
Monster Girl Index

Multiple Monster Girls, Multiple Habitats to explore, Multiple relationships to have, Multiple Types and Families of Monsters! Fill in your Monster Girl Index in this brand new adventure! "What is this game..? Doesn't this game have bad reviews because of it being some cheesy cash grab of a VR Game?" An unsuspecting man by the name of Griffin buys this new erotic Monster Collector game called Monster Girl Index to see why the game has such bad reviews. What he doesn't know is once he starts the game...his life is going to change forever...

WonderSuru · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Game Start

I walked around the pawn shop and looked around for a new game to play. As I looked around, one game caught my eye. I looked at the cover of the game and rose an eyebrow.

"What is this game..? Doesn't this game have bad reviews because of it being some cheesy cash grab of a VR Game?" I asked and picked it up.

Monster Girl Index...It is a strange game racking up only 2 stars in reviews. Two stars. Most of the reviews says the game sucks, but I'm a sucker for poorly reviewed games because I believe most poorly reviewed games are hidden gems.

"Erm...are you sure you want to buy this game, Griffin? I understand you want to review this game, but I've heard that the game just sucks." The store clerk said as I put the game on the counter.

"I'm sure. I have to see why this game is so poorly rated. Only two stars pretty wild. Surely the game can't be that bad." I said.

"I tried to warn you man. You're gonna be very disappointed when you see this game is merely a cash grab because of that straight but nearly naked chick on the cover. Literally a cheap dating sim.." The clerk said as he scanned the game.

I shrugged and smiled. "At this point, what do I have to lose? I've played mostly every terrible game and 100% completed them. I got nothing but time."

The store clerk sighed softly and smiled at me. "Don't come back five minutes later when you realize this game sucks man."

"Yeah whatever man." I chuckled and grabbed my game then walked off.

I walked to my car and got in then looked at the game cover once more. The art direction was really something. It looks like a game you'd see on Steam being sold for half a million dollars and idiots like me would still pay for them. I gave it no thought and just set the game down and drove back home.


I made it home and walked into my house, ready to waste my life away playing this new game. I walked upstairs to my room and sat in my chair at my desk. I unboxed the game then scanned the disk. I put it in my PC and booted it up, putting in my VR Headset after getting everything ready.

"Monster Girl Index... How bad can it really be..?" I chuckled to my self and pressed the start button.



'Why is everything dark..?'

[Welcome! We will now begin the character creation process!]

[What is your name?]

'My name..? Hm... I guess we should just go with it..'

I input my name into the System.

[Are you sure your name is Griffin?]

I pressed yes and got along with the process. I noticed an avatar in front of me that looked exactly like me. I grunted when I noticed that it WAS me. I was INSIDE the game and this wasn't me being crazed about the VR Experience...I was actually inside the game!

"Wait hold on—"

[Beginning your journey! Good luck down there...Griffin~ Gotta Smash Em All~]

I noticed a portal opening beneath me and I gave a dull smile. 'What the fuck..?'

I yelled as I fell through the portal. I began to fall from the sky and yelled in terror. I flapped my arms, thinking that was going to do anything to help me fall slower. I neared the ground and crashed. I coughed and sat up then groaned as my phone hit my head.

I looked up and glared. "Yeah and SCREW YOU TOO!"

I stood up and looked at my phone then noticed an icon plastered on the middle of my phone. I pressed it and noticed my User Interface appearing in front of me. I looked around and noticed nothing was around me so I took time to fool around with the menu. I first checked my Status.

[Name: Griffin]

[Type: Human]

[Level: 1]

[Essence: 30]

[Thrust Strength: 10]

[Pound Strength: 10]

[Smash Strength: 10]

[Stamina: 10]

[Dominance: 10]

[Finishing: 10]

"Man what the hell are these stats? Wait—" I said and blinked.

Essence, Thrusting Strength, Pounding Strength, Smashing Strength, Finishing...these stats aren't necessarily for fighting. These stats were for sex!

[Location: Essence Grasslands]

"Okay...I am in...the beginner area. This game...is weird as fuck. I knew I should've listened to him.." I sighed.

"Wow~ A Human!~" A voice said behind me.

I turned around quickly and noticed a blue slime girl. She was rather beautiful in spite of everything about her anatomy. She have a very plump figure and didn't wear any clothes but none of her more private features were present.

My phone beeped and scanned the woman.

[Name: Dottie]

[Type: Slime]

[Index: #001]

[Bond: 0%]

[Favorite Areas: Grasslands, Prairies, Caves]

[Nature: Simple, Submissive]

[Favorite Food/Drink: Fluids/Essence of Man, Water]

[Position: Missionary]

'Okay yeah that surely confirms it...'

"A male human..~ It's been a long time since I've seen one..." Dottie said and moved around me, inspecting me.

I watched her and cleared my throat. "Your name is Dottie...and you're a Slime..?"

"Mhm!~ What is your name human?~" Dottie asked and tilted her head, looking at me.

"My name is Griffin...and what do you mean it's been a while since you've seen a male human? Are there no males in this world?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"Well...I just haven't been in the human settlements since most humans would rather slay me than to save me, but that's quite alright!~ I always come back when I die so it's like nothing ever happened!~" Dottie said and smiled at me.

'This world is strange...'

[???: I'm sure you're ready for your tutorial correct?]

I looked around to see who said that then looked at my phone. "What? You can talk? What the hell is going on right now?!"

[???: Firstly allow me to introduce myself. My name is Index. I am your trusty guide for this world we call Geo. Basically Earth.]

"Okay Index...Tell me what the fuck is going on or else I'll smash you!" I demanded.

[Index: My~ Smashing me already?~ We barely even know each othe—]

I slammed my phone on the ground then another landed on the top of my head. I grunted and caught the new phone.

[Index: You can't get rid of me..~]

I sighed and shrugged. 'It was worth the shot I guess...I am really trapped here. At least this world isn't full of...just straight up monsters who want to kill me. Not yet anyway..'

[Index: Anyway. I dragged you in this game because I just want to be amused by a human trying to test his luck against this fun little game. I needed the right human though..]

"So you have no alternative motives? No save the world? No ultra mega boss trying to kill me? Not even a tutorial fight?" I asked.

[Index: Mmm...not really. I mean yeah there are conflicts in this world but it's usually settled anyway. This game is literally probably a peaceful game until you get into some of the more dangerous areas.]

Dottie stared at my phone and tilted her head as she listened to our conversation. "What's this thing and why are you talking to it like it's a person?"

[Index: Wow. I am a sentient being, you stupid gooey blue thing!]

I looked at Dottie and noticed her curiosity then smiled. "It's a phone. Us humans use this technology for communication and entertainment."

Dottie nodded and held her hands out. "Can I hold it?"

I shrugged and placed my phone in her hands. I watched as Dottie began pressing random icons on the phone to see how it worked. I smiled at her and watched her. It was rather cute to me to see her play around on my phone.

"So what do you normally do? Are you just randomly out here in your spare time?" I asked.

"I'm trying to look for a Master. That way I don't have to fear being killed anymore!" Dottie said and handed my phone back.

[Index: Ew...now I'm all sticky. Yuck. Anyway, what Dottie said is very very valid. This is another reason I brought you here. To become these women's Master. It's so easy to become their Master, just ask.]

'No wonder this game sucks ass... IT'S TOO DAMN EASY!'

"Bro...if this is all it takes, I feel like I'm wasting my damn time!" I said to Index.

[Index: Just do it!]

I sighed and noticed Dottie staring at me with a smile. I rubbed the back of my head and looked at Dottie. "So uhm, Dottie... Would you mind if I become your Master?"

"Not at all!~" Dottie said and smiled.

[Dottie has become your companion!]

'Wow I worked so hard for this one people.'

[Index: It is literally just that easy. Now let's get you to your official home and out of this location!]

[Location: Human Settlement - Duskfall]

Dottie and I arrived in Duskfall and looked around. Dottie looked around in awe and watched the cars drive past us. The city was very advanced and quite colorful.

"Wow!~ I've never seen anything like this! The most I've seen were villages! What is this?!" Dottie asked and gasped when she noticed an ice cream stand then hurried over to it.

I grunted as Dottie ran off. I hurried after her and looked at my Money.

[Money: You're Broke]

"Wow thanks." I said in a defeated manner.

"Griffin! I want one!" Dottie said as she watched a child get an ice cream cone with his parent.

'I am flat out broke though...is this how I lose Dottie on Day 1..? Not being able to get her a fucking ice cream cone?'

I noticed a notification appear in front of me.

[Cheat System Activated!]

[Ability Learned: Deus Ex]

[Index: Fiiiine, I can't just Isekai you into this reality without giving you the classic OP ability.]

"Damn you gave me Plot Armor. I'm crying." I said and noticed a dollar on the ground.


[Index: Hey I never said it would be conveniently OP. I just said an OP ability. Do as you will with Deus Ex~ Maybe you'll get some high roll luck.]

I picked up the dollar and sighed. I walked over to Dottie then we went over to the truck. Dottie was excited to try this frozen delicacy. She could barely contain her excitement.

"One ice cream cone please, any flavor." I said.

Dottie and I looked surprised when we noticed confetti shoot out the truck. Dottie quickly hid behind me and held onto me.

"Congratulations! You are our millionth customer! As your prize, free ice cream for LIFE!" The man said and smiled at us.

[Index: Thank me later~]

The first day being here...it wasn't all too bad in all honesty. It was just a little weird having to grow accustomed to this unusual transition. All I knew though was that I needed a drink.