
Monster maker in the making~

A young man receives the 'blessing' of a random god and gained the ability to Alter anything in any way possible. but just how much will it do in a world where angels, gods, demons, and other supernatural beings exist? Our protagonist got sent to war filled world with a few twists involved! P.s. the title relates a lot to what will happen within this world so don't be quick to judge~

Rauon · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Altercation 17 One of the mage leaders Perfidus, someone is coming for Joseph

High above the clouds floated a strange island with countless barriers, magic runes, and talismans.

This was an anomaly created by the mages.

You could say that this was one of their masterpieces for reaching the one called god!

This island is made up of nothing other than magic and metal, no matter how realistic it seems.

On this island, they are 'god' incarnate!

Whatever they will, within this area, could come true, to a limited degree, of course.

Right now, the de-facto leader of this island, who was a middle-aged man with blonde-haired, hugged a wounded blonde mage with similar features to him, all while his face formed a child-like smile from what the girl had told him.

It was Marian, the weapon mage who had escaped Morgana's grasp.

"FATHER! You must capture a monster for me! After the treants had attacked our ship, Enzack and I came across a strange beast that could adapt to our attacks at an incredible pace! Imagine what kind of materials we could collect from it?!"

Marian's father caressed the head of his child tenderly before answering her request.

"Rest assured, and I'll have my 2nd battalion deal with this before it becomes a threat, head to the infirmary to get yourself healed before collecting your reward for delivering this information~."

The weapon mage nearly squealed in delight before kissing her father on the cheek then heading out of the room.

As the girl left the room, the middle-aged man no longer had a tender gaze but rather a very lustful one.

"Hmm, it won't be long now until she comes of age~. I wonder how she'll react when I tell her that her real father is dead and her mother had been turned into a breeding toy for the new recruits."

The leader of the island was called Perfidus, which in Latin meant Treacherous.

To become a leader of magicians, one must be cunning, unpredictable, and powerful.

Being one of the long-lived mages that had too much time and power on his side, Perfidus would often brainwash a new female recruit and pose himself as the victim's parent as one of his favorite pass times.

Due to his specialty in magic, the leader could switch between genders every time the person got tired of their current looks or identity.

Illusions, mind magic, and multiple other branches of magic related to the body, making Perfidus a fiend that many of the other mages feared!

It was four months until Marian's 18th birthday, the very day which will become her greatest nightmare, as there are hundreds of girls like her stashed away left in a state of deep sleep and petrification.

But that was only part of the ongoing things, the leader had prepared meticulously for the upcoming event, all that this person was waiting, for now, was for them to finally make their move so that his group may reap the profits as it was tough to procure the body of the other factions.

What was the best time to collect such rarities than in the times of war?


The port city that is owned by the Hawkes family, it was one of the most lively areas in the world!

With good reason, since 200 years ago, there hasn't been a single attack from mages nor from the other three factions, causing it to be one of the safest places for those with enough wealth and power.

As for why this city could be considered 'lively?'

Countless rich people in this city showed off their wealth either in a 'healthy' manner or through blood and gore.

Every regular person that walked through this city was either a slave or a henchman.

The way to tell the difference was by the tattoo mark on their exposed left hand.

Right now, the city was having its annual blood festival as a few caped visitors watched together with the Hawkes family from the highest building that was still undergoing construction.

"Has any of them caught your fancy yet?"

A sweaty, lean, and naked man with a dandy mustache asked the cloaked group as two of the slaves served his vigorous member.

The same was happening to the cloaked people as they were enjoying themselves in their own way even if it led to the death of their current partner.

Some of them ignored the man, others laughed while only one individual bothered to answer yet it caused the others to freeze in place.

A gender-neutral voice replied in boredom as this individual was the only one that didn't touch any of the available toys.

"No, I'd rather not accept such feeble bugs."

The tone was casual but the naked man felt cold sweat drip down his back as he feared that he might've soured this person's mood!

The naked man was Angela's Father Desmond and he KNEW who this person was!

His wife was currently busy keeping another powerful individual company, so her silver tongue and incredible talent in reading people was appeasing a perverted fallen angel!

Years of being with her helped him gain a minor version of her skill so he mostly knew when to try and kiss someone's ass!

*Cough cough cohem*

So after clearing his throat he tried to appease the individual, ready even to offer up his daughter if need be.

"My apologies for not bringing anyone suitable for your tastes, might i-"


The individual cut him off with a sigh that made the temperature drop down a few degrees.

"I don't want someone of your blood, so you can be relieved but if you get a chance, bring me a man that has a unique ability, don't worry it isn't one of the sacred gear holders, but rather someone I will never get bored of someone down southwest from here."

A high-pitched voice inquired the individual with clear curiosity.

"Mephi~, did you finally find another one?"


The one who was called 'Mephi' released a groan as if the question was extremely annoying, that or the questioner was.

The person was an ultimate class fallen angel woman, with long pink hair, with the upper part of her face covered by a mask, a petite figure, a gothic dress, who floated right above Mephi with a very annoying smile on her face!

"Maybe, but why should I be telling you more about this, Karifel?"

A click of a tongue was heard before Karifel openly pouted like a child.

"AH! no fair! You already nabbed a sacred gear holder to be your daughter, and you already have that fast or whatever his name got marked as your next target! Give me that new one! gimme! (X??)"

Karifel started throwing a tantrum on the ground as her words grew louder and louder.

The fallen angel knew better than challenging the person she was nagging, 'Mephi' was VERY good with schemes, tricks, and traps.

Should you ever make a deal with this individual? It'd be a losing battle for the idiot that bothered to take the agreement in the first place!

Karifel had no choice but to use this method to get her way with this devil that rejected the seat of Lucifer, and this individual owed her one, so she was going to cash in on the best benefits~.

"SHUT UP ALREADY! Fine! Head southwest for about two hours at your top speed until you find a hollowed-out mountain! NOW BEAT IT!"

The angered Mephi rose from their chair and did something that could be rarely seen for anyone...

Mephi sent Karifel flying with a kick!

One of the cloaked people asked the heaving Mephi a few minutes after things calmed down.

"Is that really alright, Lady Mephisto? don't people who usually catch your attention bring about great changes to the world?"

Mephisto lowered her hood, showing off her androgynous looks as the two bulges on her chest were the possible confirmation of her gender. Her short fiery hair rested on her shoulders, as her pupils seemed to have a cross engraved into them, stared at the person who asked the question.

Her pink lips curled up to one side before she answered.

"Truthfully, even with my abilities, I don't know... what I do know is that should I take him for myself, our lives will be very different in the next thousand years, and he'd be much more of a monster than the current lucifer."

That made her listeners gulp as they were all familiar with the arrogance and brutality of the man she was talking about, but Mephisto wasn't done.

"With the kind of character that Karifel has, hopefully, that will change his way of thinking and make him repopulate the world with more of those interesting creatures that I saw."

Mephisto stifled a chuckle from remembering a scene she had seen in one of her visions.

A giant monster that loved to sleep could be caught by a simple white and red orb-like object that could fit in a hand, how she'd love to use one as a pillow, hell, maybe even Ophis will love it!

So to ensure a higher chance of that future coming true, Mephisto relayed a command that worked as a double-edged sword for the person she hoped to help as the listeners misunderstood her intentions.

"Relay my words to your leaders, stay clear of a human that commands unique monsters and uses a talking spear, I have plans for him!"