
Monster Integration

In the world where Humans and Monster's form a bond and fight together, the world where both Evolve together to get stronger. Walk with Micheal as he starts his adventures with his Silver Sparrow, overcomes countless obstacle and adversaries to fulfill his greatest Dreams. The initial and new chapters getting edited everyday. Release Rate: 14 Ch/Week+ The cover is not mine. I couldn't track down the original creator but if the creator is out there, message me if you want me to take it down or give credit

AnWan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3966 Chs


"So, do you have anything else for me?" I asked with a smile, extremely careful to let not a single speck of my aura spread out of the shields. I am burning my essence, and if the old snake got to know about it, then it would be a game over for me. 


I would have no fear if it had been outside, but we were in the domain of the old snake, a very powerful domain that could inform it of the slightest fluctuation; I have to be extremely careful with everything I do.




It hmphed and disappeared; not melded into the domain, just disappeared, and in a couple of seconds, the domain too vanished, absorbed by the old snake, who had finally left.


I wish I could take a sigh of relief, but those expressions I had seen in the old snake's eyes before it disappeared wouldn't let me.