


In just a word one can't document what life really is ,

it started on a sunny Wednesday afternoon in St. Mark high school all the students were on lunch break in their different peers .

they was a particular girl whose always alone under the tree shade to eat and study ; and there is the main princess called stephenie the most popular girl of the school .

she's a princess definition as well as every guy dream girl called a goddess monster secretly by those who doesn't like or mingle with her .

coming from one of the richest family she's always with a bodyguard that she treats like slave ,

where ever she goes the follow , run up to her covering her in an umbrella with or without sun that's her rules.



Break was over and students were heading to their various classes.


I'm princess stephenie David , almost seventeen years old.

my dad is a governor who is always busy , all this year's he barely got enough time for me like he used to " anyway as long as he keeps giving me all I ask for am okay with him.

when I hear the word LOVE" I remember my mom , she's the best lover I got before now .

All my life I have been allured to some people only for them to get to me or my dad asking one thing.

Hey! stephanie a familiar voice said jolting me out to reality .

hello ! I replied back when I saw it was Mark my boyfriend , "always over me ".

will you be going home alone today? mark asked.

no , you know I don't I replied.

it's okay I guess we should call it a day , he said more out of disappointment.

Do you want something?..I found myself asking.

No, I just wanted to spend some time with you if we could get to know each other better, and our self opinions.

ohhh! that will be cool " but you will have to settle a day for that, and I just want you to know I will really love to spend some time with you; sorry I have to go my driver is waiting .



where is my dad jack ? stephanie asked .

his in the study room jack said not sparing me a glance ' I'm I that bad I thought in my mind rolling my eyes for God knows why.

Mr David

I heard the door of the study room crack open , only one person I know that doesn't knock "stephanie".

Dad! I heard her say , am over here I replied.

my daughter is a good girl " which I wonder weather am the only one that notices.

Dad quit the stare " it's getting annoying, stephanie blurted.

oh! you know when ever I look at you I see my beautiful lady in there and it makes me feel so lucky her dad said.

okay , whatever then keep starring.

hope the week went well her dad asked .

I don't know , besides we got a new girl in class this week ....I said.

her name is Olivia and she's got this weird attitude always under the tree shade 'stephanie said a bit irritated.

Do you like her? my dad asked .

hmmmm mmmmh like???..... I don't know about that pretty much not my type of friend ; stephanie said looking at her nails.

so you making her her a friend is an understatement??..... really is that what you are baby ... everyone one is a friend you should know that ... her dad said stroking her shoulder lightly.

Mr David

me and my daughter always talk about her school things that take place and about to,

I think that's at least a good way to let her know am still with her to guide .

I don't want her messing around with some kids , when she doesn't like someone means their more smart to handle "she's too bossy I know her.