
Monster Loyalitie

Monster Loyalitie🖤

Chapter Eighteen

( A little change on the trip ಥ⌣ಥ



Stephanie... .

me and Emma has finally did a good work setting our sleep over party.

soon few of my zany friends will be coming here to dine, and sleep over.

sleep over for four ... so perfect! some girlish talk and much more.

Emma! Stephanie called.

yeah! Stephanie....you called me? Emma asked.

yeah! I just wanted us to get some tea_ cake and fruit juice as well ; I can't have this night boring , nope!...Stephanie blurted out.

So Stephanie is your sister Olivia coming to the party? Emma asked.

No! why would I invite her ? Stephanie questioned In a puzzled expression.

" I wanted to know" Emma said continuously' I think am Starting y to like her already, she's kind and very much a loving person.

imagine all you have be doing and saying to her she still stick with you.

I even heard when she sided you in a school fight, " saying my sister is not a monster and even if she is , she's has her personal loyalitie .

And never for once has she any conspiracy against you , considering the ill treatments and cold shoulders you give her .... she still considers you her family . Emma said settling down on the sofa.

Hey! you don't have to keep saying this and that" she's still getting on my nerves .. .. . Stephanie voiced in a contradict.

No! Stephanie, just give her a place in that your tiny loving heart . Don't mind what our friends might be saying.

she's one of the nicest and smartest kid I know in school right now.

yeah! it's okay, I know she is really good and you don't have to remind me , Stephanie replied looking out her window.


The girls car are here . let's go meet them Stephanie rattled , both heading outside.

you too are here ?

welcome y'all , I love you all .

Emma why is she being so dramatic? Nita one of the girls Asked.

I don't know know... "probably because of the the family thriller" Emma answered as she blushes.

Can we all go in ? if you all are done being snooping .. . . Stephanie blurted .




Finally I got my own room , " But things where never the same " I wish we were still together.

Ruth being a sweetheart seldom tries her very best to be around me. Since I do almost everything alone.

Now Stephanie might be probably enjoying herself along with her friends .. .Ruth said startling her untanned thighs.

"Can the little one's go see the enjoying birds" Ruth allude not mentioning Stephanie's team names.

Nope! count me off , I don't want to fall under their tyranny by some beautifully made witches, Olivia replied polishing her nails .

Oops! you are such a boring birds at times and to top it all you do this when ever you are bored " Ruth said directly referring to my nail polishing.

Olivia! Olivia!

I heard mum calling my name.

Are you in your room? mum asked .

Yes! please do come in ..... . I said allay not to pour out the curiosity in my mind out right here.

Stephanie! Stephanie! I heard Dad shout out and I was disillusioned .

Yes! mum, you called... Olivia answered.

Girls your mum and I have decided to let you both out of the dark , 'The truth is that we ain't all making it to the family trip' .

Your mother isn't feeling well, Dad said.

I'm so sorry if I have ruined your tonight or morning schedule; go pack your bags girls, and the rest of things you would be needing is already in the penthouse. ... Dad confirmed .

For me all you both need the most is to amalagmate together, okay? Dad half questioned.

l will try my very best Daddy ! Stephanie replies looking over my direction.

Yeah! we will try our very best I reply too, looking back over to Stephanie saking for her satisfaction.

And if that could happen we will be good, Sonia said .

The discussion is over then , isn't it ? Dad asked a little alleviated for us probably.


Morning ! girls, Dad greeted when he saw us getting ready.

Morning Daddy! we both replied all attention still on the " trip packing" to avoid long talk.

I'm ready ... .. Stephanie butts in .

cool! what about you Oli ..... ...Dad asked in a wispy.

I'm almost daddy .... in few minutes . . .. and done , I voiced carrying my bag pack .

Dad do you still remember my birthday daddy? Stephanie asked backing him with a closed eyes.

Yes! I do, Dad replied.

I hope so Stephanie stated moving into the car.



Later in the day...

Aww! look at what I have been missing , Stephanie said swaying herself out from the car.

Yes! I admit this Paris is indeed a beautiful place, Oli admitted.

Please get into the building girls .. . Jack who would be supervising us on the trip policed.

It's such a grotty that Emma won't be here " Stephanie thought:

Will you two be sharing a room? Jack asked unpacking our baggage.

For me am cool with any .. Olivia said seeking for attention , "For heaven knows seek" .

I should take good care of her since she's my little sis,

I'll try being a good sis, not a breaker , my mind judging me already.