you two stop fighting " , " Miss. Waalfort , we are having sports competition starting from next month and you have to help me . Do you get that ". " Yes mam " she answered and returned to the class .

" Yeah , we are free now " , what that supposed to mean Dream asked, " You silly girl , school is over now . We can have some fun"she kept talking . While Riji and Sky came to them ," Ok let's go now " Riji said . " Wait guy's " , Sky said " May I ask you a something , if you don't mind" , he asked to us " Yes ,go ahead we won't mind it " Jane replied " Can I be a part of your group". Group , what that supposed to mean , Dream and Riji looked confused. , " Girl he want to be friend with us "Jane explained her , while Riji and Sky kept chatting , " Your already part of us ". " Thank you guys " ,he looked happy hearing that .

While walking down through the stairs , " Hey Dream , you can't get off me now . I'll be everywhere with you now .You little chicken get ready " he whispered in her ears with low voice , that was something she never thought . " Chicken ,do I look like a chicken " she kept talking to herself, " Yup ! Little Chicken " . "And what about you MONSTER from a Sky . You , MONSTER " .

It looked like they were fight which ended up with the cold looks which they gave to each other.

Life of a teenager girl where she meet with a monster and some surprises in the future

Dream_smilecreators' thoughts