
Monster Girl Quest: Monsters and Wiskers

A lost soul in the balence between the stasis and the spacel shift of reality, something calls out to the little soul to offer a new porpose an invitation to a world that is bizarre and erotic and such it had been given something that'll drasticaly effect it's life.

Kortez · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

A Very Entitled Snake Woman

We gaze before the stranger laying unconcious in sudden crater before us her apearance was something out of somone's mythology her upper body was lavender purple covered in markings and tattoos especially that specific red eye marking on forehead, her silver hair glistens in the sun like uncovered gems in the fitful light, her attire seemed... unusual to say the least as her lower half was even stranger as instead of legs it was an entire tail of a snake full scales and all.

"Her lower half has snake's tail and even her skin... there's no way she can be human." Luka said doubtfully questioning.

Another monster... It was strange, getting closer I felt a haze within her it was dense like mud and her scent was strong, whatever it she was something told in my gut that she wasn't somebody to be messed with.
"Uhm... Ms. Monster? Are you dead?" He calls out to the unconscious monster.

"You sure you should be waking her right now?" I say warily to Luka.
"Well yea, I have check if she is okay.."

"We don't know if she's hostile to us, and not to mention she seems very... intense we should leave." I say still feel the dense aura around the unconscious monster
"We can't just leave her!" Luka protested. "If she still alive, if I don't help her... And of course, like I said, I don't hate monsters. Rather-"

"But even still we don't know her and she doesn't know us this is very risky" say reason to him off trying to convince him.

"I want world where man in monster can coexist, that is my goal. So even though she's a Monster. I don't want to just leave her." He takes one worried gaze at the ubconscious monster and sighs in anxious commitment.

"If I just left her here, there's no way I could be a true he-GAH! Ah!" He painfully yelled out as he was ensnared and raised by snake's tightening coil.

"Luka!" I yelled in alarm.
Her face was hardened eyes piercing through.

"Where. Am. I?"

She says threateningly an aura peered over me it was like a heavy caoting of dense essence. It was suffocating it felt like I was being smothered as my heart dropped like it had turned to stone.
Her grip on Luka tightened as she forced him to meet her gaze.


Fear was embeded in Luka's eyes as he met face to face that may well be his certain demise.

"Don't lie to me, I'll know if you are."
Luka was strucked with a gaze that meant death and with that Luka spoke up.

"T-this is I-Ilias Village in the outskirts of the forest! He yelped as her grip tightened around him.

"We found you like this as-Ah!"

"We? What do you mean we?" She interrogated further.

"Stop! Please!" I intervene nervously I can feel my stature crumbled as she gazed upon me her.

"You are friends with this human?"
She questioned me.
Despite her intimidating figure I proceeded.

"Y-yes, I-I was traveling with alongside him we were walking along the road when heard a loud explosion we came by and saw you laying there on the ground we didn't know what to do until you well awoken." I explained to her.

"Hmm, is that so?" Her harden gazes ceases to into ponderment. "To think she launch me this far." Her aggressive seem to die down a bit I can feel myself holding together.

"So, can you release him?" I ask.
"Hmm? Oh." With realization she releases my friend out her coils which he promptly falls flat as he grasp his aching body.

"Ooooooh" He groans in pure discomfort as his body reinflate with oxygen. Recovering his limited oxygen he is reminded of his limimited time.

"Oh crap, my bathtism I don't got time for this."

"Bathtism? Ahh, I understand your situation now. Today is Ilias's birthday, so you're trying to receive your baptism, wouldn't that make a hero?" She said with uncanny tone.

"O-of course I'm onle a hero apprentice so I'll become a full fledge hero..."

" Your traveling with a monster despite being a hero apprentice, is that why you didn't try to kill me when I was unconscious?"

"Wha? Why would I kill you?" He said in pure shock and bewilderment.
"A golden opportunity for someone aiming to be a hero... Killing a monster like me."
"I didn't know if you were good or bad... There's no way I could just kill you like that." He reasoned.

"Ho...you don't see all monsters as an enemy?" He questioned him with curiousness.

"Certainly there are people who do..." he said as I held him steady.

"But you want to become a hero. Someone who doesn't treat all monsters does enemies why would you become a hero, whose goal is to kill the Monster Lord?"

I didn't know what to make out of this conversation but.

"Is it for fame? Ambition? Or-"
"He doesn't want to be that type of hero. He doesn't even hate monsters or the Monster Lord as you can tell." I interjected.
"Yea, I just want her to stop from doing evil things."

An awkward long pause insues she looks at him with sarcastic disbelif stained within her eyes and face.

"What?" She said

"I don't want to kill monsters or even the Monster Lord. I want a world where a man, a monster can coexist peacefully!" He said idly
"Well, you're an idiot." She said to him bluntly.
"Ouch." I said to myself blud did not hold back her inner personality.

"Believing in an imature view of world peace, with everyone in harmony peacefully with no issue, what is that but idiotic?"

"Well, it's better than not to have idleology at all."
I said back.

" *Sigh* children these days don't know the world they are living in." Like disappointed parent talking down to a kid."


"I understand your ideals, but this isn't some fairyland where everyone could be friends and hold hands and live happily ever after. The world is not all rainbows and butterflies.
Luka was stunted in the one-sided argument, Luka tried to protest, but it was proven futile to try to reason.

"B-but I don't want to harm anyone, I just want to coexist peacefully with monsters and hum-" he gets interrupted by the snake lady she not letting speak his own.

"But I understand you all still have a mind of children. Just innocent children that are too ignorant of world around them. So just go.. little kins~."

Luka looked at with anger clearly not taking of being treated like a child.

"Wha...What do you know?!"

"Ey, Lets go we already checked if she was okay and she seems to be fine and clearly kicking lets just leave on our way and get to your bathtism." I said to distract him away from her.

"Yeah, we should go, let's leave." Luka agrees as we make our way out of the forest, I notice the tension in the air has dissipated. The monster girl is nowhere to be seen, and I wonder if she's gone or if somewhere nearby. Either way, you're grateful for the respite from the drama.

"Man that was something we didn't expect. Just what was wrong with her?" He asks me.

"I have no idea, but I'm glad she's alright even if she wasn't. We should probably get going now if we want to make it to Ilias's birthday party on time."

Luka nods in agreement and start walking back towards the village. As you walk, you notice the sun slowly rising in the sky, casting a warm glow over everything around us.

"That monster though, she seemed very strong." I say to him.

Luka agreeing with me says "Yeah, it was a bit surprising. But I'm glad she's okay now."
We both continue walking in silence for a while, the peacefulness of the forest surrounding you.

As I walk, I notice a village in the distance.
"Alright it seems your village is nearby I might need to stay behined for this." I said I said lowly.

"Eh, why say that?" Luka questioned.
"Its the people here. I dont think people like you would accept me, especcially since I was able to spook you when you first met me not too long ago. I can't imagine the havoc of a whole village being scared of my exiestence." I explain.

"Oh, uhm yea that may be an issue."
Suddenly a lightbulb appeard on Luka's head giving him an idea before he reached into his pocket before grabing out piece of cloth. Suddenly a lightbulb appeard on Luka's head giving him an idea before he reached into his backpack.

"Here this should keep you hidden."
He wraps a hood on to my head covering my ears.

"Okay tuck in the tail here and.. done!" he said triumphly.

"You sure this would work?"

"Well knowing that this village is always being visited by people that have this. I'm pretty sure." he said with reinsurance.
I feel a bit nervous, but I don't want to cause any trouble. Iwalk in the village seeing people here happy and welcoming.

"Wow it works like a charm! Thanks Luka!" I said delighted.

"T-thats great! Come on we don't have time to waste."

We both make your way through the village, greeting the locals and enjoying the festivities. As we sprint to the temple so Luka can obtain his holy bathtism from Goddess Ilias.

As we sprint to the temple so Luka can obtain his holy bathtism from Goddess Ilias. As we make way through temple exghausted from the all the running we may even looked like zombies gasping to devour somone's flesh.
Anyway as we were walking up the steps a priest stopped us.

As we make way through the temple exghausted from the all the running we may even looked like zombies gasping to devour somone's flesh. Anyway as we were walking up the steps a priest stopped us.

"Excuse me, gentlemen. You both look tired and worn out. Are you here to seek Ilias's blessing?" Priest questioned us.

"Yes, we are. We have a task to complete, and we need her blessing to complete it." He answered back.

"I'm afraid Ilias isn't here. She won't be able to celebrate your coming of age or your bathtism." He said sadly enough.
This left Luka shocked and me disappointed that didn't get to see this Goddess Ilias myself.

This left Luka shocked and me disappointed that didn't get to see this Goddess Ilias myself.

With hopes smolderd we walked exghausted as I try to comfort him. With hopes smolderd we walked exghausted as I try to comfort him.

"I know it must really hurt to miss the chance to be bathtized by your idle but you shoudn't be so glum about it. You can still be a hero whether with or without the blessing."
Luka looked at me with a face of dried wariness.

"Maybe, but even so how would I even compare to the others? How can say I'm a hero without being acknowledged as one?" He said questioninoning on my suggestion. I gave half effort smile as I silently wheezed from the sprinting.

"Luka I don't know what a hero is like but I do know what a good person is and good person is defined by their actions and motives and you seemed to be one of them as you seem caring yourself for others."

Luka seemed to get my advice finally brighting up his spirits.

"You're right. I shouldn't let something like this get to me. We still have a task to complete, we should focus on that."

"Yea we should, lets go!"

With newfound motivation we ran up to Luka's house but it appears that we wearn't the only ones first because a familer sight meets our gazes.

My First and most proud

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