
Monster Hunter:Becoming the Hunted

Tyler Vulcan was on his way to the New World on 4th's fleet ship making way following a Kushala Daora. Yet before they even reached shore peril fell upon the crew when a new monster appeared covered in large spiked engaged Kushala Daora. The aftermath had left many hunters and handlers. Tyler among the many that took up arms to defend the ship was left critically injured. As the bleed from massive spike in his stomach his conscious and slowly begun to fade.

Randomystic · Video Games
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The end of one journey

"Hey Tyler!"

Tyler "What do you want Henry?" 'As soon as he started talking to me I could feel a headache approaching. He's my best friends but he needs to stop talking about girls so much.'

Henry "Dude have you met your handler yet? I just met mine and he is so mean. No matter how much I try to get him to talk to me he just kept ignoring me. I wish I was lucky like some of the other guys and gotten a cute handler to woo my heart."

Tyler"Maybe he was ignoring you because he wanted to be left alone and you wouldn't shut up"

Henry "Aww c'mon. Dont be like that man. You know people love me Hahahaha."

'Hahhh as annoying as he is. He always had my back. He would be the perfect hunting partner if only he could stop talking about women so much.'

Henry "So anyways what are you gonna do when we finally figure out why the elder crossing is happening?"

Tyler "I think I'll retire after all the payment the Commission is handing out should be enough for me to settle down and live the rest of my life in peace."

Henry "What?! You don't plan on you know finding a wife and having some kids? Or even trying to increase your hunter rank? It's only been five years since we left our village after passing the the chiefs rite of passage."

Tyler "Not really, even if passed the test I only became a hunter because I needed to make some money and maybe perhaps travel the world completing various quests. But over these past few years I realized I don't have the strength to travel the world and fight the powerful monster I'll undoubtedly encounter."

The very first month after registering with the Hunters Guild I ventured into the Verdant Planes with Henry and we encountered the rare Astalos. An extremely aggressive flying wyvern. We escaped as we ran as soon as we saw it, but also saw us. We barely escaped with our lives. Henry has a massive scar on his back where the talons of the Astalos shredded his flesh. I lost sight in my right eye after I was struck by an electrical blast, I also lost feeling in certain areas of my body. The only reason I could continue hunting was due to the fact I used a Heavy Bowgun and I could rely on the sites with my good eye and that I needed to hunt because of the massive debt I accrued after the guild fined us for leading the Astalos into a civilian area.

Henry "Don't be so pessimistic. If you try you can surely climb to the top. Not that I will let you claim number one. Because that'll be me! Hahahahaha!"

Tyler "Sometimes you should be quiet you know wome-



Tyler " What the hell?!" The boat felt like is was thrown like a bean bag! What is going on out there?!

-Every one to your stations! monster attack! Defend the boats and repel the monster!-

Henry "You heard the captain lets go!"

Grabbing my bowgun I scrambled to get up to deck. It felt like we were trying to walk during an earthquake. When we finally got out we saw the absolute horror of two dragons fighting on our deck. One was Kushala Daora whom we were following to reach the New World because it was ironicaly the safest option to follow the Elder Dragon instead of aimlessly sailing the seas in hopes of touching the shores of the new world. It was currently fighting another dragon that was covered in spikes with two large horns the size of two hunters reminiscent of those on bulls. The spiked dragon was extremely aggressive giving Kushala no room to fight back.

As I fired my bowgun to assist my fellow hunter trying to subdue the spiked dragon most of our attacks bounced of it's ebony black spikes. As normal bullets didn't work I loaded in explosive ammo to try and stagger the monster. Getting a direct hit in the head I was hoping to at least deal some damage to it. Yet contrary to my expectations a spike flew from the dust hitting be square above my belly button.

'Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! It hurts!' Pinned to the wall having my feet dangle helplessly below me.

Tyler "Agggghhhh!"

Henry "Tyler!"

'It burns. It feels like I'm gonna pass out.'

Henry "Tyler hang in there! Someone bring me a high potion! Tyler c'mon man you gotta stay awake. You cant die! Even though you're an ass sometimes you cant die on me. What about our adventure in the New World?! Henry don't close your eyes, don't..."

Blood flowed from the gaping hole in my torso. I couldn't even hear what Henry was saying anymore. My limbs became heavy and my heart felt cold. 'I wanna go to sleep'.

Hey this is my first novel I'm not a professional writer so expect a few mistakes I am writing this during my freetime and I still have to go to work so dont expect consistant up loads. Hope you enjoy.

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