
Monster in Batavia

Last Volume of this story... Happy reading :) ~~~~~~~~~~~> "Where is this!?" said her mind screw. ... Blap! Blap! ... suddenly two incandescent lights flashed. "... Het feest !! ... let's welcome ... Princess of Tomorrow, ANNA !!" Then ... the sigh of a creature she had never heard of ... Slurrpp! "... AAAAA!!!" "Don't be afraid sweet little girl, we won't spare your bones!" "No!" "... let's see what flavor your soft flesh has ..." "HHYYAAAAAAAA ... NO NO! ... DON'T ... DON'T COME! GO AWAY ... NO NOOOOOO !!!" Batavia 1628, as one of the VOC colonies in this European-style city, a girl named Anna, found herself captivated inside a big steel cage in a dark room. Without her memory, without knowing the reason for her captivating, except a candle as her only companion ... Then moon shone round, classical music and dance began to play, and at once the lights of the room were turned off. It was then that the thrilling curtain of Batavia was opened...

Tom_Ardy · History
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169 Chs

CHAPTER XXXIV Night of Hundred Jormungand - Part 1


So surprised them about what would come out of the dark cloud that enveloped the soldier. Mythological creatures with different stories in all parts of the world. Where some worship it as a god who protects them. And some others consider them as a disaster that can destroy the life around them.

But to see it with their own eyes, it's even more so to see it born from a human. Even the sultan and the powerful tumenggung could only be stunned by surprise to see this creature.

Naga, they call it in Java, then several different names in several other countries around the world. The creature was so large that its body was elongated like a snake, it was hard to catch by the eye. Really like one of the legendary creatures that the sultan had heard from other nations in the west and north.