
Monster Life in a S+ Ranked World

Towers, Dungeons, and Rifts have appeared in the world! Except there’s a twist... everyone’s S rank in power!

Godly_UwU · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The Beginning of Hell in Heaven

I cracked opened my eyes. It seems like I passed out again... I sat up, trying to remember what happened.

Suddenly, I got a slap to the back of my head that sent my head spiraling forward.

"What the he-"

"It's not even your first day and you're slacking already!?"

I looked at the man that spoke up.

He was the white haired elder who looked always angry.


I got another slap to my head.

"You dare speak of my 「True Name」with your lowly mouth...!?"

He sighed and continued.

"It's your duty to win this bet."

"Why would I? That's your fault for accepting it in the first plac-"

I closed my eyes and braced my hand to the back of my head as a shield, for a blow that never came.

I opened my eyes in surprise, as Boreas spoke in a huff.

"Yes, I know it was my fault for making the bet. But I'll pitch something in for you too." He opened his hand, and with a light that engulfed the room I understood what it was.

"A low tier 「God Orb」!"

Boreas nodded.

"I assume you ascended to godhood the simple way, by climbing the tower of god. Those towers are actually the test of dead gods, and you inherit their name and powers by passing their test. But unless the god was someone extraordinarily, the godhood they can give out is at most 「Lowest Tier God Orb」. If you help me, I'll ascend you to the status of a low god"

I stared at the 「Low Tier God Orb」greedily.

"I accept your deal, 「God of Winter」"

His face erupts in a big smile.

"That's what I like to hear!"

He grabbed my arm and lifted my entire body up with one arm.

"I'm gonna have to train you. I'll have you be at the limit of Lowest Tier power!"

His eyes glowed with a strange white light and he dragged me to a room. We entered a room that was finally not made of ice, but with wood. Hundreds of knights in heavy armor was training, as deafening clangs of metal against metal rang across the room. He snapped his fingers as all of the knights marched to him, standing straight and in perfect position.

"I'm gonna need a sparring partner for this boy. Would any one you be willing to volunteer?"

Someone in the middle of the line of knights stepped forward, knelt, and bowed with a arm across his chest.

"I, 「Frost Light Crusader」am willing to coach this boy." As he raised his head, I could see his confident blue eyes.

"Very well"

Boreas letted go of my arm as I fell down to the cold floor and coughed. I stood up and looked around. All of the other Knights have backed off and encircled me with 「Frost Light Crusader」at the center.

Someone stepped forward and shouted "And now, En Garde!" As he stepped back again.

The Frost knight leaped at me with his sword brandished, throwing me a large slash.

My reflexes tried to block the sword with my dagger, but realized I didn't have one.


I unleashed my aura and tried to block the slash with my right arm, but a large gash still ran across it. I backed off as the arm that blocked the attack began to freeze. Blood didn't even have a chance to ooze out as ice slowly expanded around my arm.

「Ice Withdrawal MAX level」as I pulled the ice out of my right arm.

"This isn't fair! I don't have a weapon!"

"Don't you have a Spirit Weapon?"

"A what!?"

"This isn't the time to be chatting!" The 「Frost Light Crusader」 ran his sword through my gut. He pulled out his sword, now covered with dripping red blood.

"It's over. Give up or you'll bleed out" he said with a grin.

"Who said I needed blood?" In a flash, I leapt over and punched him right in the face, causing him to stumble back, one arm holding his face. I grabbed his arm and slammed it against my knee, forcing him to drop his weapon. As he staggered back still holding his face, I picked up his sword and got into the best form I could remember from my old classes.

"Hah! Hahahahaha!" the 「Frost Light Crusader」laughed while I scowled.

"What part of this is funny?"

"It seems that you truly are new to godhood. Let this be your first lesson." He held out his right hand, as the sword disappears from my hand and materialized into his hand.

"What? How?!"

He slowly walks towards me and I swung my fist at him. No luck. A good ten seconds later, I was laying on the floor. He made sure to not stab me again, out of fear that I would die. It seems that they don't know I have immortality.

"Well, how do you like my knights?"


"Why what?"

"Why didn't you tell me that there was something called spirit weapons!?"

Boreas shrugged.

"Well, sometimes the best way to learn is to get beaten to a inch of your life."


"Like now. If you get beat half to death it easier to summon your Spirit Weapon." All this was said with a cheery face.

I just sat there with nothing more to say. I have no idea what a Spirit Weapon was, nor do I know how to summon it.

"Alright boy, here is how you summon it."

He closed his eyes and concentrate. Suddenly, a hoard of 12 ghastly horses appeared in front of me, pulling a chariot with Boreas who seemingly materialized on top.

"You just have to concentrate and it'll appear-"

"I apologize to interrupt you, sir"

「Frost Light Crusader」bowed.

"You were born a god, and therefore never created your own. Please allow me"

".... fine. Do what you must."

Boreas's twelve horses dissipated along with his chariot, as he hopped to the floor. He continued grumbling as he walked out of the room.

Frost then started teaching me. "You merely have to concentrate on your God's memories."

"Their... memories?"

"Yes. That how all of us get their spirit weapons. You see, my god was a knight that was ordered to attack even in the cold snow. He held on to his sword even after he was dead. He ascended to godhood because of his bravery".

"... alright, I will do so."

I sat down and concentrated. I didn't do the tower correctly, so the ceremony didn't function correctly.

I just sat down searching through my memories. Suddenly, head-splitting pain forced me into memories. Memories I couldn't even remember. I passed out a second later.

I looked at the young me that grew up in dump. Is this... a dream?

The young me that looks nothing like me right now or at Jack's house.

I passed out and drifted away into my dark subconscious.

With purple hair and eyes wearing a dirty rag I looked at myself from the past in the eye.

"I'm gonna kill the demon king."

Today’s the last day of the contest! Give me your votes, pretty please! Just a side note, immortality is extremely extremely rare, even among gods. Also, flashback time!

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