

/*\ ??? POV /*\

Step one,

Find a food source.


Step two,

Clear area of any entities.


The parasite still had to eliminate any possible threats. It had its host, but they would offer little protection for long.

Evaluating the options, it decided that staying hidden until it needed more nutrients. It had already practically burrowed its way inside the brain of the host. Technically, its host was still alive. More so forced to enter a long state of paralysis, unable to move or do anything physical. The parasite had grown long appendages to grip and control the infested body like a puppet, stretching across the body to each toe and finger.

It wouldn't need to consume anything for a while. For now, its main goal was to wait and grow. It was still cleaning out the body of anything it found to be useless. After doing its fair share of studying, using the brain as a source of information, it found something called 'the appendix' to be practically useless. It had carefully detached and stored the organ in a small sack near the back of its newly-grown neck, which was called a crop. Once it was hungry, it would use that to sustain itself.

Aside from the 'house-cleaning', it had begun working on defensive and offensive appendages. A way to dismember prey would be needed for further progress. During the 'construction' process, it had begun to slowly adapt and use the thoughts and personality of the brain to be as accurate as possible in its 'cosplay'. Thus, giving it the ability to think to itself.

/*\ 35 Minutes Earlier /*\

It's long antennae guided it along the cold metal of the vent. It was following an alluring scent, a delicious meal. It reached a dead end and looked up to hear a slight noise filter through some sort of opening. Using its short, but muscular body, it sprang itself up to the grate of the vent.

The scent is closer. It's unbearably attractive.

It wants it, it NEEDS it.

It will have it.

It couldn't see, but it could hear. The heartbeat of its victim, the breathing of their mouth…

Their eyes blinking.

It was extremely hard to pinpoint the location of its victim, because of the loud whirring and buzzing of machinery. But, not impossible.

The breathing got louder as it moved across the smooth floor, staying as low to the ground as possible. It was close, too close. It stopped before a tall item, using its 2 antennae to feel the thing. It could taste the sweat through the appendages.

It had found its host.

/*\ Green's POV /*\

To him, it was painfully obvious Orange had released the specimen. It might just be a natural ability, but he can read the feelings of others pretty easily. While sitting at the meeting table, Orange kept turning, avoiding eye contact, and playing with his fingers.

In a way, he thought it was kinda cute. How anxious, and scared Orange can look.

He didn't know that somebody could move that much while sitting down for only 5 minutes.

Green wasn't mad though. Chances are, they would find this thing before it got to anybody. I mean, where could it hide? It's not like it could escape the Skeld without suffocating.

Shortly after the meeting was dismissed, people stuck closely together. He walked over to where Orange was stationed and gave him a small wave to grab his attention.

A plan had formed itself in his mind.

"Oh, hey green! Do you need anything?" Orange said, partially avoiding eye contact. Green couldn't really tell with the helmets. "Just wondering if you knew who released the alien thingy. I'm sure they must be feeling really guilty right about now…" Green said, staring right at Orange's facial area. Just as Green expected, Orange slowly slumped over and held his head. He began shifting in his seat and messing with his fingers. "Heh, well, see you around!" Green waved, before walking off. Orange didn't respond.

/*\ ??? POV /*\

It was settled.

It was ready.

And, it was excited.