



All thanks to creator Lenx didn't leave like he wanted to.

Today morning is really cold seems like Christmas is already getting around the corner,

I can't wait for the holiday so lovable, more fun; less studying stephanie said stretching her arms.


yesterday school was just unusual ,too quiet , slow timing; no sassy intruder.

Ruth is a very typical girl who's easy going to understand and I think I love her already.

we have been studying together for the test which is tomorrow and hopefully I will get some rest on the weekend.

olivia , did you notice the princess of the school was absent yesterday , that's Ruth talking ; we are both in the library since we came too early to study.

yes! I know "But hope she's okay" since the weeks i have been here , I have not seen her skip school .

how I wish everyone is like you so concerned, allegiant" Ruth said to me in a basting voice that made me wonder the kind of person she is .

you are just too kind for this world always giving Loyalties even to the one's that never deserve a bit of your allegiance ...

olivia you are too conservative just snap out of it callow girl , any way can I follow you today ; I want to know your place if it is cool with you Ruth blurted.

yeah it is, "But before I go ; I do pick up so dirty bottle on the streets floor to dump to make some coins olivia said.

so you are a "Numismatist" ....? well you will leave to do that today cause it's different ; how about I give you more than coins Ruth asked .

no Ruth I don't like taking things from people like a freeloader" it makes me uneasy.

olivia you are just unaccountable what will I do to you now , Ruth said smiling for some unknown reason.

Don't worry if you want it that way we I'll do.

really! Ruth asked shouting like a puppy with a bone to chew.

yes! let's start going already if you are done shouting around I said.

wait olivia let me get my ride to drop us Ruth said realizing what just spat out oh! no!.

your ride ?

you have a ride?? what are you Ruth a hidden figure said befuddling .

am not all that and it's not important to know Ruth said faking those smiles which I know already.

she's definitely hiding something from me and I I'll find out later for now I need to get myself.


I almost made a mess if I haven't already" .

how will I tell her about myself and family background; when I finally made a good friend after a long time.

I know am a terrible person how could I keep lying about myself if she trusts you " but I don't know, but she's really good.

I came from a family of four and my dad is a shadow who keeps bothering me ; his sticky Rich and his the one of the bad mannered people I know ,

I wonder how my mum has been coping up with his wicked lifestyle .

He might never hurt me in my life "seeing what he does is more heartbreaking.

" Imagine having a dad that do human exchange and no one has a say to it what will you do ? love him more?

run away from home or join him , I chose to abstain myself from him if it will do me good.

I hope one day I I'll be able to share it up with someone who cares " not those that pretends to, I reported him to my mom, auntie and no one could do anything to stop him .

I sleep in humor in my home and heart ,

I ran away from home with my money from savings account " as a father he made sure we received money cash out every week .

" I love him so much " Until I saw him in a different mask that I wished it was a night mare .

hey! olivia said jolting me shot of my millions thoughts.

why are you looking so lost Ruth ??

it's not serious olivia , I thought I annoyed you .

of course nothing ! you didn't you are just trying to be careful of your self and if you feel like telling me anything just know am here , your secrets are safe with me I promise and if it's something you want help I'd like to help you out.

thank you olivia , ain't we there already ??

yeah almost,

mmmmh ....! I would love to ask you some questions olivia but not now Ruth said.

it's okay anytime you feel like it do share .

