
Monster Hunter: Nargacuga Life

Matthew was a scout for the Pokke village branch Hunter's Guild. However during a scouting excersize with his students they encounter a threat that ends Matthew's life. Waking up as a monster he is forced to adapt and accept who he is and move forward finding new goals along his journey.

Randomystic · Video Games
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News about Lucius

A roar shook the village and guards immediatly rang the alarm bells. Rushing to the gates ready to fight another infected monster they were shcoked to see a girl laying on the ground. The girl was staring off into the forest and the hunters were at a loss about what to do. Before long someone brought the girl into the village.

Guard "Chief, you need to look at this!"

A hunter came bursting into the room where Kelly and the Chief were discussing the panic at Kusano. Before they were interupted Kelly was reporting how a loud boom echoed throught the city and soon after parts of the city started falling into the ground. Hundreds of monster ran out of what seems to be a storage house. It was impossible to figure out where the monster came from because the rubble was to large for anyone to move.

Chief "What's so urgent that you need to disrupt my meeting?"

Guard "Sorry sir but we found a girl who claims a Nargacuga saved her from Kusano"

Kelly "WHAT!"

Guard "Exactly, come I'll bring you to her"

Shocked at the news they just heard, Kelly and the Chief rushed towards the medical building. Passing the countless patient rooms they arrived, inside a young girl sat being baandaged up by a nurse. Seeing the chief and Kelly the nurse quietly stepped out of the room closing the door as she left.

Chief "I'm this villages cheif, would you mind answering some of my questions"

The girl nodded and the chief proceeded to question her about her name, where she was kept, why was she there, and anything else related to Kusano. They found out her name was Suzy and that she was kidnapped a few years ago. She was kept in cell and forced to fight monsters. And that not to long ago a Nargacuga with scars and burn marks spared her when she lost and took care of her. The chief was enraged at what they forced the little girl to do and felt pity for her. She had shut off her emotions and trauma has practically turned her into a mute. She only spoke when spokeon to and her eyes seemed empty.

Kelly 'It cant be.'

"By any chance, were the burn marks on the Nargacuga's back?"

Suzy "Yes"

Kelly "When you looked into its eyes...what did you see, or sorry, like, ummm what did they remind you of?"

Unable to find the right words to describe it, she hoped Suzy would understand what she was trying to say. A long pause followed, Suzy was in deep thought and right when Kelly was about to dismiss her question, she answered.

Suzy"A human"

Kelly was almost sure this was the Nargacuga that saved her. But just as she was reaching the height of her excitment the chief exstinguished it.

Chief "Kelly, I know you are trying to find the intelligent Nargacuga but now is not the time! We have people dying and we need to find out why as soon as possible!"

Kelly "I'm sorry chief."

Kelly knew the chief was right, the pandemic wasn't cured and they finally have a lead. They can't investigate Damian and the Nargacuga at the same time. Knowing that, she refocused on what she had to do. However, time was running out. Deep within the forest Damian and his guards were heading towards an unknown location. The green of the forest faded and gnarled black trees took over the scenary. A forest was eerily silent, there was nothing but death and the howl of the wind. They came to a halt as a plume of back dust settled infront of them.

Damian "Master, the monsters have escaped but I still have a plan."

The sky turned black choking out the light of the sun.The plume slowly disintegrated and revealed the horrifying figure within. An alien creature covered in slick black scales with grotesque horns protruding where its eyes should be. A purple glow pulsed through its body as its wings unfurled. Tipped with prehensile claws the six legged monstrocity opened its maw as it faced Damian.

Damian "I can still be of use to you! While I dont have all the specimens I still have the Zinorgre, my team can recapture the monters!"

The monstrocity backed of and Damian began "Thank you master , I assure-". Before he could even finish his sentance his world turned upsidedown, "huh?"

With Damian's head on the ground the rest of the group tried running away but it was no use. One by one they dropped like flies. The Zinogre at least put up a fight tearing off one of the wings but it to was done in.


Letting out a warbled cry of victory and agony, the monster dug into its meal.

I know this isn't cannon but I wanted to put my own spin on Magala. I couldn't flush out the entire idea but what happened was Damian was being controlled/influenced by the Gore Magala. For reasons I will explain later on the Magala needed infected monsters so it used Damian to do so. I'm writting Magala as a "Freak of Nature", meaning shouldn't even exist and normal logic doesn't apply to it. It is extremely intellegent and capable of understanding human speech. There might be some plot holes so point them out if you find em and I'll do my best to fix them.

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