
Monster Life in a S+ Ranked World

Towers, Dungeons, and Rifts have appeared in the world! Except there’s a twist... everyone’s S rank in power!

Godly_UwU · Fantasy
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29 Chs


As roars of approval rang from Boreas and our group,as jeers rosed from Zephyros'. They mocked me for my hypocrisy, for my arrogance to mock them. Who the hell cares? I whipped around and locked eyes with Zephyros, and I offered him a massive grin. His usual poker face crumbles away into fury. Boreas' face beamed with joy, as he clumsily made his way towards Zephyros. He held his hand out, obviously waiting for something. Zephyros' face turned red with anger as he stood unmovingly. Minutes passed, but it felt like hours. All eyes were on the two powerful gods, as Boreas' confusion slowly gave way to rage.

"No." Zephyros replied, regaining his composure.

"You dar-!?" Boreas roared before being cut off by a blast of air, shoving Boreas crashing back to his seat.

「Frost Light Crusader」leapt in the air, summoned his Spirit Weapon and struck at Zephyros with a guttural cry. Zephyros simply caught it between his fingers.

Zephyros continued, "They both cheated. This match isn't official." Zephyros threw a small punch filled with immense power towards his attacker. The captain enforced a shield around

「Frost Light Crusader」, to no avail. The punch shattered the shield as it launched 「Frost Light Crusader」back a few dozen meters.

"I'm not letting you cheat your way out of this, Zephyros." Boreas glowered as he stood back up. The air next to him began to freeze to impossible temperatures. His eyes glowed pure white, as he shouted for his Spirit Weapon.

"Come, my Chariots-" he was once again cut off by Zephyros' attack, but he was prepared this time. His chariot, pulled by twelve ghastly horses raced by and blocked the attack without a scratch. Boreas materialized on top, as he glared down at Zephyros.

"Trust me, you don't want this fight." Boreas snarled.

"I don't think you do. Come, Wind Essence!" Zephyros swung back his arms, whirlwinds forming on his arms. The fabric covering his arms were blown off, along with his subordinates next to him.

As the two older gods faced off, their subordinates did as well. 「Frost Light Crusader」recovered himself and started wildly swinging at Zephyros' subordinates. During the chaos, three of them jumped into the ring, no doubt seeing me as easy prey. After all, I'm a freshie, and I just wore myself out fighting 「Frozen Avatar 」.Their maniacal smile proves that they never planned to honor the bargain to begin with.

Akai jumped in out of nowhere, tackling two of them to the ground. As the third looked back to see what had happened, I ran my sword into his gut.

{Lonely Touch of the Ice God} has been activated!

Before his mouth could open to scream, he froze. Enclosed in an ice prison he could never hope to escape by himself, I pulled out my sword. Akai was holding his own with his ice suit, but he was being slowly overwhelmed by the combined force of the other two.

"DIE!" one of them screamed, sending a massive blast of wind. Akai simply held a shield of ice as he walked forward. I ran forward and slash at one, but a small orb of wind covered. I was shoved back, but it didn't matter.

{Lonely Castle of the Ice Cold God} has been activated!

As the castle repaired itself, I rained attacks over them, forcing them to do nothing but defend with a wind barrier.

This went on for a minute until-

"Game over!" Akai shouted as he finished charging his attack.

{Mountain Ice Crash} has been activated!

An enormous magic circle appeared on Akai's hands as our attackers looked on with fear. It was larger than my castle. I summoned divine ice, covering myself with a small barrier. Spikes of ice enveloped his hand slowly, as the tip of a mountain made of ice appeared from his magic circle. It rushed forward at breakneck speed as it crashed over the two victims. Screams of agony were silenced by it's massive mass.

Three down.


The barrier I was in shattered as a dagger sunk into my side.

"Don't let your guard down, boy!" Sharp pain erupted from my side. He broke out of my ice prison? I groan with pain as I tumble into the ground.

"I'm thousands of years old!" I whipped around and tried to catch the dagger. The dagger sank into my palm. I quickly froze my blood around the dagger, bounding it to my hand, and I pulled my hand back. I kicked him off me as I slowly got up. As he tried to summon his Spirit Weapon back, I slashed at his head with my sword. He dodged, only to get hit with a punch to the side of his head by Akai. As he tumbled on the ground, Akai stood over him with an evil grin.

"I, 「Calntus」, won't fall here!"

A whirlwind of magical power blew us away as he stood back up. He was ready for round two.

I leapt at him with my sword while Akai came towards him by the side. Both of our attacks were stopped by his wind. We kept swinging, and he kept backing off. He couldn't maintain this forever, so what was his plan?

A pillar of wind bursted out under me and hit me square in the chin. I stumbled back as a fist made of wind pummeled me to the ground. Akai kept swinging, forcing him back further and further. I readied my blade, enveloping it with as much mana as I could.

[Weak. Far, far too weak.], the previous owner of this sword whispered in my ear.

I ignored his rambling and ran at Calntus. I swung in a large arc, shattering his barrier and giving him a long, but shallow cut.

This opening was all Akai needed as he locked Calntus down.

"You're not getting out of this one." Akai summoned an icicle on his palm and stabbed directly into his throat, nailing Calntus to the ground. A spray of blood showered Akai as he stood up straight and licked his lips with glee. As our attacker choked on his own blood, I looked on in disgust. A god wouldn't die from this. Akai intends to inflict him with as much pain as possible. Akai pushed deeper, trapping the man to the ground. Every movement was painful. Every breath he took was painful. With a maniacal smile, Akai snapped the ice off of his palm, and started moving it around like a joystick. Our attacker screamed, or at least tried to. It was weird seeing a boy who looked like he was twelve year old giggling with sadistic glee while covered in blood. The ice turned blood red in my attacker's throat as he tried to pull it out. As he licked the blood off his fingers, Akai froze our victim. This time, with layers and layers of divine ice so they couldn't escape.

God, I just want to go home.

Hello, I was bored. Here’s a update!

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