
Monster Hunter: Nargacuga Life

Matthew was a scout for the Pokke village branch Hunter's Guild. However during a scouting excersize with his students they encounter a threat that ends Matthew's life. Waking up as a monster he is forced to adapt and accept who he is and move forward finding new goals along his journey.

Randomystic · Video Games
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20 Chs



The ground shook as a massive wyvern carved it way across mountains with its powerful jaws overturning soil and any obstacle in its path.

"Retreat! One of us must survive to report to the chief the danger out village is in!" I shout orders to protect my subordinates in a scouting mission gone astray.

"We can't leave you captain Matthew! We should stand our ground and fight!"


"Run you dumb ass! Even our great chief couldn't slay that beast! It's called the White God for a reason!" Knocking some sense into my subordinate Kelly I give my final order

"Retreat and warn the village of the danger we're in! I'll hold it off as long as I can!" I rush towards the towering beast steeling my resolve to protect my subordinates.

Kelly "Captain you can't! You'll die!"

Kelly screams as her fellow teammates drag her away.

Tyler " I'm sorry captain. Thank you for teaching us."

They drag Kelly away and with them retreating I can be at ease that at least my precious students and subordinates will survive this ordeal.

"Come at be you hulking bastard!"


-Back To Pokke Village-

(Chieftains POV)

Chief "Kelly what's wrong? Where's Matthew?"

Kelly "He stayed behind chief! We need to go rescue him!"

Chief "What do you mean we need to save him?! What happened out there?!"

Tyler "It was the White God. Ukanlos."


The Chief's reduced his desk into a pile of splinters with the force he struck it with

Chief " Organize a defense force now! Call the Hunters Guild for support and get ready immediately!"

Kelly "What about Matthew chief we need to go save him!" In a cry of desperation Kelly pleads her case to save her captain.

Solemnly the chief replys

Chief "It's to late Kelly. The White God is not something a scout or hunter can handle alone. Even Matthew would only last minutes against it. We should honor his sacrifice to save his team from destruction."

Kelly "MATTHEW! Uwahhhhhhahhhahhh"

Kelly falls to her knees and mourns the loss of her captain.

Chief "Leave her here she deserves some rest"

The chief leaves the room with the rest of the scout team and prepares to finish the battle he started over a decade ago.

Chief "Now there's one more reason to kill you White God."

I've thought out the plot for this story a little better but i can't guarantee updates will be consistant.

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