



Stay for me..

Stephanie is on the phone with her boyfriend Mark...

Hey Mark!

Hi Stephanie! how are you princess...?

Am not okay rocker, could you please take some notes for me today; I think I'm sick and I don't know if I'll make it to school today , I belie to Mark.

yeah sure! I will do that just take care of yourself; have you taken any medication yet .

not yet, I I'll do that later ; stephanie said.

please do that , see you in school tomorrow or next , when you are okay babe Mark said.

okay bye .

emmmh mmmmh! (cough! cough! cough!)

what the hell Lenx ?... were you eavesdropping on my conversation in my room... I asked annoyed.

no sis , I wanted to tell you something before I leave Lenx said.

you want to leave?? why so sooner I asked tearing down .

yes, you don't want to be baiting you all around ; so I I'll just leave not to addle you anymore and please tell your dad I'm sorry for leaving,

Lenx you know I never meant that, remember when you were angry with me you had told me you hate me ...." did you literally meant it ?? ..no you didn't" , I'm so

sorry for hurting you brother ; just smile already.

Now how do I know if you really mean it.. . .. Lenx said smiling.

of course! don't you even trust me a tiny bit , even if it's not like before ' stephanie growled pouting.

Right fine! I believe you and please don't make that baby face ; I I'll be in my room now.

what about out tutorial class?.. stephanie asked.

when ever you are ready sis, I I'll be waiting.



this my cousin sis stephanie sometimes is allay that I would think she's up to no good.

she's overbearing isn't today a school day and "she's pretending to be sick when it's a huge lie.

I don't know why stephanie is obdurate anyway I don't want to discuss that now .

I'm Lenx matthew ; eighteen years old a waiting student of harvard .

my uncle Mr David is mine favorite among all my uncle's.

he treats me well enough apart from that he pays me pretty much of the little responsibility ouch! my tongue "actually stephanie is a huge responsibility.

she's really a strong headed young lady while am just her crackpot; silly girl people can't tell our difference about our age,

when I tell them I'm older to her .

Today I was really angry and I really wanted to leave if she did not change her mind.

I got a brother of my own no girl , female gender are rare in our lineage maybe that's why the one's we got are too difficult to persuade,rule , " some will say daughter's are angel's , peace of the house" .




I went downstairs to get water ,

stephanie why are you home?... Mr david asked when he saw her.

dad I wasn't feeling too good so I stayed back" But I told my friends to get notes for me or I should rather do online class.

oh! darling I think you need y rest ; class can stay okay , is it fever?.. taken any medication??? her dad asked more concerned.

yes I have , since am now convalescing already than before.

Anyway where is Lenx dad asked.

in his room balcony probably I blurted curiously, you you want to go meet him or should I call him for Dad..

no, baby it's okay let him be.

have you started your tutorial class yet?.

yes, no we are to start later in the day , since it's hot out there I said.

I will be in the study room , call if you need anything dad said before going out of my room .

wow! I made sign of relief ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ.